Books by Ana I . Simón Alegre
“Encendida de Mediodía Exacto.” Estudios sobre Carmen Conde. Editado por Manuel Broullón Lozano, Cari Fernández Hernández, and Fran Garcerá Románpp. 25-54., 2024
This chapter explores the life and work of Carmen Conde through her relationship with Concepción ... more This chapter explores the life and work of Carmen Conde through her relationship with Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer. It outlines Gimeno de Flaquer’s presence in Cartagena and her influence in literary circles, particularly in introducing Conde’s work to a broader audience. The chapter examines Gimeno de Flaquer’s travels, including her time in Portugal, which impacted Conde’s writing, and highlights her focus on the cultural significance of Murcia and Cartagena. Finally, it reflects on the transnational journeys of both women and how their shared interest in travel and connection enriched Conde’s literary development.
Gloria: la poeta de los amores prohibidos. Editado por Lola Lapaz. Madrid: Editorial Dos Bigotes, 2024, pp. 105- 132. , 2024

The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century, 2024
This essay focuses on the first novel published by the Nineteenth century Spanish writer Concepci... more This essay focuses on the first novel published by the Nineteenth century Spanish writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919), "Victorina o el heroísmo del corazón" (Victorina or the Heroism of the Heart, 1873), highlighting how her work of fiction reflects her real-life correspondence with the Spanish actor and theater entrepreneur Manuel Catalina (1820-1886). The focus is on the strategies Gimeno de Flaquer used to bring together the public and private spheres in her writing on a transatlantic level through the exploitation of the literary and social networks in which she circulated. My research shows how public and private writing were linked and were fundamental for developing both the “female self” and the “writerly self” in Gimeno’s trajectory. Also, by examining four different versions of Victorina, I have traced Gimeno’s transatlantic journey, which was essential to the development of her place in the Republic of Letters. Gimeno published Victorina three times in Spain and once in México in her newspaper El Álbum de la Mujer (The Woman’s Album; 1887). My analysis of the changes that Gimeno made in each version underscores how she developed her career as a writer with the intention of finding a place for herself both in the world of literature and in the world of journalism through the creation of a transatlantic profile.

Vernon Press, 2023
Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Cartas, cuentos cortos y artículos periodísticos combin... more Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Cartas, cuentos cortos y artículos periodísticos combina un trabajo de investigación histórica con una aproximación crítico-literaria, que se complementa con una edición actualizada y anotada que incluye una selección de sus textos más representativos, que hasta la publicación de este trabajo no han sido fáciles de consultar. Gracias a esta edición, el público lector apreciará a una escritora con un marcado perfil transatlántico tanto en cuanto al marco temático que conjuntamente ofrece su obra, como en relación con su trayectoria vital y profesional, ya que se aseguró de que sus trabajos y proyectos periodísticos traspasaran las fronteras peninsulares. Gracias a los esfuerzos realizados por la editora y autora de la introducción, Ana I. Simón Alegre (Universidad de Adelphi), este trabajo aproxima a Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer a un público lector actual desde diferentes ángulos de estudio y reflexión. Como por ejemplo el biográfico, donde sobresale su temprano interés por el teatro, el camino que transitó hasta convertirse en una escritora estrechamente ligada al periodismo y a las corrientes abolicionistas, sus incursiones en el novedoso género literario de los cuentos cortos con una marcada temática realista, el compromiso de su obra de ensayo –primero aquellos trabajos que escribió en el último tercio del siglo XIX conectados con los movimientos políticos y sociales que fomentaron la extensión global del derecho a la educación y, después, sus escritos políticos de principios del siglo XX que se enlazaron de lleno con el emergente feminismo–, o el de sus amistades y redes de contacto, que la ayudaron a asegurar su presencia en las rutas literarias transatlánticas que formaban parte de la República de las Letras durante la época en la que Gimeno de Flaquer desarrolló su carrera. Además, en este libro, gracias a la cuidada edición crítica, el público lector podrá seguir sus textos de una manera documentada, por lo que las notas explicativas incluidas en cada una de las diez cartas, los siete cuentos cortos y los diecisiete artículos periodísticos seleccionados permiten navegar por el complejo mundo ideológico y de referencias culturales-simbólicas que formaban parte de la cotidianidad de Gimeno de Flaquer y de sus contemporáneas, que más de un siglo después y sin una edición actualizada y crítica como la que incluye el presente libro, resulta difícil de aprehender, pues la riqueza de significados y la abundante información complementaria está insinuada entre líneas o por medio de un lenguaje codificado. Conjuntamente, este libro muestra parte del proyecto político e intelectual que la autora desarrolló a lo largo de toda su carrera. Gracias a esta investigación y edición crítica es fácil asociar al nombre de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer el epíteto –muy propio del siglo XXI– de activista que, en vida de la autora, tenía su equivalente en el de “cantora de la mujer” y que ella misma usó para definir a aquellas mujeres que le habían ayudado a seguir su camino, del mismo modo que otras firmas relevantes de su contemporaneidad lo emplearon para describirla a ella.

