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Hierdie tema was vir die laaste 2 jaar nie opgedateer nie. Dit word nie meer onderhou of ondersteun nie en kan versoenbaarheidskwessies hê wanneer dit gebruik word met meer onlangse weergawes van WordPress.

  • Weergawe 1.0.5
  • Last updated Junie 14, 2019
  • Active installations 80+
  • WordPress version 5.0
  • PHP version 7.2.12

Doody is a minimalistic theme based in “_s” (by Automattic, the main people behind WordPress development) and Twitter Bootstrap (the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web).This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL. Other features – Currently using Bootstrap v4.3.1, it has customizable color adjustments with beautiful color schemes by default, uses a harmonious fluid grid system prepared for mobile, you are allowed to remove the link at the footer and it have an impeccable care in every detail. Doody will make your WordPress look beautiful and simple in any situation.

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Aktiewe Installasies: 80+


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