Papers by Ioannis Diolatzis

The main goal of this research process was a digital reconstruction of the lost geocentric planet... more The main goal of this research process was a digital reconstruction of the lost geocentric planetarium which was constructively part of Antikythera mechanism. This planetary construction should be constructively lined up with the existed part of the mechanism and in accordance with the engraved texts identified on its surfaces. The main concern of this research was if Antikythera mechanism could possibly be a geocentric planetarium apart from an accurate astronomical counter? This questioning can be satisfied if the following questions are answered. In this suggested planetary construction: 1. How could planetary movement of the five planets be modeled using the Epicyclic theory? 2. How could Mercury’s and Mars eccentricities be simulated using the Eccentric theory? 3. How could measurements accuracy be assured as it is the main feature of the Antikythera mechanism? 4. How could the geocentric movement of the superior planets be presented in order to be spatially and temporally sync...

Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου. Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών. Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας. Εργαστήριο Διαχείρισης της Πολιτισμικής Κληρονομιάς, 2020
Ο κύριος στόχος της ερευνητικής πορείας αυτής της διατριβής ήταν η ψηφιακή ανασύσταση του χαμένου... more Ο κύριος στόχος της ερευνητικής πορείας αυτής της διατριβής ήταν η ψηφιακή ανασύσταση του χαμένου γεωκεντρικού πλανητάριου του μηχανισμού των Αντικυθήρων. Η πλανητική αυτή κατασκευή έπρεπε να είναι συμβατή με την κατασκευαστική φιλοσοφία του υπάρχοντος τμήματος και σε συμφωνία με τα χαραγμένα κείμενα που έχουν αναγνωριστεί στις επιφάνειες του. Ο κύριος ερευνητικός προβληματισμός ήταν: Είναι δυνατόν ο μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων εκτός από ένας αστρονομικός-ημερολογιακός μετρητής ακριβείας, να ήταν και ένα γεωκεντρικό πλανητάριο; Τα επιμέρους ερευνητικά ερωτήματα που έπρεπε να απαντηθούν ώστε να ικανοποιηθεί το βασικό ερώτημα ήταν: Στη προτεινόμενη από τη συγκεκριμένη διατριβή, πλανητική σύνθεση: 1. Πως θα μπορούσε να μοντελοποιηθεί η γεωκεντρική κίνηση των πέντε πλανητών κάνοντας χρήση της επικυκλικής θεωρίας; 2. Πως θα μπορούσαν να προσομοιωθούν οι εκκεντρότητες Ερμή και Άρη κάνοντας χρήση της Εκκεντρικής θεωρίας; 3. Πως θα μπορούσε να εξασφαλιστεί η ακρίβεια και η αξιοπιστία των μετρήσεων που είναι δεδομένο χαρακτηριστικό του μηχανισμού των Αντικυθήρων; 4. Πως θα μπορούσε να παρασταθεί η γεωκεντρική κίνηση των εξωτερικών πλανητών ώστε να εναρμονίζονται χωρικά και χρονικά με τους εσωτερικούς πλανήτες; Η ερευνητική μεθοδολογία που ακολουθήθηκε περιλάμβανε τα εξής διαδοχικά βήματα: •Μαθηματική μοντελοποίηση πλανητικών γεωκεντρικών τροχιών. •Εφαρμογή επικυκλικής θεωρίας με χρήση μαθηματικών με παραμετροποίηση από ιστορικές αναφορές αστρονομικών στοιχείων •Δυναμική προσομοίωση των πλανητικών γεωκεντρικών κινήσεων και τροχιών των πέντε πλανητών. •Αξιολόγηση αποτελεσμάτων με αποδοχή ή απόρριψη των επιλογών και κατάλληλη ανατροφοδότηση. •Τελική αποδεκτή επικυκλική διάταξη και μηχανική προσομοίωση της σε δυο διαστάσεις. • Τρισδιάστατη ψηφιακή μοντελοποίηση με φυσική αλληλεπιδραστική κίνηση των γραναζιών και εμφάνιση των γεωκεντρικών πλανητικών τροχιών. Τα επιμέρους συμπεράσματα που εξήχθησαν από αυτή την ερευνητική διαδικασία ήταν: •Με κατάλληλη χρήση της Επικυκλικής θεωρίας μπορούν να μοντελοποιηθούν οι γεωκεντρικές τροχιές όλων των πλανητών. •Με κατάλληλη χρήση της Θεωρίας των έκκεντρων του Ιππάρχου, μπορεί να προσομοιωθεί η εκκεντρότητα των ελλειπτικών τροχιών του Ερμή και του Άρη. •Κάνοντας χρήση πρωτότυπων επικυκλικών διατάξεων γραναζιών μπορούν να αποδοθούν ρεαλιστικά οι γεωκεντρικές πλανητικές κινήσεις ελαχιστοποιώντας με αυτό τον τρόπο τα σφάλματα μέτρησης •Η μαθηματική προσομοίωση των γεωκεντρικών πλανητικών τροχιών απετέλεσε βασικό κριτήριο για την αξιολόγηση των αποτελεσμάτων. •Η κίνηση του τρισδιάστατου γεωκεντρικού πλανητάριου επετεύχθη χάριν στη φυσική αλληλεπίδραση των κινουμένων μερών του ενώ οι τροχιές των σφαιριδίων συνέπεσαν με τις μαθηματικές γεωκεντρικές τροχιές αποδεικνύοντας ότι αυτό κληρονόμησε τη μαθηματική προέλευση του θεωρητικού μέρους. Χρησιμοποιώντας θεωρίες και αστρονομικές μετρήσεις εκείνης της ιστορικής περιόδου έγινε κατορθωτή η κατασκευή ενός γεωκεντρικού πλανητάριου. Επιπλέον η πιθανή του ύπαρξη είναι συμβατή με το υπάρχον κειμήλιο. Έτσι το συμπέρασμα είναι ότι ο μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων είναι πολύ πιθανόν εκτός από ένας αστρονομικός μετρητής ακριβείας να ήταν και ένα γεωκεντρικό πλανητάριο που αποτελεί και καταφατική απάντηση στο βασικό ερευνητικό ερώτημα.