Vernon Press, 2023
"Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories, and Journalism" c... more "Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories, and Journalism" combines historical research with a critical-literary approach complemented by an updated, annotated edition of some of her most representative texts. Until the publication of this critical edition, these writings by Gimeno de Flaquer have not been easy to consult. Gimeno de Flaquer stands out as a writer with a marked transatlantic profile, in terms of her thematic framework and professional career that extended beyond the Iberian Peninsula. The editor of this volume and author of the introduction, Ana I. Simón Alegre (Adelphi University), brings Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer closer to today’s readers considering various angles of scholarship and reflection. With the biographical material included here, readers will further appreciate Gimeno de Flaquer’s interrelated interests that include theater, journalism, and a marked dedication to abolitionist currents. Her forays into the literary genre of the short story demonstrated new approaches to realism, and the essays that she wrote in the last third of the nineteenth century reveal her commitment to promoting the right to education. Her political writings from the beginning of the twentieth century engaged fully with emerging discussions on feminism. Gimeno de Flaquer’s network of friends and contacts helped her to become an important contributor to the transatlantic literary routes at the beginning of the twentieth century. This critical edition is the first volume that allows readers to examine a variety of texts by Gimeno de Flaquer, with extensive explanatory notes to help navigate the complex ideology and cultural-symbolic references that were part of the daily life of Gimeno de Flaquer and her contemporaries. Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories, and Journalism reveals the political, social, and intellectual projects that the writer developed throughout her career, and this research underlines why it makes sense to associate Gimeno de Flaquer with the twentieth century designation of “activist,” which, during her life, had its equivalent in the term, “cantora de la mujer” (“the woman’s intoner”). Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer used this expression to recognize those women who had helped her move forward on her path, and it was the same moniker that people had previously used to describe Gimeno de Flaquer.

Ámbitos Feministas es una revista online revisada por pares ciegos que se publica anualmente en p... more Ámbitos Feministas es una revista online revisada por pares ciegos que se publica anualmente en primavera, editada por Feministas Unidas Inc. Ámbitos Feministas acepta contribuciones originales como artículos académicos, traducciones, trabajos creativos como poesía y cuentos, reseñas de libros, miscelánea y trabajos artísticos que sean inéditos y que estén escritas en español, inglés o portugués y que estén relacionadas con los estudios de género, las sexualidades, la teoría queer, feminista, pedagogía inclusiva y los estudios relacionados con las mujeres. Además, Ámbitos Feministas acepta propuestas para números especiales. Ámbitos Feministas está abierta a trabajos que combinen diversas perspectivas y disciplinas, y que tengan un énfasis particular en la perspectiva transatlántica de los estudios de América Latina, el Caribe, la Península Ibérica, África, Asia, Estados Unidos, Filipinas y los estudios indígenas. Ámbitos Feministas acepta contribuciones en cualquier momento, pero para que la propuesta sea considerada para el siguiente número deberá recibirse antes del 30 de noviembre. Por favor, antes de mandar su propuesta asegúrese de que se ajusta a la temática de Ámbitos Feministas, sigue las "Normas editoriales" y cumple con los siguientes requisitos generales:

Crime, Justiça e Sistemas Punitivos, 2021
The objective of this research is to present how Colombine (Carmen de Burgos) and Magda Donato (E... more The objective of this research is to present how Colombine (Carmen de Burgos) and Magda Donato (Eva Nelken) used their translations and journalistic articles to denounce the existing deficiencies in of the Spanish prison system, criticize the discriminatory legal treatment of women in the civil code and require demand the abolition of the death penalty. This research proposes that the activism carried out by these two journalists, Colombine and Magda Donato, was linked to the figure of Concepción Arenal both in relation to her thinking and her social commitment when she worked as a prison inspector in 1864 and also closely related to her writing for what that has been called literary activism. In the case of Carmen de Burgos, the first years of her career as a journalist in Madrid, from 1901 to 1904, are analyzed. This period coincided with Colombine's connection to El Álbum Ibero-Americano, el Heraldo de Madrid and El Diario Universal, as well off as with the publication of her translation of the work of Paul Julius Moebius The mental inferiority of the woman for the Sempere publishing house. In the case of Eva Nelken, the series of chronicles she wrote about her experience pretending to be another prisoner in the Madrid prison of Quiñones is analyzed for the newspaper Ahora in July 1933 is analyzed.
