Papers by Danjuma I J U D I G A L Garandi

Impervious surface has been recognized as a key indicator in assessing urban environments. Howeve... more Impervious surface has been recognized as a key indicator in assessing urban environments. However, accurate impervious surface mapping is still a challenge. Effectiveness of impervious surface in urban land-use classification has not been well addressed. This work explored mapping of impervious surface information from Landsat images. A new approach for urban land-use classification, based on the use of impervious surface, was developed. The advancement of remote sensing technology has made it easy in assessing urban growth. In this study, the utility of Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA) which is a sub-pixel classification method was used in the analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus imagery to map urban physical components in Mubi town. The three physical components of urban Land Cover (LC): impervious surface, vegetation and soil, were used in the LSMA. LSMA decomposes each pixel to address the heterogeneity of urban LC characteristic by allowing the number and types of end members to vary on a per pixel basis. This study generated spectral mixture models of 2-, 3-, and 4-endmembers for each pixel to estimate the fractions of impervious surface, vegetation and soil in the study area with a constraint of lowest root mean square error (RMSE). An analysis of the impervious surface areas (ISA) mapped with LSMA demonstrated that it produced more accurate results of mapping urban physical components. CVA maps the impervious surface areas and proves the increase of such areas from 1987 to 2012 as well the decrease of them from 1987 to 2012 in vegetation. Human activities such as over-grazing, overcultivation and tree cutting contribute highly to the impervious surface in the study area. With the multiyear Landsat TM data, we quantified sub-pixel %ISA and the %ISA changes to assess urban growth in the Mubi town, during the past twenty five years. The experimental results demonstrate that the LSMA approach is effective in mapping and monitoring urban land use/land cover changes using moderate-resolution multispectral imagery at a sub-pixel level.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2018
This study appraised the role of cooperative societies on well-being of members in Adamawa State.... more This study appraised the role of cooperative societies on well-being of members in Adamawa State. The study used subjective measures, such as income & expenditure, educational & training status, housing & shelter status, nutrition & feeding status, health status, materials & household needs as well as household utilities to determine the respective status of members before and after joined cooperative societies. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data from randomly selected 397 members from four agricultural zones of the state. This study recorded 95% returning rate and data collected were analysed with simple percentage, frequency table and pairwise t-test analysis. The results from analyses show that there are significant improvement in the well-being of member after joined cooperative in all measures: income & expenditure, educational & training status, housing & shelter status, nutrition & feeding status, health status and materials & household, exception of household utilities. The study concluded that cooperative influence good well-being among members and recommends that government should include cooperative in its poverty alleviation programme to reach most people in the rural communities

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research , 2015
The application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in assessing the suitability of climatic v... more The application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in assessing the suitability of climatic variables for Irish potatoes production in Adamawa State northeastern Nigeria was carried out. This involved the use of rainfall length, mean annual rainfall and temperature maps of Adamawa State. The assessment was based on Boolean logic and suitability classification described by FAO guidelines of 2008, where most suitable, suitable and unsuitable classes were used. The thematic land qualities with their associated attribute data were encoded in GIS database of IDRISI Taiga and overlay operations of the variable maps were carried out. Results showed that most suitable, suitable and unsuitable areas for Irish Potatoes production cover 43.82% (18,566.83 sq km), 37.28% (15,795.79 sq km) and 18.90% (8,008.06 sq km) of the state's total land area respectively Irish Potatoes on the most suitable and suitable lands is recommended towards tackling the problems of food shortage in Adamawa State

