Papers by Deniz OZEN UNAL

Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2020
The purpose of the study was to examine prospective teachers’ uses of diagrams and approaches to ... more The purpose of the study was to examine prospective teachers’ uses of diagrams and approaches to congruence while solving proof tasks. Eight prospective high school mathematics teachers were given two proof tasks to solve at the beginning and end of a mathematics education course. Analysis revealed that at the beginning of the course preservice teachers’ approached congruence proofs using a perceptual or correspondence approach and interacted and used a descriptive mode of interaction with diagrams. At the end, their approaches to congruence included more instances of transformations and measures and their interactions with diagrams included fewer uses of the descriptive mode and more instances of representational and functional modes.
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2021
This study aims to determine the misconceptions and difficulties of sixth-grade students on the s... more This study aims to determine the misconceptions and difficulties of sixth-grade students on the subject of angles. The study participants are 25 sixth grade students from a public school in a city in western Turkey during the 2017-2018 academic year. This qualitative study used 17 open-ended questions designed by the researchers for data collection to examine the students' misconceptions and difficulties. Data were examined by implementing content analysis. It has been analysed that students cannot define the angle due to difficulties and misconceptions in determining the corners and edges of a symbol. Besides, they also find it difficult to compare the measures of the angles, adjacent angles, complementary and supplementary angles.

Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 2019
Bu arastirmada; Matematik Dersi Ogretim Programi yer alan veri isleme ve olasilik ogrenme alanlar... more Bu arastirmada; Matematik Dersi Ogretim Programi yer alan veri isleme ve olasilik ogrenme alanlarina yonelik alan yazinda yer alan arastirma egilimlerini incelemek amaclanmistir. Bu amacla Turkiye’de yapilan ortaokul duzeyinde 34 bilimsel makale, 24 yuksek lisans ve 3 doktora tezi olmak uzere toplam 61 calisma taranip icerik analizi yapilmistir. Ilgili calismalara ulasabilmek icin; olasilik, veri isleme, grafik kavramlari ile istatistiksel dusunme ve istatistiksel okuryazarlik kavramlari cercevesinde tarama yapilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgulari anahtar kelimeler, arastirma yontemleri, arastirma desenleri, orneklem buyuklugu, veri toplama araclari, veri analiz yontemleri ve arastirmalarin amac ve sonuclarini kapsayacak sekilde temalara ayrilmistir. Veriler, yuzde ve frekansa dayali olarak yorumlanmis, bulgular tablolarla sunulmustur. Elde edilen bulgulara dayanarak, yapilan arastirmalarin cogunlugunun Veri ve Olasilik ogrenme alanlarinda kullanilabilecek ogretim yontemlerinin etkililigini arastirmak amaciyla yapildigi; yontem olarak cogunlukla nicel arastirma yontemlerinin, desen olarak ise deneysel desenlerin kullanildigi; verilerin ise en cok basari testleri araciligiyla elde edildigi tespit edilmistir. Arastirmalarin sonuclari incelendiginde en cok isbirlikli ogrenme yonteminin etkili oldugu, yasanilan zorluklar incelendiginde ise en cok cizgi grafigi konusunda zorlanildigi sonucu elde edilmistir.

The purpose of this research was to analyze the process of teaching mathematics through the flipp... more The purpose of this research was to analyze the process of teaching mathematics through the flipped classroom model based on preservice teacher opinions. The study group consisted of 16 preservice teachers from a primary school teaching program at a state university in Turkey who agreed to participate voluntarily. The research was designed as a practical action research study. After the five-week implementation period, two separate focus group discussions occurred with the volunteer preservice teachers. Consequently, in addition to the positive contribution to learner responsibility made by the flipped classroom, it was also observed that the in-class teamwork processes contributed to make the mathematics course entertaining. Moreover, peer learning was implemented, and the sense of belonging made a positive contribution to academic achievement in a teamwork process. In addition, preservice teachers started to see the academician as a role model at the end of the implementation proc...

Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 2020
The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of teaching mathematics through the flippe... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of teaching mathematics through the flipped classroom model based on opinions of preservice teacher. The study group consisted of 16 preservice teachers, who were studying in the department of primary school teaching program at a state university in Turkey, and agreed to participate in the research voluntarily. The research was designed as a practical action research study. After the five-week implementation period, two separate focus group discussions occurred with the volunteer preservice teachers. Consequently, in addition to the positive contribution of the flipped classroom to learner responsibility, it was also observed that the in-class teamwork processes made a significant contribution about making the mathematics course entertaining. Moreover, peer learning was implemented, and the sense of belonging made a positive contribution to academic achievement in a teamwork process. In addition, preservice teachers started to see the academician as a role model at the end of the implementation process; this was a valuable
result in terms of pedagogical contribution. Gamification or environments enriched with virtual reality applications can be suggested for further research.

Ege Eğitim Dergisi
Öz Anahtar Sözcükler Bu araştırmada; Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programı yer alan veri işleme ve ola... more Öz Anahtar Sözcükler Bu araştırmada; Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programı yer alan veri işleme ve olasılık öğrenme alanlarına yönelik alan yazında yer alan araştırma eğilimlerini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Türkiye'de yapılan ortaokul düzeyinde 34 bilimsel makale, 24 yüksek lisans ve 3 doktora tezi olmak üzere toplam 61 çalışma taranıp içerik analizi yapılmıştır. İlgili çalışmalara ulaşabilmek için; olasılık, veri işleme, grafik kavramları ile istatistiksel düşünme ve istatistiksel okuryazarlık kavramları çerçevesinde tarama yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları anahtar kelimeler, araştırma yöntemleri, araştırma desenleri, örneklem büyüklüğü, veri toplama araçları, veri analiz yöntemleri ve araştırmaların amaç ve sonuçlarını kapsayacak şekilde temalara ayrılmıştır. Veriler, yüzde ve frekansa dayalı olarak yorumlanmış, bulgular tablolarla sunulmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara dayanarak, yapılan araştırmaların çoğunluğunun Veri ve Olasılık öğrenme alanlarında kullanılabilecek öğretim yöntemlerinin etkililiğini araştırmak amacıyla yapıldığı; yöntem olarak çoğunlukla nicel araştırma yöntemlerinin, desen olarak ise deneysel desenlerin kullanıldığı; verilerin ise en çok başarı testleri aracılığıyla elde edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmaların sonuçları incelendiğinde en çok işbirlikli öğrenme yönteminin etkili olduğu, yaşanılan zorluklar incelendiğinde ise en çok çizgi grafiği konusunda zorlanıldığı sonucu elde edilmiştir. Abstract Keywords This study aims to investigate research trends in the literature on Data Processing and Probability learning areas in the Mathematics Curriculum. To this end, a total of 61 studies performed at elementary school level (5-8th grades) in Turkey, including 34 papers, 24 theses and 3 dissertations were reviewed and subjected to content analysis. To reach relevant studies, the literature was reviewed within the concepts of probability, data processing, graphics and statistical thinking/literacy. The findings were categorized into themes including keywords, methods, designs, sample sizes, instruments, data analysis methods and objectives and results of the research. The data was interpreted based on percentage and frequency, and the findings were presented in tables. Based on the findings obtained, it was determined that most of the studies have been performed to examine the effectiveness of teaching methods suitable of being used in Data and Probability. It was also found that the most commonly used methods are quantitative methods and the most commonly used designs are experimental designs, and that the data have been obtained mostly through achievement tests. When the results of the studies have been examined, it was concluded that the most effective learning method is cooperative learning, and that the biggest challenge is related to line chart. Data processing Probability Statistics Content analysis Article Info

