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This · is · Retarded

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EDIT: Was going to post this on Tuesday, but it got bigger and bigger to the point that I couldn't safely publish it until now, behind this phenomenal cut for all of you to read, so fuckin enjoy... shit took me long enough:Collapse )
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So I don't have much to say... so much LJ inactivity I'm getting restless. ultimate_metal is officially dead in my mind (though I'll linger as a member), so I'm giving this place (Metal_Community) a try... yeah they require apps, but I'd like to be able to keep up with the tunes. Looks open enough, so we'll see about that.

That's pretty much all I got this evening... more tomorrow probably.

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So I haven't posted since like... January...? Been busy but still logging in fairly frequently since I've gotten my computer back up and running. I lost about 25 gigs of music as well as movies and (the least recoverable) a shit-ton of writing that I had been doing during my latter days in Vegas and the first month or so of being back. Kind of depressing having to start an autobiography all over again, especially when I was pretty fuckin happy with what I'd already penned. Anyway... life goes on.

So I picked up a job working for "Cingular, now the new AT&T"... entailed six weeks of classroom training to learn the ins and outs of the billing systems, policy/procedure, and pretty much everything else that would fall into the scope of what you need to know to work in a call center for the company's major business customers. Right before finishing that training I interviewed with the data department seeing as how they don't really require time in title for internal hires when it's nothing but a lateral transfer. Hired on two weeks into my on-the-floor training in the billing department. I've been on the phones in this department now for like six weeks (after four more weeks [up to 12 weeks here] of training) and the difference is night and day... we take no concumer calls, all mid to large sized business accounts, and get to play with PDA's, Blackberries, and smart phones all day learning the ins and outs of the devices so we can walk our customers through the settings and frequent troubleshooting. We also have upgraded permissions on our computers and can access more of the external web on our PC's which is rad because I can catch up on gmespot and rotten tomatoes during my downtime. Plus the pay is good and there are literally hundreds of career paths to go through while working for AT&T. So enough about work.

Been out to a couple of shows since relocating, the most notable of which was getting to see Jesu perform live (vastly enjoyed considering I was never fortunate to see Godflesh due to having issues getting into America every time they were slated to play a show I intended to go to). Going to see Sunno))), Earth, and Wolves in the Throne Room on July 7th which will be sick... especially considering how awesome the most recent output by the two headliners has been (Earth's Hibernaculum is fucking jaw dropping). And speaking of music, I haven't been able to quit spinning the new Earth CD, as well Ahab's Call of the Wretched Sea, Agalloch's Ashes Against the Grain, or Wormed's Planisphaerium... fucking excellent tune-age if I do say so myself.

Planning to drive down to Portland some time in July or August, also, since it's been forever since I've gotten a chance to wander around Burnside. Should be pretty rad, and I've got a few old friends down there that it would be cool to hit up for a day of chilling out and catching up, shooting the shit and.... shit, heh. But I'm going to try to take a real vacation sometime in September or October when I think I'll venture somwhere that I haven't been yet; either Chicago or New York, though I'm leaning more toward the Chicago choice since I have family relatively close to there. Next year, though, once I hit my year mark with the company and have garnered some more vacation time, I plan to hit up my fatherland abroad and see the sights in fucking Germany, with a potential tangent to Prague. We'll see about that endeavor.

Also picked up a Nintendo DS Lite as a birthday present to myself (considering that I ventured past my 31st year last week). Had notions originally of getting a PSP but opted not to, considering that while from a hardware standpoint the Sony handheld is superior, there's far more potential for innovation with the DS. Picked up some games, and strangely, the most impressive title I've gotten so far is Super Street Fighter II Turbo for the Gameboy Advance (yes, another perk of the DS is it's capability to play Advance games)... come on, tell me this doesn't spark memories for at least some of you:

It's crazy, though, because I haven't played that since I used to hit up Zones Arcade in Bellevue or Quarters in Kirkland and that was at least 10-12 years ago. Regardless, it's pretty much the best port I've ever played, but it's fucking hard as hell because I can't remember any of the special moves. Gonna take some shit in for trade tomorrow, too, because they also had King of Fighters (another port for the Advance), and I've always been a sucker for the old SNK games and they seem to translate well from the arcade stand-ups to the handheld systems. Still need to find copies of Tekken and Metal Slug for the Gameboy Advance, which is a near impossible task, considering that I after I play through the two Castlevania games for the DS, there won't be another new DS title I'm really looking forward until Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword sees it's October 1st street date... about time Tecmo fucking put something into the line-ups of handhelds out there, because this guy's a fucking genius when it comes to programming:

For you folks not inclined to give much thought to video gaming this is probably reading like a bunch of fanboyism, and admittedly, I can't deny that Tecmo's Team Ninja are already responsible for one of the greatest games ever made, Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma (the former an original XBOX title that redefined and reinvigorated console platforming, the latter a glossed over and refined port of the former for the PS3 that has yet to be released)... so my point is I'm stoked for that. Plus, as an added bonus for us console freaks supporting the XBOX 360, the Darkness will see it's street date at the end of this month. Considering it's put together by the same studio responsible for Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (quite possibly one of the greatest first person shooters I've ever played), I have high expectations... and with Mike Patton voicing the titular Darkness, I really don't see how it could come out poorly.

Saw Hostel II on Friday night and was quite impressed... I know a lot of critics would argue that Eli Roth's ode to giallo/exploitation style of maverick filmmaking is anti-art and reprehensible, but I think they miss the point. Roth has more talent in his pinky finger as a director than most Hollywood directors currently churning out quote film unquote. He's cheeky and sadistic and refuses to pander to what critics want, rather delivering a visual feast for the gorehounds disgusted by the lack of plot and tedium that plagued the Saw movies, as well as the teen-friendly PG-13 cuts of current films by sell-outs like Wes Craven and pretty much every hack out there that feels they need to either remake an American horror classic (Hills Have Eyes, ironically, directed originally by Wes Craven) or superior Japanese films (Ring, Grudge, etc). I'd throw Roth in the same camp of respectable western directors as John Carpenter (his Pro-Life episode in the Masters of Horror anthology proved to be as compelling if not more so than his classic Prince of Darkness), William Friedkin (Bug was a great return to his grassroots as a maverick director), Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez (Tarantino never lost it, but I had doubts regarding Rodriguez until he unleashed Sin City and his half of Grindhouse; another amazing return to form), Stuart Gordon (who proved that he could side-step the boundaries of horror with his direction of David Mammet's play, Edmond, and will finally helm House of Re-Animator, hopefully a sequel that lives up the standard his original set along with his classics From Beyond, the Pit & the Pendulum, and even Dagon), Tobe Hooper (who set one of the standards of mixing exploitation and horror with his original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Eaten Alive films), and Rob Zombie (say what you will, but Zombie's riff on American horror cinema is slick, twisted, and compelling in the same way Carpenter's early films were in the late 70's... in fact as much as I hate to admit it, I'm fucking hyped for his Halloween remake, because I believe he'll actually do the origianl justice). Point being that the filmmakers I've listed have never succumbed to the whims of establishments like the MPAA or even Hollywood's expectations for consistent schlock. They make movies for themselves first, everyone else second, and I wouldn't hesitate to consider Eli Roth as having the same mentality.

I don't have much else on my plate, so on that note... I'm fucking goin' to bed. It's 4:30 in the goddamn morning... not that I have anything to do tomorrow, but there's always a slim chance that something will come up.

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I haven't posted in like a month... at least. I just don't have the motivation or the time to focus too much on LJ right now, and even when the time does become available, I'm sure that I'll still lack the motivation. Things that are new or relevant:

* I love my new job, it's awesome.
* I love being back in Seattle, it's awesome.
* I love not eating fast food every night for dinner, it's awesome.
* I love using my spare time to burn flicks on my PC, it's awesome.
* I love being close to people that I actually give a shit about, it's awesome.
* I love the new(est) Swollen Members disc, it's awesome.
* I love that the people I know up here don't flip out in an irrational rage when I tell them that all I've been listening for the last several weeks are MF Doom (Danger Doom, Viktor Vaughn, King Geedorah), Kool Keith (Dr. Octagon, Mr. Nogatco, Dr. Dooom, et al), of course Ghostface Killah and Masta Killa respectively, and RZA'a Bobby Digital albums, it's awesome.
* I love the fact that I get to go see Jesu on April 3rd, when they never would have pulled a stop in Vegas, it's awesome.

