NEW FUCKING YEAR - This is Retarded — LiveJournal
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This · is · Retarded


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EDIT: Was going to post this on Tuesday, but it got bigger and bigger to the point that I couldn't safely publish it until now, behind this phenomenal cut for all of you to read, so fuckin enjoy...

It's been a long-ass time since I saw fit to update my own journal on here... lack of motivation to disclose personal thoughts to a handful of people probably not inclined to read them in the first place. But it's the first day of 2008 and as I sit here pointlessly paid a ridiculous amount of money to be at work on a day I'm typically scheduled off, I thought I'd break my own mold and spill the beans.

While 2007 heralded more or less the most positive changes I've made in my life since 2002, it was still fairly... lackluster. Maybe because I equate being content with all things in life, and while I can honestly say I do love my job (for the first time in... well, in forever) and being in a place close to friends and family, there was still shit missing. What that is I won't discuss, for fear of being held in shallow regard, and my own unease at how preposterous a thing it is; to allow a domino effect of badness cascade upon an otherwise impeccable year is stupid, but I do it nonetheless.

New Year's Eve as ever was exceptionally uneventful... me and my roommate watched Return of the Living Dead then capped off the evening vying for supremacy at Super Puzzle Fighter II and Poypoy on his decrepit Playstation I. I can honestly say that not even Ninja Gaiden Black has instilled in me such a rage as those two titles... the first a cross of Dr. Mario and Super Street Fighter II, the second a nonsensical title with the sole point being throwing logs, bombs, rocks, and people at the other players with characters named Kool, Albert, Mia, and other ridiculous poorly translated American monikers for original Japanese names.

Beyond that, troubleshot the SD card reader built into my laptop, apparently working just fine, but doesn't like the SD adapter for my my miniSD card, rendering it unreadable, though my regular SD card, and microSD adapter seem to work just fine... also spent some more time sulking as a result of shoddy manufacturing on the part of Microsoft's XBOX 360 and the resultant 3 Red Rings of Death after 14 months of use... afflicted on Saturday night after being unable to log into Live in order to cap some motherfuckers in the head whilst running around Rambo style in Call of Duty 4 with my newly acquired G36C assault rifle. While Peter Moore's side of the Gates-built mega-corporation will be sending me a coffin to ship them my broken machine and get a replacement, turnaround was quoted at approxiamtely 2 weeks (which I deduct to equal 3-4 weeks, being far too long for me to not indulge in zombie killing [Dead Rising], military-inspired all out carnage [Call of Duty 4], and aerial acrobatics [Ace Combat 6], etc)... so I guess I'll live, but it really has me on guard with what to expect from the replacement unit. I might use the crazy amount of money earned today to pick up a back up unit running the new chip-set and the low low power supply of 175 watts... just a thought.

I also got to thinking about resolutions made prematurely for the new year, so am opting to go with one that has long been a thought in my brain this last year. One thing I learned very well during my stint in Vegas was how to be a recluse. As a result I have become increasingly more and more introspective and anti-social. Not that occasional introspection is a bad thing, far from it, but becoming the hermit that I have has not really aided me in my pursuit of partnership or even regular carousing with the homies. So as a self-repremand I will be making a conscious effort to actually get out of the house on occasion, maybe meet some new folks, and do a better fucking job of keeping up with the kids I already know and love. We'll see how I do with that one.

As far as holidays go, mine was good... fucking excellent when compared to 2004-06, where I hermited away in Las Vegas and deprived myself of social interactivity. Had breakfast with the family, then spent the afternoon reading Kim Paffenroth's "Gospel of the Living Dead: George Romero's Visions of Hell on Earth",which raised some familial eyebrows, but surprisingly no moral or religious debates were sparked, which saved me from igniting any type of dogmatic debates over the dinner table. The whole family showed up at my folks' place around two and we commenced the opening of presents which leads me back to more...