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research , 2018
Impervious surface has been recognized as a key indicator in assessing urban environments. Howeve... more Impervious surface has been recognized as a key indicator in assessing urban environments. However, accurate impervious surface mapping is still a challenge. Effectiveness of impervious surface in urban land-use classification has not been well addressed. This work explored mapping of impervious surface information from Landsat images. A new approach for urban land-use classification, based on the use of impervious surface, was developed. The advancement of remote sensing technology has made it easy in assessing urban growth. In this study, the utility of Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA) which is a sub-pixel classification method was used in the analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus imagery to map urban physical components in Mubi town. The three physical components of urban Land Cover (LC): impervious surface, vegetation and soil, were used in the LSMA. LSMA decomposes each pixel to address the heterogeneity of urban LC characteristic by allowing the number and types of end members to vary on a per pixel basis. This study generated spectral mixture models of 2-, 3-, and 4-endmembers for each pixel to estimate the fractions of impervious surface, vegetation and soil in the study area with a constraint of lowest root mean square error (RMSE). An analysis of the impervious surface areas (ISA) mapped with LSMA demonstrated that it produced more accurate results of mapping urban physical components. CVA maps the impervious surface areas and proves the increase of such areas from 1987 to 2012 as well the decrease of them from 1987 to 2012 in vegetation. Human activities such as over-grazing, overcultivation and tree cutting contribute highly to the impervious surface in the study area. With the multiyear Landsat TM data, we quantified sub-pixel %ISA and the %ISA changes to assess urban growth in the Mubi town, during the past twenty five years. The experimental results demonstrate that the LSMA approach is effective in mapping and monitoring urban land use/land cover changes using moderate-resolution multispectral imagery at a sub-pixel level.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2018
This study accessed factors that hindering the performance of cooperatives societies in Mubi metr... more This study accessed factors that hindering the performance of cooperatives societies in Mubi metropolis, Adamawa state, Nigeria. In order to achieve the objectives, this study was guided by four research questions and four research hypotheses. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data from randomly selected 381 members of cooperatives in Mubi metropolis. This study recorded 96% returning rate and data collected were analysed with simple percentage, frequency table, weighted average and regression analysis. The results of analysis established that poor meeting attendance is most significant members' factors hindering the efficiency of cooperative societies. Also, corruption, power tussle, incompetency and biasness are the leadership factors limiting the performance of cooperative societies' in the study area. Also, the political interference, lack of business ideas and cumbersome of policies are the societies' related factors affecting the performance of cooperatives societies. Likewise, the lack regulations and monitoring, unfriendly business environment are all the government factors affecting performance of cooperative societies in the study area. The study recommends for the members improvement in attendant and participation in the cooperative activities. Also, the leadership in the cooperative societies should be democratically appointed. Likewise, the state government should improve on policies that dealt with operation of cooperative association in Adamawa sate. Also, the government should assist the cooperative to establish linkages with the several NGOs within and outside the country.

Global Journal of Geography and Environmental Sciences, 2020
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an effective tool for decision support. Spatial ... more Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an effective tool for decision support. Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) is a relatively new field developed based on Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). This research seeks to evaluate the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in revenue decision making system in Jimeta Mordern market, Adamawa State. The research methodological strategy employed is mixed methods involving ArcGIS 9.3, Google Earth Inc, Ms Office (2013) suite and field survey which were used to collect all the attribute of each shops compressing revenue payed per month, name and gender of the owner etc. The data processing involved data evaluation, georeferencing and finally digitization in other to have digital data that is compatible to the computer software namely ArcMap and ArcCatalog. The findings of the study revealed that Geographical information systems have proven to be power tools in the collection of taxes and tracking delinquent tax payers thus assisting in raising the revenue collection. This was shown by locating the tax defaulters where they are geographically located and other related details which proves to be useful. The study therefore recommend that development of a Geodatabase will save them from the many risks of losing important documents either through malice or mistake and Some of these tasks will aid in stamping out or minimizing corruption which is rampant in the tax collection at the moment.

