Saturday, February 17th, 2007 |
6:12 pm [girlafraid50]
Monday, February 12th, 2007 |
9:26 pm [girlafraid50]
Tuesday, February 6th, 2007 |
7:39 pm [girlafraid50]
Friday, January 26th, 2007 |
8:23 pm [girlafraid50]
Tuesday, January 16th, 2007 |
5:41 pm [girlafraid50]
Sunday, January 14th, 2007 |
1:48 pm [girlafraid50]
Tuesday, August 9th, 2005 |
10:48 am [ex_jenniepan481]
Fanzine quarry...
Im looking for anyone who is interested in submitting a story for the Alain Whyte Fanzine I write. Pictures, comix, stories, fan encounters, poetry, you name it, I need it. Anyone who participates gets a a free copy of the zine! And good news..for those who dont know, it looks as if Alain and Moz are recording in Rome! Hope this means a new album and touring soon! Current Mood: curious |
6:04 pm [readyletsroll]
I hate throwing things out, especially things which are non-recyclable. Since there's been an influx in nice people posting bootlegs about, i thought it was about time i had a place to store them before i go back to University. At least it'll brighten up my shelves a little bit & take the glare away from boring books:

 And since it's plastered with Morrissey, it seemed only fitting that i gave it a pretty bottom in homage to him! |
Thursday, June 30th, 2005 |
8:49 pm [readyletsroll]
I had a go myself at the stencilling malarky today, i now have no feeling in my index finger, but it was fun nonetheless. I also scraped myself in the face with the exacto-knife by accident, i may be forced to audition for a Western looking like this. I'll tell them that my fingers are numb from all the shooting, & that i have a slit on my face from a battle over a bar-stool.
Anyway, it's a bit crap, but it's the only one i've ever done, & the t-shirt's actually white, it just looks like i've soaked the t-shirt in piss because of my crap camera. I can't say why it looks like Moz has a moustache in it, that's the way the shadow fell, i do really hope he never grows a moustache though.
Monday, June 27th, 2005 |
4:27 am [readywreadywit]
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005 |
9:42 pm [ex_jenniepan481]
To keep myself sane and entertained whilst my husband is away, I have been making stencils!   you may now go back to your exciting lives! :P Current Mood: creative |
Wednesday, May 18th, 2005 |
12:30 am [pishxposh______]
does anyone have a picture of morrisseys signature they could comment to me? im in need of one for an art project... pweese? |
Wednesday, April 13th, 2005 |
2:26 am [readywreadywit]
Moz Icons
I realized I haven't made Morrissey icons in FOREVER so I whipped up like 10 or so tonight. I'm not the type to fret over crediting, but please comment cause I love to know if people use these. ( Moz GoodnessCollapse ) Current Mood: blah |
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 |
9:42 pm [psychodarlin13]
So while scanning through my computer I came across the photos of my car from when I saw Morrissey last year in October.I found it amusing. :)   Oh,and please tell me Im not the only one who has worn out the new dvd Current Mood: amused |
Wednesday, March 9th, 2005 |
6:59 pm [readywreadywit]
6 Months Is A Long Time
Okay-icons, icons, icons. Take any you want, that's sorta why I make em! PLEASE comment! Any other questions about brushes, etc. check out my userinfo. So this is gonna be a lot of icons, but it's pretty much the majority of the ones I've made over the past 6 months or so. I don't exactly pretend that all of them are good or anything, but I've found that some of the ones that I've thought were awful other people really liked. So...either way, here goes. (sorry for those who belong to Morrissey_Daily or Morrissey_Icons that have seen these) Also, apologies to those w/ dial-up....I suck at doing LJ cuts. 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.  21.  22.  23.  24.  25.  26.  27.  28.  29.  31.  32.  33.  34.  35.  36.  37.  38.  39.  40.  41.  42.  43.  44.  45.  46.  47.  48.  49.  50.  51.  52.  53.  54. Current Mood: busy |
3:02 am [readywreadywit]
Tuesday, March 1st, 2005 |
10:27 am [psychodarlin13]
On the flowers
I made this for a design class.We had to design a cd cover for an artist.I like how it turned out. P.S Thank you for whoever gave me this photo yesterday.I looked everywhere and cant find the LJ member who gave the full photo size.Thanks though!! |
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005 |
5:47 pm [ex_jenniepan481]
12:27 am [shesmostunusual]
Saturday, February 19th, 2005 |
2:57 am [willgraham]