Tech shit; gift cards aplenty to the likes of Circuit City and Best Buy, as well as a 6 foot HDMI cable. Went out the following day and blew it all... VGA cable for the computer and then wired to the new TV (19" Magnavox 720p with inputs capable of handling up to 1080i [though the HDMI will input up to 1080p] for pretty much the crispest picture of any TV I've owned) so that I could eliminate my 5 year old 17" crt monitor from my entertainment set-up. That gone along with the old 20 inch tube TV (though flat screened) has salvaged most of my deskspace. Also picked up an up-converting Toshiba DVD player, which outputs a picture as close to HD as you can get without spending the extra dough on an HD DVD player (because I'm still undecided in the war between HD and BluRay). So between the HDMI connection for the movies, the insanely awesome output of 1080i on the 360 via my Rocketfish component cables, I have pretty much the raddest personal set-up ever. Shit, forgot... also resurrected my ethernet switch and no longer have to physically switch inputs for my network cable when I want to go from Live to the PC. Pretty much the tits... enough of my geek-speak, I'll spare you all from further banality.

And what kind of post would this be as far as the first of the new year, if it lacked my standard top 10 lists? Incomplete is a good word, lacking would be another fine statement, or just not typical E-Dawg style, so enjoy fuckers, and happy goddamn new year.


1. Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo Del Toro really should only do fairytale movies... this and Devil's Backbone are his masterpieces. Everything about this movie is perfect, from the character's to the script, to the more than visually compelling setting, whether fantasy within the film or the Spanish countryside. Reminds me of why I like movies in the first place.

2. Grindhouse - Tarantino in fine form as usual and Rodriguez doing his best to muckify the screen with tasteless action. I think a lot of people missed the point of this flick, which was to adhere to the original tendency of grindhouse flicks to contrast. Fantastic performances by Russell, McGowan, Biehn, Fahey, and Brolin (over the top and in for a come-back).

3. No Country For Old Men - By far the Coen Bros best movie... makes Fargo look like a practice run, and not a very good one at that. More in line with the mood from their original Blood Simple as far as tone goes, and one of the more somber cinematic endurance tests that I've sat through, but completely fulfilling by its close.

4. Southland Tales - This will likely do to Richard Kelly what Heaven's Gate did to Michael Cimino... pronounced a box office flop by critics, and Darko fans alike, which was a tell-tale sign that I would fucking love it. The only director to brave a more convoluted story is David Lynch, who would never tackle anything so politically charged. Fantastic performances by type-cast actors playing the opposite of what their normal roles might dictate. And with a narrative so twisted by different storylines and plot-points so as to be nearly indecipherable on a single viewing. I will happily pay full price for this disc as soon as it's available, then proceed to watch it a good 10 more times trying to tie everything together.

5. Sunshine - Danny Boyle can do no wrong regardless of the genre he approaches. With films as varied as Shallow Grave and 28 Days Later (and the fucking Beach for crying out loud), he has proved himself as versatile as the best Hollywood has to offer. This movie is visually stunning with a plot to befuddle and frustrate viewers from the sheer grandeur of what they witness on the screen. A space opera in the finest sense.

6. Rescue Dawn< - I'm a sucker for movies with the Vietnam War as their setting, though this movie is less about the horrors of war than it is strictly about survival, faith, and fellowship. Bale aptly demonstrates why he is one of the best in Hollywood, and Steve Zahn provides a powerhouse performance unlike any he has displayed throughout his career. Herzog also proves why he needs no major Hollywood endorsements to put out a flick worthwhile. A perfect movie.

7. The Kingdom - Gritty action cum political commentary... superbly explosive action choreography that could have come from a modern day war reporter's steady-cam, this is an intensely intelligent drama disguised as popcorn chewable ultra-violence, but what else would you expect from producer Michael Mann. Great roles perfed by Jaimie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper, and especially Justin Bateman, breaking his mold and punching past critics in the face with his screen-time.

8. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters - Just an awesome spectacle of poorly drawn insanity. And a cameo by Bruce fucking Campbell to make you go, "wha?!" I thought I was going to die from hysterics before it ended.