Geometrideki tümdengelimli ve tümevarımsal muhakeme arasındaki etkileşimli süreç içerisinde, dina... more Geometrideki tümdengelimli ve tümevarımsal muhakeme arasındaki etkileşimli süreç içerisinde, dinamik geometri yazılımlarının en temel ve ayırt edici özelliği olan sürükleme anahtar bir role sahiptir. Sürüklemenin bu anahtar rolünün ortaya çıkarılmasında ise eğitimcilere ve araştırmacılara önemli görevler düşmektedir. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada dinamik geometri yazılımlarının sürükleme özelliğinin farklı kullanım amaçları açıklanmış, sürükleme çeşitleri tanıtılmış ve eğitimcilerin bu süreçteki rolü tartışılmıştır. Kuramsal olarak desenlenen bu çalışmanın Türkiye'deki literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle sürüklemenin kısa tarihçesine ve geometri öğretimindeki önemine değinilmiş, ardından sürükleme çeşitlerinin "kurama geçiş" ve "algıya geçiş" sürecindeki rolü açıklanmıştır. Bu sürükleme çeşitleri parabol konusuna ilişkin örnek bir problem durumu üzerinde tanıtılmış ve süreç içinde öğrencilerde gerçekleşebilecek muhakemeler tartışılmıştır.
ÖZET: Bu araştırmada, geometri öğretiminde drama yönteminin uygulanmasının öğrencilerin bu yöntem... more ÖZET: Bu araştırmada, geometri öğretiminde drama yönteminin uygulanmasının öğrencilerin bu yönteme bakış açılarını ve geometriye yönelik özyeterlik inançlarına etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya ilişkin denel işlem 20062007 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde ...
International Journal of E- …, Jan 1, 2011
Abstract This study examines the use of Moodle assisted online collaboration environment in a Spe... more Abstract This study examines the use of Moodle assisted online collaboration environment in a Special Teaching Techniques class. In this paper, the authors investigate the effect of Moodle assisted online collaboration on prospective secondary mathematics teachers' ...
Conference Presentations by Deniz OZEN UNAL
Proceedings of IXth International Eurasian Educational Research Congress, 2022
Proceedings of International (Bio)Climate Change Symposium, 2022

Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, 2021
Welcome to #PMENA43, the Forty-Third Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Inter... more Welcome to #PMENA43, the Forty-Third Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. We are thrilled to host you, either in-person in the beautiful and historic city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, or virtually through our conference hub. No matter whether you are joining in-person or virtually, we hope you have an enjoyable and thought-provoking time. The theme of the conference, Productive Struggle: Persevering through Challenges, has also summarized the project of planning a conference during an ongoing and ever-shifting pandemic. We aim to provoke new ways of thinking about our work as researchers and teacher educators in this time of change and challenge. We sincerely appreciate each one of you for attending and sharing your ideas for growth and perseverance. We would like to thank the many people who put a tremendous amount of work into making this a successful conference, including the reviewers, the Strand Leaders, an incredible team of volunteers, and graduate assistants Rachael Talbert, Kayla Begen, and Sarah Gill. We appreciate the assistance of the PME-NA Steering Committee, and are particularly grateful to Aaron Brakoniecki for building and maintaining the conference website, José Martínez Hinestroza for supporting Spanish-language authors, as well as Steering Committee Chair Julie Amador and past LOC Member Samuel Otten for their assistance and advice. Carly Sullivan was invaluable in planning the in-person events, and the Cvent support team went above and beyond to support us. We would specifically like to highlight the

Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico, 2020
The purpose of the study was to examine prospective teachers’ uses of diagrams and approaches to ... more The purpose of the study was to examine prospective teachers’ uses of diagrams and approaches to congruence while solving proof tasks. Eight prospective high school mathematics teachers were given two proof tasks to solve at the beginning and end of a mathematics education course. Analysis revealed that at the beginning of the course preservice teachers’ approached congruence proofs using a perceptual or correspondence approach and interacted and used a descriptive mode of interaction with diagrams. At the end, their approaches to congruence included more instances of transformations and measures and their interactions with diagrams included fewer uses of the descriptive mode and more instances of representational and functional modes.
Papers by Deniz OZEN UNAL
result in terms of pedagogical contribution. Gamification or environments enriched with virtual reality applications can be suggested for further research.
Conference Presentations by Deniz OZEN UNAL
result in terms of pedagogical contribution. Gamification or environments enriched with virtual reality applications can be suggested for further research.