Be Extraordinary Here

No doubt about it. Applying to Dartmouth has the potential to change your life—but also the lives of the students and faculty you will interact with here on campus. Every student we admit brings something unique to the community: a combination of qualities, experiences, and point-of-view that isn't duplicated by any other student. So come to Dartmouth. Be extraordinary here. You'll fit right in.


Information regarding testing for applicants to the Class of 2029.

" If you're a student who values close partnerships with professors and small classrooms where you feel free to speak up, then Dartmouth is the place for you."

—Carson Goh '25


Dartmouth is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory learning, living, and working environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.


Dartmouth has been a proud QuestBridge partner for the past ten years.

QuestBridge is a platform that connects motivated and bright high school students from low-income backgrounds with some of the nation's leading colleges and universities. We encourage you to explore the QuestBridge Program's website to learn more and discover if this is the right application process for you.

All QuestBridge Finalists, regardless of participating in the National College Match, can use their QuestBridge application in the Early and Regular Decision programs at Dartmouth College. If you apply to the National College Match, feel free to check out our resources and our FAQs.

You can also find this information on Dartmouth's QuestBridge page.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Participating in the MatchQuestBridge Non-Finalists

Dartmouth Transfer Admission Application

All candidates applying for transfer admission to Dartmouth must use our Transfer Application.

2025 Transfer Application

Transfer is an admission round in which current college students submit their application by March 1 and receive an admission decision mid-May. Learn more about the Transfer admission round.

Transfer AdmissionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

About the Process

Learn more about the process if you:

  • Are a QuestBridge Finalist
  • Are participating in the National College Match but have chosen not to rank Dartmouth as one of your schools for the National College Match

You can also find this information on the QuestBridge website.

You are able to apply as a Regular Decision applicant to Dartmouth using your QuestBridge application if you do not receive a binding match.

If you would like to apply as a Regular Decision applicant to Dartmouth, you must request to forward your application to Dartmouth using the QuestBridge Regular Decision Form by early-December. This way, your entire QuestBridge application, including your recommendations and essays, will be sent to us and you do not have to submit the Common Application. As an applicant to Dartmouth, you must also fill out the Dartmouth Writing Supplement, which will be available on your Dartmouth Applicant Portal once we have received your QuestBridge application. We also encourage you to submit the Peer Recommendation (also found on your Dartmouth Applicant portal) and to participate in an Alumni Interview should you be contacted for one by a Dartmouth alum.


If you have any other application updates (new essays that you want us to see and/or awards and achievements), you may upload those through your Dartmouth Applicant Portal.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking Dartmouth

Learn more about the process if you:

  • Are a QuestBridge Finalist
  • Are not participating in the National College Match.

Early Decision
If Dartmouth is your top choice college, we encourage you to consider applying to Dartmouth through our Binding Early Decision program. Dartmouth's financial aid program will meet your family's demonstrated financial need.

QuestBridge Finalists who opt out of the National College Match (i.e. do not rank any colleges) may apply to Dartmouth for consideration in our Binding Early Decision round using their QuestBridge application.

If you choose to apply Early Decision, please email [email protected] for information about how to apply to Dartmouth using your QuestBridge application. Please note that Early Decision applicants must complete the Dartmouth Writing Supplement and the Early Decision Agreement by November 1. 

Regular Decision
QuestBridge Finalists who opt out of the National College Match completely (i.e. do not rank any colleges) may apply to Dartmouth in our Regular Decision round using their QuestBridge application or the Common Application. Students should submit only one application.

If you choose to apply Regular Decision using your QuestBridge application, you must request to forward your application to Dartmouth using the QuestBridge Regular Decision Form by early-December. You will also need to fill out the Dartmouth Writing Supplement, which will be available on your Dartmouth Applicant Portal. We also encourage you to submit the Peer Recommendation (also found on your Dartmouth Applicant Portal) and to participate in an Alumni Interview should you be contacted for one.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Not Participating in the Match

Learn more about the process if you:

  • Submitted a QuestBridge application
  • Were not selected by QuestBridge as a Finalist

You can also find this information on the QuestBridge website.

Students who are not named QuestBridge Finalists may still apply to Dartmouth for Binding Early Decision or Regular Decision. In order to do this, you must submit the Common App. Students who are not named QuestBridge Finalists may not share their QuestBridge National College Match Application with Dartmouth. Dartmouth has no preference for one application option over another, and all students are eligible for the same need-based financial aid, regardless of how or when they apply. For more information about applying to Dartmouth, revisit the Apply page and select Regular Decision instead of QuestBridge in the "Start Your Process" section.