9. Shoot 'Em Up - Easily some of the most fun I've ever had at the cineplex, Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci add depth to what would otherwise have been shallow drivel, with help from Giamatti injecting some severely over the top insanity to a genre that has lately been taking itself far too seriously. Amazing gunplay and action choreography make this an easy choice for my top ten.

10. Hostel II - Say what you will, but Eli Roth does not know how to make a bad movie... I've seen all three of his thus far and enjoyed every one on their own merits. This one is politically charged and pretty much nothing more than vehicle to purvey Roth's hatred of the stereotypical American consumer and forcefed apathy on the people in this country. His main character here is phenomenal and the cinematic epitome of the triumph of the will. But, unfortunately, most people just saw it as a horror movie... too bad for them.


1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [XBOX 360] - Hands down the single most intense and fast-paced first person shooter ever to grace one of my consoles, this shit is brisk and violent as hell, not to mention one of the most brutally intense single player campaigns ever incorporated into a game... just a shame that the campaign is so short-lived (took me 5 hours to play through on the second hardest dificulty). However, the replay value is just frikkin ridiculous... this is something I will continually return to in my offtime. First player awesomeness out of the way, I have to cover the multiplayer; I bought my XBOX Live account strictly for this game and it's more worth it than I could have initially imagined. Points are accrued as you play the different available matches which allow you to enhance the character you're playing, as well as customize and bad-assify the weaponry that you're carrying. It is probably the deepest multiple I have participated in, and taken precedence over any other game in my collection since acquiring it in November. Just an awesome display of game design and fantasticly fluid gameplay.

2. Bioshock [XBOX 360] - Can I just say that this game has some of the most stunning visuals I've ever seen? As well as taut storytelling and amazing voicework, and one of the more compelling stories to grace consoles in years. The writers and developers here have taken what could have been a typical fish-out-of-water scenario and infused it with serene attention to detail and slick and intuitive gameplay, making an experience that is not only arresting while engaged, but worth going over again to explore options missed the first time around. I anticipated this title highly, and was not let down in the least after playing through.

3. Ace Combat 6 [XBOX 360] - Let it be known that I am not a fan of the flight sim... games are supposed to be a fun test of hand-to-eye prowess, stimulating to be sure, but not test your aptitude for joining the airforce. Ace Combat 6 is not only accesible and visually overwhelming with it's amazing attention to detail (unless you get too close the ground it's actually quite ugly, but in the air engaged in dog fights and sending mig29's to certain doom after a successful radar lock never gets old. While the story is honestly contrived and fully negligible, I'm just thrilled to finally have a flight sim I can play avidly, without my past distaste for the genre sullying the experience.

4. The Orange Box [XBOX 360] - Easily the best value in videogame history... complete with glossed-over renditions of Half Life 2 and it's sequel, Episode 1, as well as Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. The Half Life games are amazing, with the same awesome gameplay the first two installments boasted in their PC counterparts, as well as excellent story and voice acting nearly impossible to match. High caliber all the way. Portal is a puzzle game far cooler than any other puzzle game I've played through, which just screams for more replays, and Team Fortress 2 is some seriously awesome fun from what I have indulged thus far (though this frequently overlookd for CoD4). Should be played even if you've played through the bulk of the game previously.

5. Assassin's Creed [XBOX 360] - Of all the 360 games I played this year and looked forward to, this was easily my most highly anticipated. I even preordered it and I never fucking preorder anything. I was giddy upon firing it up in the white box, and fucking loved it for about the first half... after exploring the majority of the world within the game and overcoming the exasperating sense of hugeness from within it, the problems within the game really begin to rear their heads. Not that it's a bad game... it did, after all, make my top five. But it's extremely repetitive when you have to go through the same motions for every mission you're set upon undertaking, only the gorgeous scenery and awesome controls keep it compelling (in fact, I have to admit that I have yet to finish the game). But for sheer eye candy and initial awesomeness, it is definitely worth checking out.