Queer Women in Modern Spanish Literature: Activism, Sexuality, the Otherness of the Chicas Raras., 2022
This original collection of esays explores the work and life choices of Spanish women who, throug... more This original collection of esays explores the work and life choices of Spanish women who, through their writings and social activism, addressedsocial justice, religious dogmatism, the educational system, genderinequality, and tensions in female subjectivity. It brings together writers who are not commonly associated with each other, but whose voicesoverlap, allowing us to foreground their unconventionality, their relationshipsto each other, and their relation to modernity. Theobjective of this volume is to explore how the idea of "queerness" playedan important role in the personal lives and social activism of these

Queer Women in Modern Spanish Literature: Activism, Sexuality, the Otherness of the Chicas Raras. , 2022
This original collection of essays explores the work and life choices of Spanish women who, throu... more This original collection of essays explores the work and life choices of Spanish women who, through their writings and social activism, addressed social justice, religious dogmatism, the educational system, gender inequality, and tensions in female subjectivity. It brings together writers who are not commonly associated with each other, but whose voices overlap, allowing us to foreground their unconventionality, their relationships to each other, and their relation to modernity. The objective of this volume is to explore how the idea of "queerness" played an important role in the personal lives and social activism of these writers, as well as in the unconventional and nonconformist characters they created in their work. Together, the essays demonstrate that the concept of "queer women" is useful for investigating the evolution of women's writing and sexual identity during the period of Spain's fitful transition to modernity in the nineteenth century. The concept of queernessin its many meanings points to the idea of non-normativity and genderdissidence that encompasses how women intellectuals experienced friendship, religion, sex, sexuality, and gender. The works examined include autobiography, poetry, memoir, salon chronicles, short and long fiction, pedagogical essays, newspaper articles, theater, and leters. In addition to exploring the significant presence of queer women in nineteenth-and twentieth-century Spanish literature and culture, the essays examine the reasons why the voices of Spanish women authors have been culturally silenced. One thrust in this collection explores generational transitions of Spanish writers from the romantics and their "hermandad lírica" ("lyrical sisterhood") through to "las Sinsombrero" ("Women Without Hats"), and finally, current Spanish writers linked to the LGBTQ+ community.

Del salvaje siglo XIX al inestable siglo XX en las letras transatlnticas: Una mirada retrospectiva a traves de hispanistas, 2021
This research is based on two methodological approaches that
emerged in the heat of the United S... more This research is based on two methodological approaches that
emerged in the heat of the United States academy by the hand of the Hispanist Lou Charnon-Deutsch, with her works Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press (2000) and Hold That Pose: Visual Culture in the Late Nineteenth-Century Spanish Periodical (2008), that raises the importance of visual culture within the publications of the late Nineteenth Century. Following these approaches, I am going to recover part of the portraits and engravings that we have of the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer to analyze how her visual dossier evolved, in which stand out three signatures that she joined her books, articles and her two newspapers, the Mexican El Álbum de la Mujer (1883-1890) and Madrid city press El Álbum Ibero-Americano (1890-
1909). As this chapter will reveal, Gimeno de Flaquer conjugates how she
filtered her portraits to public opinion with a marked sense of “visual activism” with which she accompanied her public acts that were described in the press of the time. In this way, the figure of Gimeno de Flaquer emerges not only as a writer but also as a businesswoman within the world of the press.

Del salvaje siglo XIX al inestable siglo XX en las letras transatlánticas: Una mirada retrospectiva a través de hispanistas , 2022
This book, "From the Wild Nineteenth century to the Unstable Twentieth century
Through Transatla... more This book, "From the Wild Nineteenth century to the Unstable Twentieth century
Through Transatlantic Letters: a Retrospective Look At Hispanists," is meant to
present a multidisciplinary approach to research of Nineteenth and Twentieth
century Spanish literature on three thematic axes. One thread that connects all
of the sixteen chapters of this book is that they share a critical and
methodological orientation linked to Transatlantic Studies and Hispanicism.
