Hierdie tema was vir die laaste 2 jaar nie opgedateer nie. Dit word nie meer onderhou of ondersteun nie en kan versoenbaarheidskwessies hê wanneer dit gebruik word met meer onlangse weergawes van WordPress.

Hued Theme is a responsive WordPress theme loaded with customization options. Features include layouts options, ability to customize color scheme, custom fonts, custom background, beautiful author info block, social media links and much more… Change sidebar location to left, right, or hide it completely. It is beautifully designed to showcase all your blog posts and memories.
Swart, Blou, Bruin, Custom background, Custom colors, Custom menu, Donker, Featured image header, Featured images, Vloeibare uitleg, Full width template, Grys, Groen, Left sidebar, Lig, One column, Oranje, Pienk, Post formats, Pers, Rooi, Responsive uitleg, Right sidebar, Silver, Sticky post, Tan, Theme options, Threaded comments, Translation ready, Wit, Geel
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US).