The Binding Early Decision deadline is November 1 and the Regular Decision deadline is January 2.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Non-Finalists

Application Process

QuestBridge Finalists Required Application Components

Application Fee

  • Application fees are waived for all QuestBridge Finalists


QuestBridge Application

  • Dartmouth will automatically receive the QuestBridge application materials for QuestBridge Finalists who rank Dartmouth in the National College Match. If you do not rank Dartmouth, you will need to request your QuestBridge application be sent to us. For more information, please email [email protected].
  • Once you request your QuestBridge materials to be sent to us, all your application materials will be sent to Dartmouth, including the essays, recommendations, and transcripts you submitted to the QuestBridge organization in September. You do not need to resubmit any of these components.
  • The Dartmouth Writing Supplement is required for QuestBridge Finalists during the National College Match process. After your QuestBridge Application has been forwarded to Dartmouth, you will receive instructions via email to access your Dartmouth Applicant Portal. Once you have access to your portal, complete the Dartmouth Writing Supplement and QuestBridge Addendum located there.
  • If you would like to send new information to the Dartmouth Admissions Committee that was not available when you completed your QuestBridge Application (e.g. new honors and awards), you may submit those by uploading them to your Dartmouth Applicant Portal.


Secondary School Report with Transcript, School Profile, and Counselor Evaluation

  • We will use the School Report, School Profile, and Counselor Evaluation that your school submitted to QuestBridge. You do not have to resubmit any of these.
  • Additional transcripts are not required for consideration in the National College Match, but Dartmouth welcomes quarter grades or midterm grades if available in November.


Two Teacher Evaluations

  • We will use the teacher recommendations that your teachers submitted to QuestBridge. You do not need to resubmit these.



  • SAT or ACT. Learn more about Dartmouth's Standardized Guidelines.
  • Students are welcome to submit SAT Subject, Advanced Placement, or International Baccalaureate scores to illustrate academic strengths. Not submitting these scores will not prevent a candidacy from receiving a full review by the Admissions Committee.


  • Interviews are not required for any first-year applicant to Dartmouth. Because of the condensed timeline of the QuestBridge National College Match process, we are unable to offer interviews to QuestBridge applicants.
  • However, if you move into our Regular Decision process you may be contacted for an interview and we encourage you to take this opportunity to interview with a Dartmouth alum.
QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Participating in the Match

Dates, Deadlines, and Forms

We’re excited to learn about you, your talents, and your potential. Start here to see important dates and deadlines, and to find links to the forms you need to complete.

0. About Early Decision

Early Decision (ED) is an early admission round in which students submit their application by November 1 and receive an admission decision by mid-December. ED admission is binding: students who apply through this process are committing to attend Dartmouth if admitted (barring extenuating circumstances such as unforeseen financial hardship). Learn more about the Early Decision admission round.

Early DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

0. About Regular Decision

Regular Decision (RD) is an admission round in which students submit their application by January 2 and receive an admission decision by late March or early April, and, if admitted, have until May 1 to either accept or decline their offer. Learn more about the Regular Decision admission round.

Regular DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

1. Dartmouth Admission Applications Go Live

  • August 1

    All candidates applying for first-year admission to Dartmouth must use the Common App. Add Dartmouth to the "My Colleges" section and you will be on your way. Check our Eligibility Guidelines to help guide what type of applicant you are.

Early DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students
Regular DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

1. Transfer Timeline

  • January

    All candidates applying for transfer admission to Dartmouth must use our Transfer Application.

  • February

    Last date for testing
    Information regarding testing policy

  • March 1

    Transfer Application due

  • March 1

    Application Fee or Fee Waiver due

  • March 1

    Financial Aid application materials due

  • Mid-May

    Transfer admission notification. Financial aid award notification for admitted financial aid applicants

  • May

    Admitted financial aid applicants review and appeal (if necessary) financial aid packages.

  • Late May

    Intent to enroll deadline

  • May and June

    Final spring term college transcript, including end-of-year grades, due (required for all admitted students and applicants on the Wait List)

    Assemble transcript and course syllabi for review by the Dartmouth Registrar and academic departments to determine transferrable credits (required for all enrolling students)


Transfer AdmissionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

2. Early Decision Timeline

  • November 1

    Early Decision Application due

  • November 1

    Financial Aid application materials due

  • November 1

    Application Fee or Fee Waiver due

  • Early November

    Last date for testing.

