Happy Holidays
Friday, December 25, 2009
We'd like to send our best wishes to all our publishers around the world. Wherever you're spending this holiday season, we hope that it's filled with much love, warmth, and happiness.Read More
If you're creating a Custom Search Element that searches your own site:Q: Do I need to create a Custom Search Engine in order to use the Custom Search Element?
- You can create your Custom Search Element from the Web Elements site at www.google.com/webelements/customsearch/.
- Under "Configure", be sure to select "Search my site and use AdSense for search."
- In the AdSense Publisher ID field, be sure to enter your unique publisher ID properly (should start with "pub-"). You can learn how to find your publisher ID in our Help Center.
If you're creating a Custom Search Element that uses an existing Custom Search Engine:
- Link your AdSense account to your Custom Search account from the Custom Search control panel as follows:
- First, go to your search engines at www.google.com/cse/manage/all.
- Click the "control panel" link for the corresponding Custom Search Engine.
- In the left-hand navigation bar under "Control panel", click "Make Money".
You'll be taken to a page like below where you can link your Custom Search Engine account to your AdSense account. All you need to do is input your AdSense account information.
Faster filteringWe're continuing to work towards enhancing your ad controls, and we'd love to hear any suggestions you have. Feel free to leave us a comment below.
In the past, the Competitive Ad Filter sometimes took up to several hours to block URLs you'd entered. Knowing you've wanted a faster filtering system, we're excited to let you know that URLs added to your Competitive Ad Filter are now usually blocked within 30 minutes. We hope that this will help you quickly make changes to maintain a positive user experience on your sites.
Increased filter list size
At the same time, a growing number of you have let us know that you're running out of space in your Competitive Ad Filter. Now, you can add up to 500 sites to your filter list, more than double the previous limit. As you add new sites, please continue to keep the possible revenue impact of filtering in mind. You might also find it helpful to review our tips for using your Competitive Ad Filter.