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After Silence

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bandwidth exceeded? [Jan. 31st, 2008|08:41 pm]
After Silence


Just wondering if its the same problem as nicole wrote about before? 
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Bandwith Exceeded [Sep. 28th, 2007|08:56 am]
After Silence

I am sure I am not the only one getting this message at AS?
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FRAGILE: Mental Disorders LJ Community [Aug. 21st, 2007|11:27 am]
After Silence

Since I know so many who struggle with mental illness I am going to plug Penny's NEW site here on my LJ, and of course everywhere else tonight ;) If you have a mental illness please join and find comfort and support with others. It's very new so there are only a few members but hopefully the community will bloom with many supportive and inspiring members. Everyone no matter who they are, no matter what diagnoses, deserves an equal opportunity to speak out and be heard regarding mental illness. Even now there is hope.

[fragile] shadows & reflections: 
a safe haven for those struggling with mental illness

(click on the button below to visit the new LJ community)

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RAINN Blogathon 2007 [Apr. 8th, 2007|04:00 pm]
After Silence
this is news from a fellow survivor...........

Blogathon Blog:

Blogathon: July 28, 2007
Starting from 8:00 AM CST to 8:00 AM CST on July 29, 2007
I will Blog for 24 Straight Hours Posting once every 30 minutes.
To Raise Money for RAINN

RAINN: The Rape, Abuse, and Incest, National, Network.
RAINN helps to operate over 1,000 Rape treatment hotlines. Including the national hotline 1-800-656-HOPE!
RAINN helps to educate local law enforcement and media about rape prevention, and recovery.
RAINN also reaches out to community organizations and the entertainment industry about sexual assault.
RAINN coordinates with over 600 Rape Crisis Centers across America.

RAINN offers this staggering report on Punishing Rapists.

All the Money I receive from Blogging will go to RAINN, to help them run more hotlines, and help more clinics! Please, if you have just a Dollar to Spare. Donate!

I will collect 48 stories from 48 Survivors, including myself. And I will post one story every half an hour.

I hope to let you glimpse the life of a survivor. To show the truth through the eyes of the victim.
To show how much RAINN is needed.

So far I have 2/48 Stories.
If you come across this and want to share your story.

You can email me at [email protected]
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Moving Now [Feb. 28th, 2007|10:59 am]
After Silence

Sorry for the short notice guys, but I just talked on the phone with our new host and they will perform the move right now. Moving today will save us time and will avoid the need to close the board for 48 hours.

During the next 2 days, you may randomly access the board on the old or new server but all information are saved in our database so no posts will be lost!

Again, I'm sorry for the short notice! We should be moved shortly :)
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Server Overloaded??? [Feb. 26th, 2007|10:51 pm]
After Silence

*cries* is telling me this:

"Service Temporarily Unavailable

Seeing this message usually means the server is currently overloaded. Please try to reload the webpage in a few seconds.

If the problem persists or you would like to know more about this error message, please contact our support team."


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Looking for MAY 2007 Submissions [Feb. 15th, 2007|01:26 am]
After Silence

Hello Survivor Friends,

The Survivor Digest is currently looking for MAY 2007 submissions for our next zine for survivors of rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence. If you would like to get involved now is a wonderful opportunity for you to spread your wings and fly.

Every single person here has the potential to speak out, whether you're telling your story, writing a short story, painting, drawing, writing lyrics and poetry or inspireing others with a single make the difference and together we can truly break the silence, one VOICE at a time.


What is The Survivor Digest?

The Survivor Digest is a quarterly Zine (magazine) that was released in August of 2006 which includes columns, stories, poetry, creative writing, original artwork, campaigns and resources for survivors by survivors and whatever else we can come up with to help make an impact in the lives of survivors and supporters worldwide.

Participants interested are able to send in their materials via e-mail to the digest for consideration in an upcoming issue. A new digest will be released every 3 months for sale online via the 'Voices of Strength' web site and the next edition will be released May 15, 2007 so now is a great time to get out your pens, start typing, pull out your paint brushes and do something important for the worldwide community. Empowerment = Passion on the road to recovery...

For Additional Information Please go to:

What is a Zine?

"Zines are publications done for the love of doing them, not to make a profit or a living. Most zines are photocopied. Some are printed offset like a magazine, but with a print run of hundreds or possibly thousands instead of hundreds of thousands or more. In a zine, you might find typos, misspelled words, improper grammar, and brilliant or radical or just plain honest ideas that simply aren't allowed in Time, Newsweek, or People Magazine. Zines are different from e-zines, which are "zines" published on the Internet (via personal web pages or email lists). -Underground Press

What kind of material can I submit?

Any of the following items are up for consideration in the up and coming survivor digests, however we are FULL ON LONG LINED POETRY so please do not send poetry for the May edition unless it's about 10 lineslong.

