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A holistic education linked to creativity, innovation, critical thinking and local/ global citizenship is increasingly marginalized in the United States as schools continue to struggle with the impact of high-stakes testing regimes. In... more
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      ArtHuman RightsPlayArts Education
Social justice, in its broadest sense, is about equal rights and opportunities for all. But understandings of rights and opportunities vary widely, depending upon how we are situated socially, politically, economically, and culturally. In... more
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      Higher EducationArts EducationService LearningCapability Approach
Across the nation, urban school districts struggle to raise often abysmally low high school graduation rates. New York City, with a four-year graduation rate of 57 percent, is no exception. Yet, some high schools in New York, as... more
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      Urban EducationCollege ReadinessK-12 Education
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      Arts EducationSocial JusticeKosovoArt and Design Education
This article explores Nussbaum's notion of the importance of the arts and humanities as they relate to global citizenship and education. Nussbaum proposes three capacities or capabilities that are, above all, 'essential to the cultivation... more
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      Arts EducationCapability ApproachSocial Justice in EducationArt and Design Education
Increasingly, education policy makers understand the importance of students and families having access to a range of high quality educational opportunities inside and outside of school, 365 days a year. This paper explores the concept of... more
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      Urban EducationCapability ApproachSecondary EducationArt Education
This is a short chapter in Buffington and Wilson McKay's book, Practice Theory. The uploaded paper is a PDF of original submission. For document including images, see the book.
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The College Pathway series grew out of the findings in Beating the Odds, a study of thirteen high-performing NYC high schools by Carol Ascher and Cindy Maguire for AISR. Each of the schools admitted ninth-graders with high poverty rates... more
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Thesis (M.A.)--California State University, Long Beach, 2001. Abstract preceding title page. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-149). Photocopy of typescript.
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Drawing upon two threads of theory and practice-Community Cultural Development (CCD) and Socially Engaged Art (SEA), a framework is proposed to address a gap in the respective literatures and to develop ideas and tools that help us get... more
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      Indigenous StudiesHuman RightsPostcolonial Studies
Call for papers volume 11 issue 2 Understanding and challenging right-wing movements (pp. 4 -7)
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      SociologySocial MovementsAnthropologyPolitical Science
Since 2009, my work has focused on global collaborations with populations in conflict-affected environments. Through respect, open dialogue, and long-term cooperation, projects are co-created and produced with local partners including... more
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      Human RightsHigher EducationArts EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
ArtsAction Group is a non-profit focused on global partnerships with populations in conflict-affected environments. As international community-based collective, we are committed to facilitating visual and performing arts initiatives with... more
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      Arts EducationKosovoSri LankaArt Education
Cultivating systemic thinking and critical exploration in post-secondary art education programs concerned with peace and social justice is expressed through a multitude of practices. This chapter provides an analysis of and argument for... more
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      Capability ApproachSocial Justice in EducationArt and Design EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Role of contemporary art education in international development, specifically, community and arts development post-conflict, in Suhareka, Kosovo.
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      Arts EducationSocial JusticeKosovoArt and Design Education
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      Urban EducationBest PracticesCollege ReadinessGraduation
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The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently... more
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      SociologyEducationArtHuman Rights
We present a symmetric double-sided pillared phononic crystals (PPnCs) that can emulate both quantum
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    • The Arts