International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science, 2019
After many years of research, it has been concluded that Antikythera mechanism is a more complica... more After many years of research, it has been concluded that Antikythera mechanism is a more complicated device than initially was thought. Recently, the rapidly increasing development of 3D modeling and simulation software, resulted in attempts to recreate the mechanism's 3D construction. These 3D replicas are based on advanced knowledge, gathered by the study of the mechanism remnants or the deciphered inscription on its surfaces. The latest decrypted inscriptions on the back door of the mechanism refers to planetary motion, which might be illustrated by a planetarium formation, which is absent from the remains of Antikythera mechanism. The authors propose a 3D reconstruction of this alleged planetarium, as a possible sequence of the existed mechanism's remains, compatible with the surviving inscriptions. Specifically, the authors introduce a lot of constructional differentiations compared to the other suggested, focusing mainly on measurements accuracy which this planetary sy...

New Astronomy, 2019
Abstract Around 1900, a group of sponge divers, pulled out from an ancient Roman shipwreck, near ... more Abstract Around 1900, a group of sponge divers, pulled out from an ancient Roman shipwreck, near the Antikythera island, a piece of a hardly distinguishable geared mechanism which is known since then as “The Antikythera mechanism”. Until now the exact use of some of its survived gears is investigated and there are speculations about its missing parts. In 2005 two revolutionary technical methods were applied on Antikythera mechanism. The first is known as : (3D) X-ray computed tomography (CT) by X-Tek Systems Ltd, with the use of which many hidden details under the corrosion, came to light. The second is known as : Polynomial Texture Mapping (PTM) which was applied by HP Labs, revealing engraved symbols and letters on Antikythera mechanism surfaces. After all these years of research, a more comprehensive picture of this machinery was built, leading to the conclusion that it was used as a multi functional “astronomical calculator” according to Freeth et al. (2006b) with many impressive capabilities such as: • a prediction of upcoming Solar and Lunar eclipses • a calculator of the four astronomical cycles (Metonic cycle, Callippic cycle, Saros cycle, Exeligmos cycle) • moon phases indication • Sun and Moon position in zodiac The whole mechanical construction seemed covered by a wooden case with a front and a back door with engraved inscriptions on them. According to Freeth et al. (2006b) “The inscriptions support suggestions of mechanical display of planetary positions” proving the existence of a missing planetary subsystem. In this decrypted text, according to Freeth et al. (2006b) , astronomical terms have been recognized like stations like statio,conjunctions and according to Jones (2017) , there are references about the names of the five known planets. Researchers are trying for years to present planetary activity on their models suggesting different solutions with a common characteristic. In all models of planetary motion, the epicyclic theory is applied. Although this theory is precise enough for planets with negligible eccentricity, fails to demonstrate the real recorded apparent orbit of planets with significant eccentricity, like Mercury’s which is 0.205. On the other hand in Antikythera mechanism remains, there is an advanced device, known as the “pin & slot”, which simulates the non-uniform motion of the moon. According to Moussas (2009) ...The difference between Kepler’s predictions on the angular velocity of the Moon during the month and the mechanism’s prediction is of the order 1/400 .... So if the constructor used a specialized gearing to model the moon’s orbit eccentricity which is 0.0549 why not do the same for Mercury’s case with an eccentricity of 3.7 times bigger? Many speculations about the Antikythera mechanism’s purpose have already been expressed, but nevertheless, accuracy is its undeniable feature which should be reflected in the mechanism’s astronomical indications. So, there’s a question that might be answered. ”Is it possible, the planets eccentricity can be simulated using the pin & slot device?”. This research tries to find an answer and proposes a feasible epicyclic gearing which can simulate the geocentric apparent path of Mercury. The construction is taking seriously the planet’s eccentricity, trying to minimize the discrepancy between expected and indicated measurements. Our proposal is based on theories known at the time Antikythera mechanism was constructed.

