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Journal created:
on 4 August 2002 (#655682)
on 6 April 2022
Adult Beginner Ballet
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

adultbegballet is a community of dancers who started later than their teens or are considering starting. While we are no technical virtuosos and our performing opportunities are generally limited, one doesn't need to be Monet to paint or Van Cliburn to play piano, nor does one need to be Margot Fonteyn to dance. Instead, we study dance for enjoyment, fitness, and to improve our abilities in other performance styles while becoming more informed audiance members. Some of us even become quite good!

We also hope to serve ballet fans in general by bringing together accessible information on music, history and culture so that one can add some depth to their knowledge and enrich their classes in a way that one might not be able to just by showing up.

Past discussion topics have included descriptions of our classes, music appreciation, favorite recordings, interesting performances, books, videos, performing prospects, body issues, finding good teachers, what we hope to get out of dance, (lack of?) technique, dance fashion, daily frustrations, costume making, and dancing en pointe. We also like to share links to interesting or fun dance related web sites, especially things which are a little bit off the beaten path.

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