Okay, I had to make a post about this, because I think it's one of… - This is Retarded — LiveJournal
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Okay, I had to make a post about this, because I think it's one of…

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Okay, I had to make a post about this, because I think it's one of the hottest pictures I've ever seen... don't know why, just is. Agree or disagree? And kudos to whoever can name the actress:

Maybe it's the cigarette in her hand that makes it so fawkin' sexy... regardless, gimme the hotties from Hollywood's days as Hollywoodland any day of the week over the stick thin, no personality starlets of today's motion picture industry.

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[User Picture]
On September 9th, 2006 11:16 pm (UTC), xhorrorxwhore commented:
That'd be Tallulah Bankhead. We're somehow related through marriage. I've always thought she was the most hottest thing everrr.
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On September 10th, 2006 12:13 am (UTC), benzarius commented:
seconded and thirded. You should read William Gibsons "Pattern Recognition"

It deals with this mysterious footage that is being made anonymously and posted on the internet. The footage stars two people who arent the standard "hollywood" types. Whats even more intrigueing is the lack of brand names/period specific clothing that would make it easy to figure out When and where the footage was shot. VERY cool book. The main character has an aversion to icons, and so she makes her money traveling the world, and judging graphic designers logos. She gets hired to find out who is making the footage.

I know you liked Neuromancer, and I think you'll dig this one too, if you havent already read it!
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