This research was conducted in order to assess rural poverty in Maiha Local Government Area, Adam... more This research was conducted in order to assess rural poverty in Maiha Local Government Area, Adamawa state. The data for this research were obtain by sampling opinion of 77 respondents from the five district of the study area, initially 100 questionnaire were distributed. The difficulties faced by most rural inhabitants on poverty in the developing countries, has attracted the attention of the scholars, government and politicians. As a result of this background that this study were conducted to accessed rural poverty in Maiha local government area. In other to achieve this, data were collected by the use of questionnaires. The data obtained from the questionnaires are then analyzed using simple percentage, most prevalence of poverty we see today are as a result of inadequate feeding, poor health care delivery. Poverty is seen as lack of meeting the basic necessity of life, such as food, cloth and shelter as well as inability to fully participate with dignity the societal development...

The insurgency has made a very serious socioeconomic negative impacts on displaced people. Displa... more The insurgency has made a very serious socioeconomic negative impacts on displaced people. Displacement of people has a number of fairly obvious economic and social implication for Nigeria. The main aim of this study is to look into the socioeconomic consequences of population displacement which resulted from the insurgency in Mubi-North Local Government of Adamawa state Nigeria. To examine the impact of population displacement, to identify and compare the previous and current socioeconomic conditions of the population in the study area and to suggest policy measures to mitigate the suffering of the affected people in the study area. The materials that were used in carrying out the research work were questionnaire, magazines, newspapers, institutional reports, journals, dictionaries, maps, unpublished undergraduate theses/dissertations, national level document, numerous internet sources and a laptop computer. Structured questionnaire were the tools used to elicit information. Population displacement poses serious socioeconomic consequences on the lives and property of the inhabitants as a result of insurgency. The measures recommended in tackling population displacement includes: all conflicts causing factors should be eliminated. Government should set up a committee to mitigate the suffering of the people in the affected area.

' was conducted to assess the trends and spatial distribution of cases of malaria fever in some s... more ' was conducted to assess the trends and spatial distribution of cases of malaria fever in some selected areas in Mubi north local government area which include; Digil, Lokuwa, Sabon-layi and Vimtim for the period of last five years (2014-2018). Where the study clearly shows that the trends of malaria in the selected areas of the Mubi north have been positively increasing yearly as from 2015-2018, with Lokuwa ward having the highest increase rate 589.3000 yearly among the selected areas and Vimtim ward having the lowest increase rate 18.00000 yearly among the selected areas. And also, the study clearly shows that cases of malaria fever in the selected areas of Mubi north is not evenly spatially distributed among the areas, with some areas experiencing high cases of malaria fever than other areas. Also the study went further to identify the causes and effects of malaria fever in the study areas and the possible way of tackling the trends, the study clearly shows that indiscriminate waste disposal in unauthorized places, provides breeding grounds for mosquitoes is the main cause of malaria fever in the study area, while others are land filling, poor environmental sanitation e.t.c which leads to the death of some few people in the area. Going with by results of findings of the study, almost all the populace have access to Long Lasting Insecticides Treated Nets (LLITN) which serves as a way of preventing the widespread of malaria cases. The objectives of this study were achieved through the use of both the primary and secondary data obtained from the sources. Some recommendations were made in other to tackle the trends of malaria cases, which include Government should encourage house to house weekly inspection in order to maintain proper hygiene conditions so as to reduce the increase level of malaria cases. Government should also employ the services of health educators so that they can educate the populace on what malaria is and its effect to human health.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Geographical information systems matrix-based assessments plays vital role in providing opportuni... more Geographical information systems matrix-based assessments plays vital role in providing opportunity to enhance environmental impact assessment. This research was carried out in order to assess Environmental Impact Assessment for the Development New Town site in Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria using Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Matrix based methods. In order to achieve the aim and objectives of the research, various raw data were collected, which include beacon sheet of the study area, the draft proposed new town development plan, ASTER and other satellite images. The proposed plan for the new town development was designed using AutoCAD software environment imported into ArcGIS software environment for subsequent analysis and results presentation. Also, the ASTER image and various baseline data were generated from ASTER and other satellite imagery in ArcGIS environment. Also, various overlay analysis were conducted in order to identi...
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)
Papers by Danjuma I J U D I G A L Garandi