The first section is entitled “Round Trips,” which explores the fluid routes
between the European and American shores of the Atlantic, which facilitated
the movement of people and the exchange of knowledge, since the Nineteenth
century and continues to this day. In the opening section we highlight women
and men who undertook these transatlantic trips, such as the scientist Inés de
Echevarría, the philologist Rafael Lapesa, and the writers Rosa Montero and
Paloma Díaz-Mas. In this book we also consider those who took one-way trips
across the Atlantic, like the writer Mercedes Pinto, and the poet Eugénio de
Castro. In every case, the scholars look beyond their horizons for answers to pressing questions. Ultimately, what links the travels of the writers highlighted
in this volume is that their work connected the contrasting worlds of the
humanities and sciences on both shores of the Atlantic. In addition, they
enriched the discipline of Hispanicism by advancing specific goals for which
each trip was set in motion - scientific exploration, career development,
dissemination of literary trends, exile, etc.
The following two sections of this book, include research which reflects new
methodological approaches with reference to works within Hispanicism and
Transatlantic Studies. The chapters on the “Wild Nineteenth Century” bring
together several essays that link literary criticism with ecofeminism, taking as
a reference the poet Rosalía de Castro. We also explore cartographies of sexual
emotions through a critical reading of fiction, presenting the novel idea of
“transgressive masochism.” In addition, one part of our book presents analyses
of images linked to the development of female literary entrepreneurs, focused
on the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer. The final section is titled the
“Unstable Twentieth century” because it includes research on present day film
studies, with reference to the activist Hildegart and the director Josefina
Molina, and other important figures of the Twentieth century who are still
active in the literary-cultural world on both sides of the Atlantic, like the poet
Fernando Valverde. This section also includes works of literary criticism related
to dirt theory and the novel, La plaza del Diamante. We also explore the
emotional-spatial representations that emerged in the heat of the reception of
the novel El cuarto de atrás in the United States.
Together, the three sections of this volume highlight the importance of exploring
intersections between a variety of research topics within cultural studies, literary
criticism, emotional and sexual cartographies, and cinematographic culture
throughout the Nineteenth century to the present day. This book serves as a useful
tool to reflect on how the transatlantic routes of knowledge continue to nurture
the development of the humanities in communities that cross boundaries.
Finally, this work aims to constitute itself as pedagogical material through its
support of social justice, activism, and the exchange of knowledge as fundamental
aspects to connect global communities of Spanish-speaking people, and centers
of intellectual and cultural production along the Atlantic coasts.

Por un lenguaje inclusivo: Reflexiones y estudios sobre estrategias no sexistas en la lengua española , 2021
Este artículo está organizado alrededor de dos
cuestiones. La primera presenta cómo el debate en... more Este artículo está organizado alrededor de dos
cuestiones. La primera presenta cómo el debate en torno a
la manera de usar la lengua española de una forma inclusiva
comenzó a despuntar a principios del siglo XX, tanto en la
prensa, de la mano de escritoras como Concepción Gimeno
de Flaquer (1850-1919) o Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921),
como en los sectores de renovación pedagógica. Concepción
Gimeno de Flaquer publicó en El Álbum Íbero-Americano
(1890-1909) una serie de artículos donde opinaba que dirigirse a una mujer como “hembra” significaba restar valor
simbólico a las mujeres. Por su parte, maestras como Gloria
Giner de los Ríos (1886-1970) o Leonor Serrano (1890-1942)
desarrollaron programas pedagógicos inclusivos con niñas y
niños que eran equitativos en cuanto al número de referencias
masculinas y femeninas que mencionaban. El segundo tema
de este trabajo es mostrar las posibilidades pedagógicas que
ofrece, en la enseñanza universitaria de lengua, literatura y
cultura española en los Estados Unidos, el tener en cuenta
el camino que ha recorrido el uso de un lenguaje y el de una
educación inclusiva. El objetivo de combinar estas dos perspectivas es mostrar cómo la enseñanza y el uso de un lenguaje
inclusivo son pedagógicamente positivos, ya que facilitan el
aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, fomentan la curiosidad
por la cultura y la literatura producida en este idioma y despiertan el interés por conocer el país
Muerte y crisis en el mundo hispano: respuestas culturales. Edited by Esther Alarcón-Arana. Boston: Peter Lang International Academic Publisher,, 2020

Historia y MEMORIA, 2021
During the period between 1890 and 1909, the press played
a crucial role in the dissemination of ... more During the period between 1890 and 1909, the press played
a crucial role in the dissemination of gender identities. It
would be through the media of this era where the different
expressions of masculinity and femininity were condemned,
signaled, and promoted. In this investigation, the Madrid
newspaper, EL ÁLBUM IBERO-AMERICANO, is the
principal source used in order to trace these alterations. The
methodology used to localize the marks of these changes,
above all those related to the masculine, has been to select
the opinion articles most connected with the modifications
in these gender paradigms. The information obtained from
the analysis of these articles has been complemented with
the localization of the advertising section of the newspaper,
of products linked to these changes, such as Pastillas Bonald
or the Polvos Coza. This research concludes that EL ÁLBUM
IBERO-AMERICANO was more than a feminine newspaper.