*** Columns/Articles, Artwork, Poetry, Creative Writing, Survivor Stories, Campaigns, Photography, Resources, Inspirational Stories, Quotes, Graphic Art, Foundation Information, Organization News, Awareness Information, Letters to VOS.

How do I submit my Material?

Please send all materials to me, Haullie Free with the below information included. If you are sending picture attachments please make sure they are clear and un-sized so that they are big enough to re-size. If you are sending file attachments please make sure they are not already formatted and do not press the "enter" button when you type a story to move down a line cause that takes a lot of editing.

Send your...

Name (the name you wish to go by in the digest)
E-Mail Address (tell us if you want it published)
Material (as listed above)

to the following e-mail:

[email protected]

Thank you to everyone who decides to be a part of these projects with me, I read every story, every poem and every article and I am constantly reminded of how much strength resides in the hearts of each and every one of us day by day. You are truly all phenominal heros.

Love, Haullie

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The Survivor Digest - Issue 03 [Feb. 14th, 2007|10:54 pm]
After Silence
The fabulous new edition of 'The Survivor Digest' is featuring TORI AMOS in the this edition on the cover with many inside articles and artwork featuring the piano goddess.

Tori Amos, a Survivor of rape has been a white light and a healing guide for other Survivors worldwide through the power of her music that has inspired millions of followers since the release of her début album 'Little Earthquakes' back in 1991.

Here is a synopsis of the new Tori Amos edition Zine for February 15th 2007

The zine is a Tori Amos featured edition and has many articles, columns, artwork and stories such as Meeting Tori Amos, Letters from Tori, Tori Artwork, The Skin's Voice (Self Injury Information), Paulina's Little Muse - Tori Amos inspired artwork, Little Universe Within, Tori Amos art by Laurie Paris and Stefanie H., Body Image Perceptions, Tips for improving your body image, Uncovering Lost Memories, Sexual Exposure as a Child, Book review by Lynn Tolson, Survivor stories, Tori's open letters to Survivors courtesy of RAINN, Tori Autograph, poetry and more.

$12.00 Worldwide
(Proceeds benefit SOAR/Speaking Out About Rape)



Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
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The Survivor Digest - February 2007 Edition - Needs Submissions [Dec. 18th, 2006|01:26 pm]
After Silence
The Survivor Digest Zine is looking for new February submissions!

(NOTE: We have recieved so much poetry these past couple of months that we are not currently looking for any poetry submissions until after February)

What is The Survivor Digest?

The Survivor Digest is a quarterly Zine (magazine) for survivors of rape, sexual abuse & domestic violence as well as for inspirational stories regarding other survivor-related topics which includes columns, stories, poetry, creative writing, original artwork, campaigns and resources for survivors by survivors. Participants interested are able to send in their materials via e-mail to the digest for consideration in an upcoming issue. A new digest will be released every 3 months for sale online via the 'Voices of Strength' web site.

Our newest edition will be released FEBRUARY 15TH, 2007
Deadline for submitting material - January 31st, 2007

(here's a cover from the last edition)

IPB Image

What kind of material can I submit?

Any of the following items are up for consideration in the up and coming survivor digests.

Columns/Articles, Artwork, Poetry, Creative Writing, Survivor Stories, Campaigns, Photography, Resources, Inspirational Stories, Quotes, Graphic Art, Foundation Information, Organization News, Awareness Information, Letters to VOS.

How do I submit my Material?

Please send all materials to Haullie Free with the below information included. If you are sending picture attachments please make sure they are clear and un-sized so that they are big enough to re-size. If you are sending file attachments please make sure they are not already formatted.

Send your...

Name (the name you wish to go by in the digest)
E-Mail Address
Material (as listed above)

to the following e-mail:

[email protected]
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I don't believe this [Dec. 12th, 2006|03:27 pm]
After Silence

I honestly do not know what to say... I have never been so stressed over AS before. We finally fixed everything that needed to be fixed, including the chat... and our host informed me that they are performing some "some vital upgrades" to their company and we may experience downtime. This is what I replied:


Thank you for letting me know.... although I must say this couldn't be happening at a worse time. We had problems for days and when the forum is finally running smoothly again, members see it gone once again.

Will this be fixed in the next few minutes or hours? We would have appreciated being notified that this was going to happen so to have the time to let members know about it and give them an optional url to visit in the meantime.

Please kindly let me know if anything can be done to speed up the process.

Thank you,

What I was really thinking was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME????"

I don't know what to say, honestly. This has nothing to do with our website or forum and is totally out of our hands. I spent all yesterday night up and this morning trying to fix everything, and when I'm finally done... they start upgrading shit.

I'm sorry, that's all I can do/say... I apologize.
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