Papers by Steve Carapetis

The Economic Development Institute (EDI) was established by the World Bank in 1955 to train offic... more The Economic Development Institute (EDI) was established by the World Bank in 1955 to train officials concerned with development planning, policymaking, investment analysis, and project implementation in member developing countries. At present the substance of the EDI's work emphasizes macroeconomic and sectoral economic policy analysis. Through a variety of courses, seminars, and workshops, most of which are given overseas in cooperation with local institutions, the EDI seeks to sharpen analytical skills used in policy analysis and to broaden understanding of the experience of individual countries with economic development. Although the EDI's publications are designed to support its training activities, many are of interest to a much broader audience. EDI materials, including any findings, interpretations, and conclusions, are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Boarcd of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. Because of the informality of this series and to make the publication available with the least possible delay, the manuscript has not been edited as fully as would be the case with a more formal document, and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for errors.
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.
The World Bank eBooks, Sep 30, 1991
Page 1. /0003 'A,&am... more Page 1. /0003 'A,'*Economic Economic Commission ,uug Development Institute ( o Africa a:, of The World Bank for Africa vOn a0 @ms Xg nv ~~~ 0 ~TheA~1 Rad z'tZ4c nRRtv w~~~~~ EDI SEMINAR SERIES Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized ...

The Economic Development Institute (EDI) was established by the World Bank in 1955 to train offic... more The Economic Development Institute (EDI) was established by the World Bank in 1955 to train officials concerned with development planning, policymaking, investment analysis, and project implementation in member developing countries. At present the substance of the EDI's work emphasizes macroeconomic and sectoral economic policy analysis. Through a variety of courses, seminars, and wor]kshops, most of which are given overseas in cooperation with local institutions, the EDI seeks to sharpen analytical skills used in policy analysis and to broaden understanding of the experience of individual countries with economic development. Although the EDI's publications are designed to support its training activities, many are of interest to a much broader audience. EDI materials, including any findings, interpretations, and conclusions, are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executivie Directors or the countries they represent. Because of the informality of this series and to make the publication available with the least possible delay, the manuscript has not been edited as fully as would be the case with a more formal document, and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for errors.

Technical papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s work to the development c... more Technical papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s work to the development community with the least possible delay. The typescript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to formal printed texts, and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for errors. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions in this paper are entirely those of the author(s) and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. Any maps that accompany the text have been prepared solely for the convenience of readers; the designations and presentation of material in them do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Bank, its...
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.

Transportation Research Record, 1991
A well-maintained road network is of paramount importance to the development of sub-Saharan Afric... more A well-maintained road network is of paramount importance to the development of sub-Saharan Africa. Practically 90% of land commerce is dependent on roads. Significant achievements have been made in expanding the road networks across the continent. But, building the infrastructure of institutions and trained manpower to maintain them has proven difficult. Ineffective maintenance has led to widespread and accelerating road deterioration--amplified in recent years because the large number of roads built in the 1960s and 1970s have reached the end of their useful lives and need rehabilitation or reconstruction. The road maintenance and rehabilitation problem has been exacerbated--as are all the region's problems--by the current economic difficulties in sub-Saharan Africa. Roads, however, are so much an engine of growth that making economically justified expenditures to ensure their continued serviceability deserves priority attention in government spending. There has been a growing...
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.

The deteriorating condition of paved-road networks, the need to upgrade gravel roads to bituminou... more The deteriorating condition of paved-road networks, the need to upgrade gravel roads to bituminous standards, and the limited resources available are challenging highway administrators and managers in developing countries, as well as donor agencies, to find less costly solutions to establish efficient and integrated transport systems. Information on the behavior and performance of bituminous-surfaced road pavements with a base built from as-dug laterite has been obtained from several countries. Most of these roads, carrying a wide range of traffic from the lower end of low-volume roads to about 2,400 veh/day/lane, have performed well for 10 or more years; in many cases, their useful life can be extended by simple resealings. Data analysis included long-term variation of pavement condition (e.g., roughness and cracking) and deflection, influence of load and temperature on deflection, correlation between Benkelman beam and Dynaflect deflections, lateritic gravel characteristics, and s...

To discuss the current situation, develop new policy directions, and specify needed and ongoing s... more To discuss the current situation, develop new policy directions, and specify needed and ongoing studies for improving rural travel and transport in sub-Saharan Africa, three hypotheses are postulated: (a) poor rural roads, with inadequate and high cost of road transport services and lack of affordable means of transport, seriously constrain rural economic and social development; (b) significant time savings and productivity gains can be achieved by using intermediate means of transport (IMTs) ranging from wheelbarrows to motorcycles, with significant impact on women; and (c) returns on investments in IMTs and low-cost rural infrastructure will be so high that private people will respond, with the government's role being largely promotional. Current rural travel and transport are dominated by head loading and walking (largely by women) to satisfy the daily travel and goods movement needs of rural populations in sub-Saharan Africa. Although rural roads and off-road transport may i...
This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized... more This is a three volume book that reports on a series of six subregional policy seminars organized by the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) under the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program to address the problems and issues of road deterioration and maintenance. These policy seminars provided a forum in which policymakers from different countries, lending experts in development, and World Bank staff were able to share ideas and experience concerning development policies that relate to road transport and maintenance. These reports are a guide to defining future activities, programs, and initiatives for reforming road maintenance policies in Africa.
Papers by Steve Carapetis