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From August 28th to October 18th, 2012, the Egyptian-German joint mission of Sohag University, Freie Universität Berlin and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz conducted its tenth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)EgyptRoman PotteryLate Roman Pottery
Eine spätägyptische Totenstele aus Kalkstein wird auf ihre Datierung und Herkunft hin näher untersucht. Neben den Namen der Besitzerin Ta-aa(t) und ihrer Eltern Pa-di-mehit und Ta-scherit-mehit innerhalb der Opferformel enthält der Text... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptology (Third Intermediate Period, Late Period)
Vortrag anlässlich der Verleihung des Akademiepreises am 22.11.2007
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    • Egyptology
Zwei Besuchergraffiti (Dipinti) in Grab N13.1 in Assiut/Mittelägypten beziehen sich auf die Originaldarstellung, in der Kraniche aufgeregt schnattern und balzen. Die anzüglichen Texte scheinen diese mit libyschen Tänzerinnen zu... more
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      EgyptologyNew Kingdom (Egyptology)
This paper presents a literary graffito from the 18th dynasty in the hitherto unknown 11th dynasty tomb N13.1 in Asyut. The graffito is a copy of the opening of the so-called Loyalist Instruction, and for the first time it provides the... more
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    • Ancient Egyptian Literature
A Textquellen des alten Ägypten Meister der Schrift und der Sprache ltägyptische Schriftzeugnisse kennen wir seit der Zeit um 3200 v. Chr. So wurden etwa königliche Grabbeigaben mit Etiketten bestückt, die Auskunft über die Besitzer und... more
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      Ancient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian language
Description of a working day during one of the archaeological seasons in the necropolis of Asyut/Assiut in Middle Egypt (2011)
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyArchaeological Fieldwork
Introduction to Ancient Egyptian scripts and writings with examples of funerary, historical, didactic, narrative, and poetic literature, ending with some thoughts about Ancient Egyptian authorship.
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    • Ancient Egyptian Literature
Documents about life and death of Butehamun, an Egyptian scribe of the Theban necropolis at about 1150 BCE: family, functions, house, graffiti and letters, poem about his deceased wife, burial, coffins.
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egypt
The papers deals with four different mythical meanings of cows, of which the position and form of young the sun god on the head or the back symbolizes the stages of regeneration and birth: Hathor / Bat, Nut / Neith, Ihet, Mehit-weret.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian Mythology
The paper presents and discusses three main functions of repetition in Ancient Egyptian narrative texts: 1) Repetition because of ritual, repeated acts; 2) Repetition of several similar events, 3) Repetition for presenting/finding the... more
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    • Ancient Egyptian Literature
Publication of a hieratic dipinto / graffito with the first two paragraphs of the Teaching of Amenemhet written in two stanzas inside a tomb from 2030 BC. The palaeography refers to a dating into the beginning of the 18th dynasty.
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      18th DynastyAncient Egyptian Literature
Der Beitrag behandelt verschiedene Aspekte der altägyptischen Kursivschriften: Begrifflichkeiten, Materialität des Schreibens (Schreibwerkzeuge und deren Symbolkraft, Schreibrichtung und Strichfolge, Schriftträger und Layouts),... more
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      HieraticPalaeographyCursive hieroglyphsAncient Egyptian Epigraphy
The paper presents insight into the corpus of hieratic graffiti in the 2005 discovered tomb N13.1 in the Gebel Asyut al-gharbi in Middle Egypt. The owner of this rock tomb lived at the very end of the First Intermediate Period, while the... more
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      EgyptologyHieraticAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)
The Theban priest Chamhor C was member of the family of the famous Monthemhet and his hieratic Book of the Dead papyrus can therefore be dated around 630 BC. Unfortunately , it was divided into several parts and fragments, which have been... more
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      PapyrologyFunerary Belief (Egyptology)HieraticSaite Period
This report refers to the different tasks of fieldwork in the necropolis of Asyut. The southern part of the first hallof Tomb I was completely cleaned. Several shafts were found, which belong to the tomb. Late Middle Kingdom vessels in... more
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      EgyptRoman PotteryMiddle KingdomPottery
A 26 | Lokale-zeitliche-konzeptuelle Variationen
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian CosmologyAncient Egyptian Mythology
Denkt man an das pharaonische Ägypten, beeindrucken uns vor allem die Monumentalität der steinernen Pyramiden, Gräber, Tempel und Statuen sowie der Erhaltungszustand von Mumien und aller Arten von Grabbeigaben und - wenn auch seltener -... more
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      MaterialityMateriality of WritingPapyrology & Epigraphy
Das Felsgrab N13.1 im oberen Bereich des Bergmassivs west­lich von Assiut/Mittelägypten stammt aus der Zeit um 2000 v.Chr. und bietet einen weiten Blick über Stadt und Umland. 214 Tuschegraffiti, sogenannte Dipinti, die an seinen Wänden... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyIslamic StudiesGraffitiHieratic
The second season of fieldwork at the necropolis of Asyut gave a clearer picture of the Siutian nomarchs' tombs from the First Intermediate Period and the early Middle Kingdom. The joint mission of the Universities of Mainz, Sohag and... more
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