New Astronomy, 2019
Abstract The word ’Geocentric’ comes from the Greek word Γeωκeντρικό which is a compound word com... more Abstract The word ’Geocentric’ comes from the Greek word Γeωκeντρικό which is a compound word composed from two words: “γeω” means Earth and “κeντρικό” means centric. Geocentric aspect, appears for the first time in ancient Greece. Pythagoras had formulated the geocentric system with the Earth at the center of the Universe surrounded by the orbiting planets with Sun included. Later Greek ancient astronomers, trying to explain the weird planetary motion in the sky, introduced the epicyclic theory. 3 This theory states that the geocentric planetary motion could be considered as a combination of circular motions. Today this idea is quite sensible if we consider that the geocentric motion could be perceived as synthesis of two independent motions; one is the rotation of the planet around the Sun and the other is the apparent rotation of the Sun around the Earth. Someone could say that the heliocentric motion is hidden inside the geocentric planetary path as one of two superimposed motions. This logical conclusion is supported by F. Hoyle Hoyle (1975) who states “We know that the difference between a heliocentric theory and a geocentric theory is one of relative motion only, and that such a difference has no physical significance.” In other words Geocentrism isn’t completely wrong excluding only the arbitrary claim that the Earth is fixed and immobile at the center of the Universe. Geocentrism lasted many years until Nicolaus Copernicus at the middle of 15th century, proposed the heliocentric system by transferring the reference origin from Earth to Sun. Although Copernican model was capable explaining the geocentric orbits of planets with negligible eccentricity, it failed to give a convincing explanation in cases of planets with considerable eccentricity like Mars. The lack of symmetry in Mar’s trajectory led Kepler to discover that planet’s orbits weren’t circular, as it was already believed, but elliptical. According to (Evans, 1998, p.431) Kepler said “I therefore once again think it to have happened by divine arrangement, that I arrived at the same time in which he was intent upon Mars, whose motions provide the only possible access to the hidden secrets of astronomy, without which we would remain forever ignorant of those secrets.” In this article we are trying to simulate the process followed by Kepler, studying the apparent geocentric Mar’s orbit which triggered him to discover elliptical planetary orbits. The relation between heliocentrism and geocentrism is highlighted during this study. Besides, this aspect is mentioned by David R. Topper...But this fact is then sometimes generalized to positing that geocentrism and Heliocentrism are equivalent, that they are the same geometrically or mathematically or even exactly the same; in a phrase, there is an isomorphism between them... Topper (2007) The methodology which was used, in the whole process, relies on mathematical modeling. This approach is based mainly on dynamic position change over time, which the interactive mathematic software GeoGebra can generously provide. The end of this historical approach shows that the heliocentric view was revealed throughout a geocentric model, proving the equivalence of these two different aspects. Finally the theoretical numerical results of this study seem to be in full agreement with the astronomical records of that era with minimal discrepancies.

Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2019
Abstract One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements ... more Abstract One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements that generously have been used by the constructor. He succeeded the best combination of integer numbers to reach the maximum accuracy, no matter the number of the gears he used for it. One representative example is the “moon train” consisted of eleven meshing gears which he used to simulate the non-uniform lunar motion. Someone could say that the constructor preferred the complexity for the sake of accuracy. Many Scholars, believe that the mechanism could be a kind of planetarium. In that case, there is a possibility of a more complex mechanical subsystem comprised of more imaginative and specialized gear arrangements. The latest decoded inscriptions on the mechanism's surfaces, are referred to planets (Inferiors and Superiors) and show records of astronomical events. The lack of physical evidence of this planetary construction prevents its conception, but on the other hand, challenges the researchers to discover the inimitable thought of its creator. Nevertheless, fitting this excess gearing in a limited space of a compact construction like Antikythera mechanism is really a puzzler. The planetary subsystem which will complete the mechanism should stand out for the maximum possible measurement accuracy and the best space management. This research proposes a feasible epicyclic gearing specialized for a compact planetary construction achieving the highest possible accuracy.
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Geocentric orbit simulation,, 2019
The word 'Geocentric' comes from the Greek word Γεωκεντρικό which is a compound word composed fro... more The word 'Geocentric' comes from the Greek word Γεωκεντρικό which is a compound word composed from two words: "γεω" means Earth and "κεντρικό" means centric. Geocentric aspect, appears for the first time in ancient Greece. Pythagoras had formulated the geocentric system with the Earth at the center of the Universe surrounded by the orbiting planets with Sun included. Later Greek ancient astronomers, trying to explain the weird planetary motion in the sky, introduced the epicyclic theory. 3 This theory states that the geocentric planetary motion could be considered as a combination of circular motions. Today this idea is quite sensible if we consider that the geocentric motion could be perceived as synthesis of two independent motions; one is the rotation of the planet around the Sun and the other is the apparent rotation of the Sun around the Earth. Someone could say that the heliocentric motion is hidden inside the geocentric planetary path as one of two superimposed motions. This logical conclusion is supported by F. Hoyle Hoyle (1975) who states "We know that the difference between a heliocentric theory and a geocentric theory is one of relative motion only, and that such a difference has no physical significance." In other words Geocentrism isn't completely wrong excluding only the arbitrary claim that the Earth is fixed and immobile at the center of the Universe. Geocentrism lasted many years until Nicolaus Copernicus at the middle of 15th century, proposed the he-liocentric system by transferring the reference origin from Earth to Sun. Although Copernican model was capable explaining the geocentric orbits of planets with negligible eccentricity, it failed to give a convincing explanation in cases of planets with considerable eccentricity like Mars. The lack of symmetry in Mar's trajectory led Kepler to discover that planet's orbits weren't circular, as it was already believed, but elliptical. According to (Evans, 1998, p.431) Kepler said "I therefore once again think it to have happened by divine arrangement, that I arrived at the same time in which he was intent upon Mars, whose motions provide the only possible access to the hidden secrets of astronomy, without which we would remain forever ignorant of those secrets." In this article we are trying to simulate the process followed by Kepler, studying the apparent geocentric Mar's orbit which triggered him to discover elliptical planetary orbits. The relation between heliocentrism and geocentrism is highlighted during this study. Besides, this aspect is mentioned by David R. Topper...But this fact is then sometimes generalized to positing that geocentrism and Heliocentrism are equivalent, that they are the same geometrically or mathematically or even exactly the same; in a phrase, there is an isomorphism between them... Topper (2007) The methodology which was used, in the whole process, relies on mathematical modeling. This approach is based mainly on dynamic position change over time, which the interactive mathematic software GeoGebra can generously provide. The end of this historical approach shows that the heliocentric view was revealed throughout a geocentric model, proving the equivalence of these two different aspects. Finally the theoretical numerical results of this study seem to be in full agreement with the astronomical records of that era with minimal discrepancies.

