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An analytical method based on liquid chromatography with positive ion electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry detection was developed for the determination of lansoprazole in human plasma using omeprazole as the... more
Objective: The present study investigated the effect of 2 different lumbar spine postures, neutral and flexed lumbar postures, on transversus abdominis (TrA) muscle function during a voluntary contraction (hollowing and draw-in maneuver)... more
Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging has a great potential to be used as a tool in the assessment of trunk muscle function in patients with low back pain (LBP). However, a further investigation of the discriminative ability of this tool as... more
Objective: This study evaluated the reliability and discriminatory capacity of a novel clinical scale for assessing abdominal muscle coordination. We investigated the interrater reliability of this tool in patients with chronic low back... more
This study investigated the effect of lumbar posture on function of transversus abdominis (TrA) and obliquus internus (OI) in people with and without non-specific low back pain (LBP) during a lower limb task. Rehabilitative ultrasound was... more
Technical reports on operations and features of the Pierre Auger Observatory, including ongoing and planned enhancements and the status of the future northern hemisphere portion of the Observatory. Contributions to the 31st International... more
The Pierre Auger Collaboration has reported evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of arrival directions of the cosmic rays with energies $E>E_{th}=5.5\times 10^{19}$ eV. These show a correlation with the distribution of nearby... more
The dolastane diterpenes 4-acetoxy-9,14-dihydroxydolast-1(15),7-diene (1) and 4,7-diacetoxy-14-hydroxydolast-1(15),8-diene (2) were isolated from specimens of the alga Dictyota cervicornis collected from the Rio de Janeiro coast, Brazil.... more