From its pages, masculine alternatives were offered so that
Prensa, publicidad y masculinidades a través del periódico madrileño...
hist.mem., Nº. 22. Año 2021, pp. 29 - 75 31
their readers would leave aside social expressions that were
more typical of what from this medium was defined as «ugly
sex» than of men who intended to live in an open society with
parity between the sexes.
La Querella de las Mujeres III., 2011

La Querella de las Mujeres IV. , 2011
1. Reflexiones previas: viajar y escribir Viajar es una experiencia personal. Esta afirmación tan... more 1. Reflexiones previas: viajar y escribir Viajar es una experiencia personal. Esta afirmación tan rotunda no la compartían ni las intelectuales de antes de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) ni algunas de las pensadoras del siglo XXI, tal y como iré desa-rrollándolo en las siguientes páginas. Tampoco yo lo comparto, ya que viajar lleva implícito cierta idea de compartir. Mi reflexión personal acerca de la influencia de mis viajes en la visión de mi entorno y las conversaciones que sostuve con mis amistades al calor de mis peripecias, me llevaron a indagar sobre estas cuestiones en el periodo histórico que comprende el final del siglo XIX y el primer tercio del siglo XX. No sólo me preocupó localizar memorias de viajes sino que también necesité saber cómo había evolucionado la ciencia de la Ge-ografía, la Topografía y los recursos y las destrezas disponibles para elaborar mapas durante ese periodo. Una parte de ese trabajo lo ma-terialicé en mi tesis doctoral (SIMóN, 2011), pues, además, la variedad de viajes dados en esa época sirvió para el avance de materias afines a la Geografía; también, desde otra perspectiva, ayudó a que poderes estatales, como el militar, bajo la bandera del discurso racional, se or-denaran en el territorio del país de tal manera que controlaran los hombres de los que podían disponer y además vigilar lo que pasaba en cualquier lugar, por muy alejado que estuviera de la capital estatal. Esa investigación me ayudó a elaborar el conjunto de mi tesis doctoral , que ha tenido como objetivo principal la descripción del proceso de formación de la masculinidad en el ejército durante la Restauración borbónica. Al finalizar este trabajo todavía continuaba con la inquie-CULTIVADORAS DEL ESTUDIO DE LA GEOGRAFÍA EN ESPAÑA ANTES DE LA GUERRA CIVIL (1936) Ana I. SIMóN ALEGRE Universidad Complutense de Madrid La Querella de las Mujeres XII. Las mujeres sabias se querellan. C. Segura Graiño (coord.), Madrid, A. C. Almudayna, 2011, ISBN 978-84-87090-75-2, 265 pp.