And that's about all I got to go on for right now... any hip hop recommendations based on the artists listed would be more than welcome. Now I'm off to the movie store, I have video tapes to return.
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Soooo.... back in Seattle and enjoying the grim weather here as opposed to the endless dirt, sun, and unpleasant characters back in the Vegas locale. Quite a nice change of pace I might say. I start my new job with Cingular Wireless on February 5th, which is awesome... I'm looking forward to it quite a bit I might say. A nice casual environment where the only customers are on the other end of a phone will be a surprisingly nice change of pace from the dreary demand of in-store customers with retarded questions like, "Oh My GOD! The make phones without cords? What'll they think of next?". Hit me up on here if any of y'all locals want to meet and greet.
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Hey Kool-Aide!!

Mibhael Bolton in the morning (that means leaving)... send me all your good vibes for the drive ahead. Word.

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After today, I have only 2 more full days in Vegas before it's, "Later, assbags". I'm planning on leaving on Saturday at about 10 in the morning with a tentative stop for the night in Twin Falls, Idaho... unless I feel up to making it all the way to Boise, because that would really cut down on my travel time on Sunday and I'm all about making trips like this go as quickly as is humanly possible. I'd like to be in Seattle by mid-afternoon on the 14th, but I'll settle for early evening if I have to. Regardless, I have an interview with GSM moguls Cingular on Tuesday, so that's really my first obligation oce I'm up there. All that aside, I'm more than hyped about getting back to the Pacific Northwest where the majority of my friends dwell as well as the bulk of my family reside. I'm ot even upset about having to leave the big shit behind.

Met the new manager for this store... he's a cawck. Younger than me ad full of himself because he's coming from a super district where his old store grossed over a million a year. A far stretch for this shithole, considerig I think we did maybe $520,000 for 2006. Not looking forward to doing the take-over inventory with him tomorrow... but I feel even worse for my employees, though to quote my fulltimer Danniel, "if he gets too out of line I'll either walk out or kick him in his dome-piece". He cracks me up.

Getting my brake pads replaced later on today, which is radical... they're making the most irritating sound imagineable, it's driving me bat-shit insane whe I'm driving, and the last thing I really need is to wear through them completely on my trip. I just hope it doesn't set me back too much wallet-wise.

Took a huge pile of clothes down to Buffalo Exchange last night, of which they only paid me for half of the pile so I opted for store credit and picked up some new kicks:

The picture's not so hot, but they're pretty sweet on my feet, and one of the most comfortable pair of sneaks I've ever owned, and give that they're virtually brand new for $18 worth of my old clothes, an unbeatable deal. Had leftover credit after the DC's, so I got a brand new pair of some other type of sneaker for like $15, which dare I say are just as comfortable as the red DC's. The half of the pile that they wouldn't give me credit for I doanted, so I left with way less than I showed up with. I felt like a good samaritan for a little bit after that, plus it cut down on the crap I have to load into my car. Stoked.

And that's really all I got for right now.
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Blog from phone...
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So... as a Cingular user, I have an account with two lines. My Bl(cr)ackberry constitutes line 1, and the second line was used by a friend of mine. Well, due to situations too long and drama-encapsulated for me to want to retell, she jacked up my phone bill to almost an $800 balance due. Needless to say, I can't afford to pay that all up front, especially with moving at the end of the week. So I'm going to have to have that line "interrupted" while I make payments to reduce the amount (and no, I pretty much don't expect any monetary contributions from the guilty party) back to underneath my $400 spending limit... sheesh. Anyways, seeing as I can't be without a phone, I went to Best Buy last night investigating Amp'd Mobile. While they are an MVNO operating on a CDMA network (as opposed to my preferred GSM), their rates and EVDO line-up are pretty hard to beat pricewise, especially when compared to other shitty MVNO's like Virgin Mobile or Net10. So here's what I left the store with:

Based off of Verizon's Motorola E815 VCAST EVDO phone, the E816 has made some vast improvements to an already good thing. It runs on both CDMA 800/1900, the E816 is also EVDO, which transfers data faster than my Blackberry's EDGE connection could ever dream of... and while the web browser isn't a full one, I have yet to encounter a website that I can't view. The thing came with a 128MB transflash card for MP3's, and the Amp'd music store is actually relative decent (I've been able to find obscurities ranging from Skinny Puppy to an unreleased Napalm Death track), and music downloads are only $0.99... or I can just drag and drop mp3 files onto the memory card from my computer. Guess which option I prefer. Anyway, I'll update everyone with the number at a later point... it's a local (206) area code, so that's pretty schweet.