As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device ... more As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device and was mainly used as an astronomical multi tool, predicting the most known celestial events of that era. Due to the corrosion, after all these years trapped in a shipwreck, many gears of the mechanism have lost their form and consistency or a significant number of parts of the mechanism have been lost. So, for many years, efforts for mechanism reconstruction have been attempted. Simulating the mechanism is the key to understand its function. "…it is very appropriate to use a modern date computer simulation for validating the functional description of the machine …" (Roumeliotis). Moreover the development of the 3D computer graphics software, inspired for virtual models and simulations of mechanism. Understanding the function of the Antikythera mechanism, in conjunction with the astronomical indications that the constructor managed to perform, could be the key of revealing all possible combinations of surviving gears, or the prediction of the missing parts. Aiming at this, a project was started. Taking in mind the complexity of this device, the project was divided in several parts such as: a) Extensive data collection in mathematical and astronomical resources b) 3d modelling in CINEMA4D 2 , c) Animation of the 3d model by spreading out motion through the gears involved d) Intensive check, verifying that the indicated periods of the cycles were identical with the theoretically expected e) Processing in UNITY3D 3 , so the virtual model can gain its interactivity and f) A flash presentation was created to highlight the functions, features and working principle of the mechanism.

As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device ... more As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device and was mainly used as an astronomical multi tool, predicting the most known celestial events of that era. Due to the corrosion, after all these years trapped in a shipwreck, many gears of the mechanism have lost their form and consistency or a significant number of parts of the mechanism have been lost. So, for many years, efforts for mechanism reconstruction have been attempted. Simulating the mechanism is the key to understand its function. "…it is very appropriate to use a modern date computer simulation for validating the functional description of the machine …" (Roumeliotis). Moreover the development of the 3D computer graphics software, inspired for virtual models and simulations of mechanism. Understanding the function of the Antikythera mechanism, in conjunction with the astronomical indications that the constructor managed to perform, could be the key of revealing all possible combinations of surviving gears, or the prediction of the missing parts. Aiming at this, a project was started. Taking in mind the complexity of this device, the project was divided in several parts such as: a) Extensive data collection in mathematical and astronomical resources b) 3d modelling in CINEMA4D 2 , c) Animation of the 3d model by spreading out motion through the gears involved d) Intensive check, verifying that the indicated periods of the cycles were identical with the theoretically expected e) Processing in UNITY3D 3 , so the virtual model can gain its interactivity and f) A flash presentation was created to highlight the functions, features and working principle of the mechanism.

One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements that gene... more One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements that generously have been used by the constructor. He succeeded the best combination of integer numbers to reach the maximum accuracy, no matter the number of the gears he used for it. One representative example is the "moon train" consisted of eleven meshing gears which he used to simulate the non-uniform lunar motion. Someone could say that the constructor preferred the complexity for the sake of accuracy. Many Scholars, believe that the mechanism could be a kind of planetarium. In that case, there is a possibility of a more complex mechanical subsystem comprised of more imaginative and specialized gear arrangements. The latest decoded inscriptions on the mechanism's surfaces, are referred to planets (Inferiors and Superiors) and show records of astronomical events. The lack of physical evidence of this planetary construction prevents its conception, but on the other hand, challenges the researchers to discover the inimitable thought of its creator. Nevertheless, fitting this excess gearing in a limited space of a compact construction like Antikythera mechanism is really a puzzler. The planetary subsystem which will complete the mechanism should stand out for the maximum possible measurement accuracy and the best space management. This research proposes a feasible epicyclic gearing specialized for a compact planetary construction achieving the highest possible accuracy.

As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device ... more As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device and was mainly used as an astronomical multi tool, predicting the most known celestial events of that era. Due to the corrosion, after all these years trapped in a shipwreck, many gears of the mechanism have lost their form and consistency or a significant number of parts of the mechanism have been lost. So, for many years, efforts for mechanism reconstruction have been attempted. Simulating the mechanism is the key to understand its function. "…it is very appropriate to use a modern date computer simulation for validating the functional description of the machine …" (Roumeliotis). Moreover the development of the 3D computer graphics software, inspired for virtual models and simulations of mechanism. Understanding the function of the Antikythera mechanism, in conjunction with the astronomical indications that the constructor managed to perform, could be the key of revealing all possible combinations of surviving gears, or the prediction of the missing parts. Aiming at this, a project was started. Taking in mind the complexity of this device, the project was divided in several parts such as: a) Extensive data collection in mathematical and astronomical resources b) 3d modelling in CINEMA4D 2 , c) Animation of the 3d model by spreading out motion through the gears involved d) Intensive check, verifying that the indicated periods of the cycles were identical with the theoretically expected e) Processing in UNITY3D 3 , so the virtual model can gain its interactivity and f) A flash presentation was created to highlight the functions, features and working principle of the mechanism.