Impulsado la Historia desde la historia de las Mujeres. La estela de Cristina Segura., 2012
El siglo de los castigos, 2013

Segle XX. Revista Catalana d'Història, 2013
Corregir, castigar y olvidar a los díscolos soldados. La justicia militar en el primer tercio del... more Corregir, castigar y olvidar a los díscolos soldados. La justicia militar en el primer tercio del siglo XX 1 «¡Soldado! Tienes jueces especiales y estás someti-do a leyes especiales. ¿Por qué? Porque tienes de-rechos y, sobre todo, tienes deberes especiales que difieren completamente de los derechos y deberes de los demás hombres que no visten uniforme y no son soldados». 2 T ras la lectura de esta explicación acerca de qué era la justicia militar se experimenta una sensación extraña. Este sistema se presentaba como un distintivo exclusivista para aquellos que finalmente terminaron con el estatus de soldados. Esta explicación dejaba de lado cualquier referencia a su es-tructura de castigos. De esta manera, es fácil pensar que los límites entre correc-ción, castigo e incluso cierta tendencia institucional hacia el olvido de a quienes se condenaba, durante buena parte de la Restauración borbónica 3 , no van a ser conceptos claros, al menos, en el desarrollo de una investigación que una en su objeto de estudio justicia y esfera militar. Después de la defensa de mi tesis doctoral, a finales de 2011, continué con cierta sensación de extrañeza respecto al tema de la justicia militar. Esta percepción parece que no se ha tenido en consideración, o se ha pasado por alto, en otros trabajos que han desarrollado cuestiones de derecho militar y Segle xx. Revista catalana d'història, 6 (2013), 37-61
Books by Ana I . Simón Alegre
emerged in the heat of the United States academy by the hand of the Hispanist Lou Charnon-Deutsch, with her works Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press (2000) and Hold That Pose: Visual Culture in the Late Nineteenth-Century Spanish Periodical (2008), that raises the importance of visual culture within the publications of the late Nineteenth Century. Following these approaches, I am going to recover part of the portraits and engravings that we have of the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer to analyze how her visual dossier evolved, in which stand out three signatures that she joined her books, articles and her two newspapers, the Mexican El Álbum de la Mujer (1883-1890) and Madrid city press El Álbum Ibero-Americano (1890-
1909). As this chapter will reveal, Gimeno de Flaquer conjugates how she
filtered her portraits to public opinion with a marked sense of “visual activism” with which she accompanied her public acts that were described in the press of the time. In this way, the figure of Gimeno de Flaquer emerges not only as a writer but also as a businesswoman within the world of the press.
Through Transatlantic Letters: a Retrospective Look At Hispanists," is meant to
present a multidisciplinary approach to research of Nineteenth and Twentieth
century Spanish literature on three thematic axes. One thread that connects all
of the sixteen chapters of this book is that they share a critical and
methodological orientation linked to Transatlantic Studies and Hispanicism.
The first section is entitled “Round Trips,” which explores the fluid routes
between the European and American shores of the Atlantic, which facilitated
the movement of people and the exchange of knowledge, since the Nineteenth
century and continues to this day. In the opening section we highlight women
and men who undertook these transatlantic trips, such as the scientist Inés de
Echevarría, the philologist Rafael Lapesa, and the writers Rosa Montero and
Paloma Díaz-Mas. In this book we also consider those who took one-way trips
across the Atlantic, like the writer Mercedes Pinto, and the poet Eugénio de
Castro. In every case, the scholars look beyond their horizons for answers to pressing questions. Ultimately, what links the travels of the writers highlighted
in this volume is that their work connected the contrasting worlds of the
humanities and sciences on both shores of the Atlantic. In addition, they
enriched the discipline of Hispanicism by advancing specific goals for which
each trip was set in motion - scientific exploration, career development,
dissemination of literary trends, exile, etc.
The following two sections of this book, include research which reflects new
methodological approaches with reference to works within Hispanicism and
Transatlantic Studies. The chapters on the “Wild Nineteenth Century” bring
together several essays that link literary criticism with ecofeminism, taking as
a reference the poet Rosalía de Castro. We also explore cartographies of sexual
emotions through a critical reading of fiction, presenting the novel idea of
“transgressive masochism.” In addition, one part of our book presents analyses
of images linked to the development of female literary entrepreneurs, focused
on the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer. The final section is titled the
“Unstable Twentieth century” because it includes research on present day film
studies, with reference to the activist Hildegart and the director Josefina
Molina, and other important figures of the Twentieth century who are still
active in the literary-cultural world on both sides of the Atlantic, like the poet
Fernando Valverde. This section also includes works of literary criticism related
to dirt theory and the novel, La plaza del Diamante. We also explore the
emotional-spatial representations that emerged in the heat of the reception of
the novel El cuarto de atrás in the United States.
Together, the three sections of this volume highlight the importance of exploring
intersections between a variety of research topics within cultural studies, literary
criticism, emotional and sexual cartographies, and cinematographic culture
throughout the Nineteenth century to the present day. This book serves as a useful
tool to reflect on how the transatlantic routes of knowledge continue to nurture
the development of the humanities in communities that cross boundaries.
