Flamix: Bitrix24 and Elementor Forms integration Deur Roman Shkabko Laai Af Besonderhede Aanbevelings Installation Ontwikkeling Gevorderde Aansig Hulp Statistieke Active versions Downloads Per Day Downloads history Gevorderde OpsiesThis section is intended for advanced users and developers only. They are presented here for testing and educational purposes. Meta Version 1.1.0 Last updated 7 maande gelede Active installations 100+ WordPress version 5.0 or higher Tested up to 6.6.2 PHP version 7.4 or higher LanguageEnglish (US) Tags b24bitrix24crmintegrationlead Punte-toekennings No reviews have been submitted yet. Ek wil ‘n aanbeveling maak See all reviews Hulp Got something to say? Need help? Gaan na die hulp-forum Skenk Wil jy graag die ontwikkeling van hierdie uitbreiding ondersteun? Skenk aan hierdie uitbreiding Contributors Roman Shkabko