Five more shifts at Radio Shack after today before I'm done with this dead-end job... New manager comes in to take my place on Thursday, at which point we do the take-over inventory and then I'm fucking out. Gotta ship some boxes on Monday, but it's looking like I will have plenty of room for everything I want to bring back with me... it'll be a tight fit, but it ought to work out... word.
Current Music:
Vulgar Pigeons - Attack of the Bullet Belt Committee
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I have no patience this morning. None. Whatsoever. The handful of customers that I've had thus far are driving me up the friggin wall. This part of town ought to be called Henderspun instead of Henderson given the excessive amount of crackheads and tweakers that come in here, try to distract me, and then attempt to steal as much as they can while I'm not paying attention with stories about how they just got a $300 thousand inheritance. My ass. I'm sure I frustrate them as much as they frustrate me, due to the fact that I more or less attach myself to their hip to make sure that no product mysteriously finds its way onto the street. People are so retarded.

I need to at least make it through half of this week before this store pushes me over the edge... actually, preferably I'd make it a couple of days into next week for that additional paycheck. I'm just afraid I'm going to snap at the wrong customer and then lose it from there, a scenario that wouldn't bode well at the district office.

So I'm looking at getting ready every available opportunity that I get, and working in between. We have year-end inventory on Wednesday night. Undoubtedly we'll have to retake that, and then there will the take-over inventory for the new manager, and depending on my whims at the time, I may just bolt before that 3rd inventory occurs. Hoo-ah.

But I'm sure you're all bored to tears reading about my job woes and anxiousness to get out of Las Vegas... I friggin would be. Hell, I friggin am. I've been rocking the Jello Biafra Melvins album and Houdini Live. Probably two of the best CDs of the last two years. Biafra's album with the Melvins is full of political dissent and vitriol the like that I haven't heard from Biafra in years. With the added meat of Buzzo and company backing him it makes for a flawless listen in pretty much every respect. Houdini Live is, dare I say, a better album than even Houdini itself. It rages from start to finish and the added energy of a live setting adds tremendously to the violence and aural assault hidden on the disc.

And what else... Salma Hayek is hot. She's guest appearing on Ugly Bettie, which is not a very good show. I'd rather watch the Gilmore Girls... for reasons I'll keep confidential.

I got nothing else for the moment.
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My last day with Radio Shack is two weeks from today... January 12th. Am I stoked as a mofo? Hell yeah. Vegas is a city of wealthy rednecks trying to convert the town into a smaller and cultureless LA. The amount of lazy, shitty, uneducated, alcoholic, shallow, compulsive people that I've met out here is absolutely mind-blowing. I never knew that so many undesirable folks could just be in one place, milling about and doing nothing with their lives other than either making money to spend on useless shit, or making money in order to make people that make less money feel shitty. You know you're in a dumb city when one of the most common commercials on the television and before the start of the trailers at the flicks is for the local Lambo dealer.

Anyway, depending on how quickly I can get my shit in order, I will be making my departure sometime between the 13th and the 15th, arriving back in Emerald City (do they still even call it that?) no later than the 16th of January. Some people (i.e. my last roommate that had an infidelity problem and a coke habit the size of Tony Montana's coffee table) have regarded this decision with intonations of condescension... like I'm some weak willed pussy running away from the big city back to something more familiar. That's certainly not the case at all. It just took me a few years to realize that I already knew where home was... because I had already lived there.

I'm just hoping I can fit everything I need/have to have in my car. Hyundais aren't known for their tremendous trunk space or outstanding towing capabilities. There are a few people (scratch, one sometimes two) down here that I will miss, but that's mostly inconsequential. I'm going to be a lot better off, and ultimately this is a case where my needs and wants definitely outweigh anything else. I may be starting my life back where I came from unemployed... but fuck if it doesn't feeling awesome as hell giving Radio Shack the middle finger.

To you folks I left behind... I'll see you soon. To those I've never actaully met... take a trip to the PacNW. It'd be a better vacation than Vegas.
Current Music:
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So I haven't updated in quite some time... these days I'm more prone to pay attention strictly to my RottenTomatoes blog than this one, given that it allows for better postings regarding movies, games, music (pretty much all the things I have an interest in), and whatever else. Anyway, that aside, it's been a hectic last couple of months.