  • Mid November

    Respond to (optional) Alumni Interview invitation

  • Late November

    Quarter grades/progress reports that include grades from the senior year due

  • Mid December

    Early Decision admission notification. Financial aid tentative award notification for admitted financial aid applicants.

  • Late December

    Intent to enroll deadline

  • January to February

    Mid-Year Report due.

    Early Decision deferred applicants should submit a brief update regarding recent notable academic, extracurricular, and/or personal accomplishments; some applicants may wish to submit other material, such as new standardized exam scores and/or an additional letter of recommendation.

  • On or before April 1

    Admission notification for Early Decision deferred applicants. Financial aid award notification for admitted financial aid applicants.

  • April

    Admitted financial aid applicants review and appeal financial aid packages (if necessary).

  • May 2

    Intent to enroll deadline for recently admitted Early Decision applicants

  • June

    Final Secondary School Report and transcript due

    Deadline to request a Gap Year

Early DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

2. Regular Decision Timeline

  • December

    Last date for testing.

  • January 2

    Regular Decision Application due

  • January 2

    Application Fee or Fee Waiver due

  • January through February

    Mid-Year Report due

    Respond to (optional) Alumni Interview invitation

  • February 1

    Financial Aid application materials due

  • Late March or Early April

    Regular Decision admission notification. Financial aid award notification for admitted financial aid applicants.

  • April

    Admitted financial aid applicants review and appeal financial aid packages (if necessary).

  • May 1

    Intent to enroll deadline

  • June

    Final secondary school report and transcript are due

  • June 1

    Deadline to request a Gap Year

Regular DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

2. Required Transfer Application Components

Transfer AdmissionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

2.1. Additional Application Components

Transfer AdmissionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

3.0 Additional Application Components

Recommended Application Component

Optional Application Component

Early DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students
Regular DecisionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

3.1. Information for International Students

Early DecisionInternational Students
Regular DecisionInternational Students
Transfer AdmissionInternational Students


Transfer Eligibility

  • Students who have matriculated at a college and who have completed two years or fewer of college coursework—even if they have attended for one term or fewer—are only eligible for transfer admission.

  • Students who have previously earned a bachelor's degree or its equivalent are not eligible for admission to Dartmouth.

  • Students who have taken college coursework that is counting towards their high school graduation must apply for first-year admission. This includes students pursuing an associate's degree while finishing high school.

  • Students who are not currently enrolled in school, or whose education has been interrupted, may apply for admission and often use the "Additional Information" portion of the application to provide background on their experiences and their educational path.

  • An applicant's anticipated year of graduation or the number of credits completed within the guidelines stated above will not have an impact on the outcome of an application. Because Dartmouth enrolls such a small number of transfer students each year, the Admissions Committee does not need to balance the numbers of students entering as new sophomores or juniors.

Transfer AdmissionUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentInternational StudentsUndocumented Students

After the Match

Finalists Who Do Not Match

Students who rank Dartmouth and don't match at any partner school will automatically roll into Dartmouth's Regular Decision pool and also have the option of being considered for Early Decision. Please review the information on this page of our website and visit the QuestBridge website for more information about your options following the National College Match.

If you no longer wish to be considered in Dartmouth's applicant pool, you should complete the "Application Withdrawal Request Form" available through your Dartmouth Applicant Portal.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking Dartmouth

Finalists Who Do Not Match, Do Not Rank Dartmouth

Students who do not rank Dartmouth and don't match at any partner school have the option to add Dartmouth to their QuestBridge Regular Decision Form. Please look at the QuestBridge website for more information about your options following the National College Match.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking Dartmouth

Finalists who Match to a Non-binding School

Congratulations on matching with a non-binding QuestBridge partner college! Because this is non-binding, you are still eligible to apply to Dartmouth through the binding Early Decision process or the non-binding Regular Decision process.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking Dartmouth

Finalists who Match to another Binding School

Congratulations! If you have been matched at another QuestBridge partner college with a binding match agreement, you must attend that school. We will automatically withdraw your QuestBridge application.

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking DartmouthQuestBridge Finalists Not Ranking Dartmouth

Finalists Who Match to Dartmouth

Congratulations! The QuestBridge Match process at Dartmouth is binding. You will be attending Dartmouth in the fall – we can't wait to welcome you to campus!

QuestbridgeQuestBridge Finalists Ranking Dartmouth