Finally, this work aims to constitute itself as pedagogical material through its
support of social justice, activism, and the exchange of knowledge as fundamental
aspects to connect global communities of Spanish-speaking people, and centers
of intellectual and cultural production along the Atlantic coasts.
cuestiones. La primera presenta cómo el debate en torno a
la manera de usar la lengua española de una forma inclusiva
comenzó a despuntar a principios del siglo XX, tanto en la
prensa, de la mano de escritoras como Concepción Gimeno
de Flaquer (1850-1919) o Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921),
como en los sectores de renovación pedagógica. Concepción
Gimeno de Flaquer publicó en El Álbum Íbero-Americano
(1890-1909) una serie de artículos donde opinaba que dirigirse a una mujer como “hembra” significaba restar valor
simbólico a las mujeres. Por su parte, maestras como Gloria
Giner de los Ríos (1886-1970) o Leonor Serrano (1890-1942)
desarrollaron programas pedagógicos inclusivos con niñas y
niños que eran equitativos en cuanto al número de referencias
masculinas y femeninas que mencionaban. El segundo tema
de este trabajo es mostrar las posibilidades pedagógicas que
ofrece, en la enseñanza universitaria de lengua, literatura y
cultura española en los Estados Unidos, el tener en cuenta
el camino que ha recorrido el uso de un lenguaje y el de una
educación inclusiva. El objetivo de combinar estas dos perspectivas es mostrar cómo la enseñanza y el uso de un lenguaje
inclusivo son pedagógicamente positivos, ya que facilitan el
aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, fomentan la curiosidad
por la cultura y la literatura producida en este idioma y despiertan el interés por conocer el país
a crucial role in the dissemination of gender identities. It
would be through the media of this era where the different
expressions of masculinity and femininity were condemned,
signaled, and promoted. In this investigation, the Madrid
newspaper, EL ÁLBUM IBERO-AMERICANO, is the
principal source used in order to trace these alterations. The
methodology used to localize the marks of these changes,
above all those related to the masculine, has been to select
the opinion articles most connected with the modifications
in these gender paradigms. The information obtained from
the analysis of these articles has been complemented with
the localization of the advertising section of the newspaper,
of products linked to these changes, such as Pastillas Bonald
or the Polvos Coza. This research concludes that EL ÁLBUM
IBERO-AMERICANO was more than a feminine newspaper.
From its pages, masculine alternatives were offered so that
Prensa, publicidad y masculinidades a través del periódico madrileño...
hist.mem., Nº. 22. Año 2021, pp. 29 - 75 31
their readers would leave aside social expressions that were
more typical of what from this medium was defined as «ugly
sex» than of men who intended to live in an open society with
parity between the sexes.
emerged in the heat of the United States academy by the hand of the Hispanist Lou Charnon-Deutsch, with her works Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press (2000) and Hold That Pose: Visual Culture in the Late Nineteenth-Century Spanish Periodical (2008), that raises the importance of visual culture within the publications of the late Nineteenth Century. Following these approaches, I am going to recover part of the portraits and engravings that we have of the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer to analyze how her visual dossier evolved, in which stand out three signatures that she joined her books, articles and her two newspapers, the Mexican El Álbum de la Mujer (1883-1890) and Madrid city press El Álbum Ibero-Americano (1890-
1909). As this chapter will reveal, Gimeno de Flaquer conjugates how she
filtered her portraits to public opinion with a marked sense of “visual activism” with which she accompanied her public acts that were described in the press of the time. In this way, the figure of Gimeno de Flaquer emerges not only as a writer but also as a businesswoman within the world of the press.
Through Transatlantic Letters: a Retrospective Look At Hispanists," is meant to
present a multidisciplinary approach to research of Nineteenth and Twentieth
century Spanish literature on three thematic axes. One thread that connects all
of the sixteen chapters of this book is that they share a critical and
methodological orientation linked to Transatlantic Studies and Hispanicism.
The first section is entitled “Round Trips,” which explores the fluid routes
between the European and American shores of the Atlantic, which facilitated
the movement of people and the exchange of knowledge, since the Nineteenth
century and continues to this day. In the opening section we highlight women
and men who undertook these transatlantic trips, such as the scientist Inés de
Echevarría, the philologist Rafael Lapesa, and the writers Rosa Montero and
Paloma Díaz-Mas. In this book we also consider those who took one-way trips
across the Atlantic, like the writer Mercedes Pinto, and the poet Eugénio de
Castro. In every case, the scholars look beyond their horizons for answers to pressing questions. Ultimately, what links the travels of the writers highlighted
in this volume is that their work connected the contrasting worlds of the
humanities and sciences on both shores of the Atlantic. In addition, they
enriched the discipline of Hispanicism by advancing specific goals for which
each trip was set in motion - scientific exploration, career development,
dissemination of literary trends, exile, etc.