Work is crazy with all the last minute holiday shoppers (and I stress the word crazy). People taking their irrational frustrations out on me and my staff as if we had anything to do with them waiting until the last minute to do their damn shopping, thus getting stuck in tremendously long lines behind assholes just like them.

Home has been kind of a drag, too... my roommate is crazy and asks for rent early every month, and I'll usually give it to her, except we've gotten eviction notices the last three months in a row because she doesn't pay it until the 16th or 17th of the month like a typical lazy stripper. Plus her mom moved into the spare bedroom at the beginning of the month, and her mom is even crazier than she is (she spent a half an hour the other night telling me about some hat she got at Goodwill... a hat, dude, a hat). So my roommate tells me the other day that I owe for half the utilities for December and I say, "You mean a third, right?" to which she replies, "no, half". I explained to her that her mom was certainly not my responsibility, and I wasn't going to pay for her heinously long showers and horrible fixation with the thermostat. Her response: "My mom is staying here, not living here." So I tell her, fine, but I'm only paying for half the rent for January. I'm getting the hell out as fast as I can manage... the 15th to be precise.

Which brings me to the best news of all. I will be leaving Vegas on the 15th and returning to about the only place I can imagine calling home after 3 years in Shit (Sin) City. Yep, Seattle bound for sure, and I'm fucking stoked on it. I've already started to get things in order for the move in my room, and the closer I get to January 15th the better mood I'm in.

As part of my getting ready to go, I got rid of my PS2 and PS2 games last night (one less thing to take up space in my car), trading in for XBOX 360 games. Here's what I picked up: FEAR, Prey, Call of Duty 3, and Saints Row. FEAR is the only one I've played thus far, and it's awesome. Pretty much the closest thing to being able to play a John Woo movie if he directed horror films. Total awesomeness.
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I don't have any motivation to post anything other than this right now... probably for some time to come... so click the Grieco pic. You know you wanna.

If Looks Could Kill

click here to download

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Oh man... I'd rather watch Prayer of the Rollerboys than that again.

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I bit the bullet... well, not literally. But I did take in my old XBOX and games, and Gamecube and games, and traded in for an XBOX 360. My biggest regret is not having done this sooner, though with the release of Gears of War it ended up being perfect timing. With the initial purchase I picked up Condemned: Criminal Origins. A pretty sweet horror game, but I blew through that in like 3 days. So yesterday I picked up Gears of War and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Haven't put in the latter yet, but the former is easily the best video game I've ever played. As far as graphics go, and gameplay it's nothing short of an amazing experience... plus the replayability of the game is ridiculous (I find myself replaying areas because they were so frickin awesome the first time through. GRAW is supposedly close to being as good, but we'll see about that. Here's some screens for both games:

*Gears of War (and yes, the gameplay really does look this good, right down to the insane lighting effects)

*Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (pretty stoked to play this, though I'm skeptical as to whether it will be nearly as good as Gears...)

Other than that, been working a whole ton... trying to exude a positive attitude in hopes that it rubs off on the employees. Not necessarily working so hot. We have a promotion coming up that we have to start participating in like 3 days ago, and so far the only workers here in this store to really put forth any effort have been me and my assistant manager. It's very frustrating, especially knowing that there are going to have to be consequences if the other two don't follow up with their end of the promotion. Being the boss blows ass sometimes, but it does pay the bills. Not like I've never had to write somebody up before... I'd rather play my 360. Boo-fuckin-yah.
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I'm currently sitting at the hospital... One of my favorite places to be in the world. Yeah right. On Thursday night my closest friend here in Vegas tried to kill herself. Several bottles of wine and apparently an entire bottle of vicaden (?). Its fucked because she called me that night right before she did it and I didn't answer the phone on the basis that she had been drinking heavily all week long and I have no desire to spend my time at the whim of a lush, no matter how much I care about them. I had no idea that she was in the state she was in... Guess she hid it exceptionally well because normally I consider myself extremely intuitive. I know there was nothing I could have said to her to stop her, but I still feel relatively guilty for not answering the phone when she called. I'm just glad that she called her mom after me and her mom called metro PD here in Vegas and have them her cell number to track so they could get to her before it was too late.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing, I just can't understand how someones life can be so bad that they think ending it is their only way out. I've been low in my life; really low as anyone who knows me well would agree... But regardless of how little I've had, just being alive was enough to keep me going. I probably will never get it... All I can do is support her and hope she realizes there are people out there that give a shit about her and want her to be better.

