Read the nursing stories of some of
adopt_a_mom's mentors. Alaria_lyon - Reluctant nurser until 3 months, sore nipples, some overactive letdown, nipple blanching due to Reynaud's, painful letdown, cosleeping, mild reflux, shallow gag reflex making introduction of solids difficult. Egg, dairy, and peanut allergies.
Alathia - engorgement, large breasts, flat nipples, latch issues, oversupply, nipple pain
Alphapythia Part 1 and
Part 2 - c-section, lack of support, low milk supply/supplementation, thyroid issues, thrush, nursing strikes, pumping
Babyslime - Bad latch, sore, bleeding nipples, overactive letdown, pumping, nipple shields, abscess, mastitis
Bicrim - Hypoplastic breasts and low supply, SNS use, donor milk use
Bookgirl83 - Low birth weight, NICU, latch trouble, overactive letdown, plugged ducts, biting, extended nursing
Chinaraven - Epidural complications, early breastfeeding difficulties, supply issues, conflict with care providers, supplementation, jaundice, pumping, PPD (first baby); Bed rest, tandem nursing, PPD, plugged ducts, oversupply, supply problems (domperidone use), pumping at work.
Chippyjem - c-section, pumping, syringe feeding, latch issues, biting
Chrispina - Very large breasts, a skinny baby, jaundice, thrush, ectopic pregnancy while nursing, extended nursing, cosleeping, and food allergies.
Conchispa - Breastfeeding after reduction, low supply, slow weight gain, sleepy baby, latch problems, cracked and sore nipples, SNS use.
Dararachel - c-section, unsupportive medical staff, baby blues
Devilishdestiny - c-section, thrush, large breasts, low weight gain, pumping
Expected_chaos - c-section, failure to latch, unhelpful hospital staff, exclusive pumping, thrush, clogged ducts, unsupportive friends, dairy & soy reactions, colic, flat nipples, oversupply/overactive let-down, nipple confusion/preference
Ewokgirl - unsupportive hospital staff, lack of support, latch problems, cracked nipples, flat nipples, thrush, oversupply, Reynaud's, plugged ducts, mastitis, nursing strike, pumping
Flutterby77 - Twins, c-section, forced hospital supplementation, nursing strikes, blocked duct, nursing blister
Huakai - C-section, extended nursing
Ireane - preemie, nicu nursing, pumping, sns, unsupoortive medical professionals
Isarma - unsupportive hospital staff, engorgement, mastitis, pumping, nipple confusion, oversupply
Janisfan - Sore nipples, poor hospital experience, pumping, working, nipple shield (+ weaning from nipple shield), low weight gain, small baby, sleepy baby, c-section
Jynxgirl – C-Section, NICU, exclusive pumping, diabetes, petit mal seizures
Liedonlyonce - pumping, twins, c-section, extended nursing, child-led weaning
Littlebuhnee - twins, preemies, exclusive pumping, extended nursing, mastitis
mix3d3m0ti0n5 Part 1 and
Part 2 - nursing during pregnancy, tandem, pumping at work, thrush, low supply, cow milk sensitivity, help start local support group, overactive letdown until Lactogenesis III, low weight babies; low weight gain in older baby
moosiemoose - NICU, pumping, combination feeding, nipple confusion, reflux
Navygrrl - Unsupportive hospital staff, latch problems, sore bleeding nipples
Nilo - Unsuccessful nursing with first baby, unsupportive hospital staff, success with second baby 11 years later, mastitis, bleeding nipples, unsupportive medical people again, slow weight gain, husband deployed
Nived32 - Premature baby, sleepy baby, no latch, no suck, SNS, flat nipples, nipple shields, reflux, overactive letdown, supplementation (for the first 4 months), pumping, thrush.
Pernwebgoddess - Latch issue, nipple shields, weaning from nipple shields, positioning difficulties
Piccadillywhore - Sleepy baby, latch and positioning problems, uncooperative hospital staff
Raisangrrl - C-section, jaundice, hypertonic baby
Raving_liberal - Unsupportive spouse, bad hosptial experience, sleepy baby, dairy allergy, extended nursing (first baby); thrush, plugged ducts (second baby).
Red_canuck - surgery pp, later nipple confusion/preference, oversupply, block nursing, nursing while pregnant
Rubyawake - unsupportive hospital staff, latch problems, sore nipples, overactive letdown, return to work, pumping
Runawaybunni - Sore nipples, sleepy baby, growth spurts
Solielarana - jaundice, engorgement, unsupportive medical professionals
So_sporktastic - latch difficulties, jaundice, syringe feeding, flat nipples, nipple shields, low weight gain, dairy allergy
Starfish12 - c-section, anti-depressants, nursing through pregnancy, tandem nursing; second baby: repeat c-section after long labor, supplementation due to low glucose, unsupportive hospital staff
Talula_fairie - Flat nipples, unsupportive hospital staff, forced supplementation, nipple confusion, nipple shields, latch problems, oversupply, plugged ducts
The_lissa - Sleepy baby, jaundice, low weight gain/dehydration, nipple shields, SNS, finger feeding
Two_roads – Delayed start to nursing, sleepy baby, jaundice, oversupply/overactive let-down, nipple shields, thrush, plugged duct, extended nursing
Wyllow42 - Sore, bleeding nipples, biting, infection, nursing during pregnancy, tandem nursing
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adopt_a_mom mentor, and would like to add your story to this list, please comment with a link to your story. All comments will be screened.