The following two sections of this book, include research which reflects new
methodological approaches with reference to works within Hispanicism and
Transatlantic Studies. The chapters on the “Wild Nineteenth Century” bring
together several essays that link literary criticism with ecofeminism, taking as
a reference the poet Rosalía de Castro. We also explore cartographies of sexual
emotions through a critical reading of fiction, presenting the novel idea of
“transgressive masochism.” In addition, one part of our book presents analyses
of images linked to the development of female literary entrepreneurs, focused
on the writer Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer. The final section is titled the
“Unstable Twentieth century” because it includes research on present day film
studies, with reference to the activist Hildegart and the director Josefina
Molina, and other important figures of the Twentieth century who are still
active in the literary-cultural world on both sides of the Atlantic, like the poet
Fernando Valverde. This section also includes works of literary criticism related
to dirt theory and the novel, La plaza del Diamante. We also explore the
emotional-spatial representations that emerged in the heat of the reception of
the novel El cuarto de atrás in the United States.
Together, the three sections of this volume highlight the importance of exploring
intersections between a variety of research topics within cultural studies, literary
criticism, emotional and sexual cartographies, and cinematographic culture
throughout the Nineteenth century to the present day. This book serves as a useful
tool to reflect on how the transatlantic routes of knowledge continue to nurture
the development of the humanities in communities that cross boundaries.
Finally, this work aims to constitute itself as pedagogical material through its
support of social justice, activism, and the exchange of knowledge as fundamental
aspects to connect global communities of Spanish-speaking people, and centers
of intellectual and cultural production along the Atlantic coasts.
cuestiones. La primera presenta cómo el debate en torno a
la manera de usar la lengua española de una forma inclusiva
comenzó a despuntar a principios del siglo XX, tanto en la
prensa, de la mano de escritoras como Concepción Gimeno
de Flaquer (1850-1919) o Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921),
como en los sectores de renovación pedagógica. Concepción
Gimeno de Flaquer publicó en El Álbum Íbero-Americano
(1890-1909) una serie de artículos donde opinaba que dirigirse a una mujer como “hembra” significaba restar valor
simbólico a las mujeres. Por su parte, maestras como Gloria
Giner de los Ríos (1886-1970) o Leonor Serrano (1890-1942)
desarrollaron programas pedagógicos inclusivos con niñas y
niños que eran equitativos en cuanto al número de referencias
masculinas y femeninas que mencionaban. El segundo tema
de este trabajo es mostrar las posibilidades pedagógicas que
ofrece, en la enseñanza universitaria de lengua, literatura y
cultura española en los Estados Unidos, el tener en cuenta
el camino que ha recorrido el uso de un lenguaje y el de una
educación inclusiva. El objetivo de combinar estas dos perspectivas es mostrar cómo la enseñanza y el uso de un lenguaje
inclusivo son pedagógicamente positivos, ya que facilitan el
aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, fomentan la curiosidad
por la cultura y la literatura producida en este idioma y despiertan el interés por conocer el país
a crucial role in the dissemination of gender identities. It
would be through the media of this era where the different
expressions of masculinity and femininity were condemned,
signaled, and promoted. In this investigation, the Madrid
newspaper, EL ÁLBUM IBERO-AMERICANO, is the
principal source used in order to trace these alterations. The
methodology used to localize the marks of these changes,
above all those related to the masculine, has been to select
the opinion articles most connected with the modifications
in these gender paradigms. The information obtained from
the analysis of these articles has been complemented with
the localization of the advertising section of the newspaper,
of products linked to these changes, such as Pastillas Bonald
or the Polvos Coza. This research concludes that EL ÁLBUM
IBERO-AMERICANO was more than a feminine newspaper.
From its pages, masculine alternatives were offered so that
Prensa, publicidad y masculinidades a través del periódico madrileño...
hist.mem., Nº. 22. Año 2021, pp. 29 - 75 31
their readers would leave aside social expressions that were
more typical of what from this medium was defined as «ugly
sex» than of men who intended to live in an open society with
parity between the sexes.