I'm going to just fart around today. Probably stay here at the hospital for another hour or two then go spend money (because I'm really good at doing that at times of stress). I might upgrade my PC, get a video and sound card and maybe a couple of new games... Then again I might not. I went to Game Crazy last night after I left the hospital and schmoozed one of the employees into taking my number to gimme a heads-up when they start taking perorders on Nintendos Wii. That system is going to be so frickin sweat... No kidding.

After my irrational spending of money I shouldn't I will undoubtedly return to the hospital and spend an additional hour or two before going home and settling in for the night.

God, I hate the hospital.
Current Music:
IV drip
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Predictive text is a fucking double-edged sword... Goddammit.
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Two days left of vacation... Not too thrilled with the notion of returning to work yo. All I've been doing is watching movies and shit, playing video games:

*Need for speed: most wanted (XBOX) - a driving game with uber realistic physics and pretty swell graphics... Its addictive as fuck, and fun as hell too. My two cars of choice are a 2006 Mustang GT tricked the hell out and a Pontiac GTO swank as fuck. Trust me, its good.

*killzone (PS2) - epic sci/fi game that reminds me of a cross between warhammer 40,000 and and old WW2 films... Pretty much a straight up 1st person shooter, but intense all the same. Plus it also helps that its one of the best looking games on the playstation 2 that I've experienced.

*geist (gamecube) - this game escapes the trappings of a first person shooter and transcends the genre amazingly... Don't let the opening level fool you in its conventionality, playing through a game with the ability yo possess almost anything in the game world adds a whole new level to the game, making it one of the strongest titles available on its respective platform.

Saw the Texas chainsaw massacre prequel the other night... A midnight showing night before its wide release. Good flick for sure. Lots of blood and decent acting... Especially from R Lee Ermey who can pretty much do no wrong in a movie as far as I'm concerned.

And earlier tonight and saw Scorsesce's Departed with Jack Nicholson. Brilliant movie, although I figured out about 5 to 10 minutes into it that its a remake of a Hong Kong movie called Infernal Affairs which happens to be excellent on its merits. However, its obvious that the director and cast have a fond place reserved for the source material as there were almost no flaws in it at all. I highly recommend seeing both the films.

And with new movies comes new trailers. The ones that I've been most impressed with and anticipating are as follows:

*300 (Zack Snyder)
*The Fountain (Darren Arronofsky)
*Harsh Times (David Ayer)
*Pan's Labrynth (Guillermo Del Toro)
*8lood Diamond (?) (Edward Zwick)

Those are all the ones that have really stood out throughout the last several movies I've seen at theaters... Though I am somewhat anxiously waiting to see some sort of trailer for Southland Tales sometime in the near future... We'll see about that one.

Celtic Frost, Goatwhore, and Sunn0))) on Monday night. I'm pretty ducking hyped about that one for sure. I'll write up a review post-haste afterwards, but from what I've been hearing it won't disappoint... Yay.

And now its time to pop New Jack City in the DVD machine. Pronto on that shit.
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Been offline for a good little while... nothing new that's really notable. Been watching Prison Break Season 1 on DVD like a damn fiend. I haven't seen a show as enthralling or addictive since the first four seasons of the Shield.

Down in the Valley came out on DVD as well, and I will be bootlegging that shit. Supposedly Edward Norton's best role since Fight Club. I really wish he was more consistent than he is. So many of his movies are trash and filler (Keeping the Faith as an example). Primal Fear, People Vs. Larry Flint, American History X, Fight Club, Kingdom of Heaven, Down in the Valley, and the Illusionist being his real standout roles. Anyway...

Fucking October 9th, here at the House of Blues in Vegas will be graced by Celtic Frost, Goatwhore, Sunn 0))), and Guttural Secrete. Very stoked for that show.

And that's about all I got for right now.

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Okay, I had to make a post about this, because I think it's one of the hottest pictures I've ever seen... don't know why, just is. Agree or disagree? And kudos to whoever can name the actress:

Maybe it's the cigarette in her hand that makes it so fawkin' sexy... regardless, gimme the hotties from Hollywood's days as Hollywoodland any day of the week over the stick thin, no personality starlets of today's motion picture industry.

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