1. DARKTHRONE - Fuck Off And Die
FOAD is the Darkthrone album that I have been waiting for over the last 10 years. Other listeners may scoff, but dare I say that it surpasses the awesome spectacle of Panzerfaust by way of its raw and sustained urgency, being blasted through the speakers like excess bullets from a crusty's belt where each shot is equivalent to 10+ decibels. The duo have obviously been obsessing over the crust-mired excesses of D-Beat greats like Skitsystem, Anti Cimex, Crude SS and a little first-gen Disfear thrown in for good measure. Those elements held in check with a grimness that only Darkthrone have been able to achieve, all combine, making FOAD one of the most refreshing throwback albums I've ever heard.The production is still distinctly Darkthrone, which suits their tunes just fine, with riffage that seemlessly coagulates meth'd out 70's biker rock with Darkthrone's trademark frost-bitten sound. The solos are simple, but unimpeachable and you can finally hear their bass guitar. The drums are flat and definitely pale when compared to a band like Vreid as far as punch, goes, but they're barbaric enough to continually propel the album from start to finish. And, as the track Canadian Metal proves, the band have seemingly embraced the cheesy falsetto of King Diamond for moments to disrupt any tedium derived from the constant stream of pitch-black shrieks out of their throats.

2. ALCEST - Souvenirs d'Un Autre Monde
This music is the Jesus & Mary Chain on quaaludes. As much Sigur Ros can be heard as can Darkthrone and Godflesh. Less thoughtful reviewers would be quick to pile this in with the huge bulk of Neurosis or Isis clones out there currently guilty of musical masturbation, but I'd like to decry that sentiment right now... to me that would be as ridiculous as stating that a band like Jesu is derivative (especially in light that Isis themselves are a carbon copy of Neurosis and Broadrick's previous act combined). Alcest play music difficult to categorize, but filled with elements that are fairly easy to recognize when heard by a discerning ear.

3. COBALT - Eater of Birds
Controlled Chaos and complete nihilistic aural aggression. This record has yet to wear out it's welcome.

4. LORD WEIRD SLOUGH FEG - Hardworlder
Oh... my... fucking... god... Not many albums came out this year as brass sack laden greasy and rockin as this shit here... I'll spare heavy details, just know that this shit makes me wish I looked good in denim.

5. END OF LEVEL BOSS - Inside the Difference Engine
It's like a doomier version of Willard or Alice in Chains cum modern musical extremity. Impossible for me to categorize as anything other than awesome.

6. REVEREND BIZARRE - III: So Long Suckers
A farewell album that rivals all previous efforts in intesity, length, and song craftmanship. Greazy and pile-driving doom metal up your fucking ass. Morose but full of a snotty swagger that elevates it to something greater than the sum of its parts. A must for the year.

7. GLORIOR BELLI - Manifesting the Raging Beast
Brutally misanthropic French black metal... excellent and setting standards for music in this genre coming from this country over the course of the next year. Easily surpasses BAN's Odinist.

Introspective, evil, epic, grandiose, lofi, droning chaos, and derisive are just a few core elements that put this album in my top 10... but it also helps that it's a lovingly composed and brutally executed slab of modern American black metal that puts most of their countrymen to shame.

Ooh! Another disc of greazy strutting anthems of denim days gone by... picking up ex-Exhorder vocalist Kyle Thomas was a breath of fresh air badly needed, and has helped to make this album a compelling rocker from start to finish, with some of the finest Thin Lizzy worship ever put to record, full of brutal hooks, dueling guitar melodies, and twin leads aplenty, galloping rhythms and biker war songs. An awesome comeback to say the least, even though they never really went anywhere to begin with.

10. JESU - Conqueror
Like this album wasn't going to make my list... I'm not even gonna justify this with a lengthy blurb. Just listen and grovel at the foot of Broadrick's throne.

And, of course, the honorable mentions: High on Fire's Death is this Communion, Inhume's Chaos Dissection Order, Blut Aus Nord's Odinist, Baroness' The Red Album, Litmus' Planetfall, Vreid's I Krig, Pig Destroyer's Phantom Limb, Xasthur's Defective Epitaph, Black Cobra's Feather & Stone, Shining's V: Halmstad, Oakhelm's Betwixt & Between, Devin T's Ziltoid, and Spektr's Mescalyne.


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