The word 'Geocentric' comes from the Greek word Γεωκεντρικό which is a compound word composed fro... more The word 'Geocentric' comes from the Greek word Γεωκεντρικό which is a compound word composed from two words: "γεω" means Earth and "κεντρικό" means centric. Geocentric aspect, appears for the first time in ancient Greece. Pythagoras had formulated the geocentric system with the Earth at the center of the Universe surrounded by the orbiting planets with Sun included. Later Greek ancient astronomers, trying to explain the weird planetary motion in the sky, introduced the epicyclic theory. 3 This theory states that the geocentric planetary motion could be considered as a combination of circular motions. Today this idea is quite sensible if we consider that the geocentric motion could be perceived as synthesis of two independent motions; one is the rotation of the planet around the Sun and the other is the apparent rotation of the Sun around the Earth. Someone could say that the heliocentric motion is hidden inside the geocentric planetary path as one of two superimposed motions. This logical conclusion is supported by F. Hoyle Hoyle (1975) who states "We know that the difference between a heliocentric theory and a geocentric theory is one of relative motion only, and that such a difference has no physical significance." In other words Geocentrism isn't completely wrong excluding only the arbitrary claim that the Earth is fixed and immobile at the center of the Universe.

One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements that gene... more One undeniable characteristic of Antikythera mechanism is the complex gear arrangements that generously have been used by the constructor. He succeeded the best combination of integer numbers to reach the maximum accuracy, no matter the number of the gears he used for it. One representative example is the "moon train" consisted of eleven meshing gears which he used to simulate the non-uniform lunar motion. Someone could say that the constructor preferred the complexity for the sake of accuracy. Many Scholars, believe that the mechanism could be a kind of planetarium. In that case, there is a possibility of a more complex mechanical subsystem comprised of more imaginative and specialized gear arrangements. The latest decoded inscriptions on the mechanism's surfaces, are referred to planets (Inferiors and Superiors) and show records of astronomical events. The lack of physical evidence of this planetary construction prevents its conception, but on the other hand, challenges the researchers to discover the inimitable thought of its creator. Nevertheless, fitting this excess gearing in a limited space of a compact construction like Antikythera mechanism is really a puzzler. The planetary subsystem which will complete the mechanism should stand out for the maximum possible measurement accuracy and the best space management. This research proposes a feasible epicyclic gearing specialized for a compact planetary construction achieving the highest possible accuracy.

As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device ... more As it can be concluded by the researchers so far, Antikythera mechanism was a complicated device and was mainly used as an astronomical multi tool, predicting the most known celestial events of that era. Due to the corrosion, after all these years trapped in a shipwreck, many gears of the mechanism have lost their form and consistency or a significant number of parts of the mechanism have been lost. So, for many years, efforts for mechanism reconstruction have been attempted. Simulating the mechanism is the key to understand its function. "…it is very appropriate to use a modern date computer simulation for validating the functional description of the machine …" (Roumeliotis). Moreover the development of the 3D computer graphics software, inspired for virtual models and simulations of mechanism. Understanding the function of the Antikythera mechanism, in conjunction with the astronomical indications that the constructor managed to perform, could be the key of revealing all possible combinations of surviving gears, or the prediction of the missing parts. Aiming at this, a project was started. Taking in mind the complexity of this device, the project was divided in several parts such as: a) Extensive data collection in mathematical and astronomical resources b) 3d modelling in CINEMA4D 2 , c) Animation of the 3d model by spreading out motion through the gears involved d) Intensive check, verifying that the indicated periods of the cycles were identical with the theoretically expected e) Processing in UNITY3D 3 , so the virtual model can gain its interactivity and f) A flash presentation was created to highlight the functions, features and working principle of the mechanism.
This is an extensive approach of the Antikythera mechanism aiming to 3d modelling mostly based on... more This is an extensive approach of the Antikythera mechanism aiming to 3d modelling mostly based on the existing findings. The whole project was divided to several sections such as 3d development of the model in CINEMA 4D, proccessing in UNITY3D and a flash presentation of the product. The model that was used was closer to a simplified form than a strict copy of the mechanism in order to make it as friendly as possible for study and education purposes
Papers by Ioannis Diolatzis