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Hierdie tema was vir die laaste 2 jaar nie opgedateer nie. Dit word nie meer onderhou of ondersteun nie en kan versoenbaarheidskwessies hê wanneer dit gebruik word met meer onlangse weergawes van WordPress.

  • Weergawe 1.1.0
  • Last updated September 5, 2020
  • Active installations 70+
  • WordPress version 5.0
  • PHP version 7.0

Fetch is a WordPress business theme. It is focused on building websites in the Transport, Transportation, Logistic company niches. It can be used for any kind of Transport or manufacturing type business. However, due to its flexibility and easiness it can be used to create any types of sites. It is an attractive, modern, easy to use and responsive WordPress theme with colorful design and stunning flexibility.

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Aktiewe Installasies: 70+


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