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Journal created:
on 1 November 2003 (#1430111)
on 31 March 2012
+ +
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

{1} No promoting/spamming/advertising is allowed. If you are one of the idiots that does this, consider yourself to be banned & removed from the community.

{2} Please put extremely large pictures & entries under LJ-cut. This makes things easier to read (& load, for those that are still on dial-up).

{3} Please use this community in asking for friends on LiveJournal only. There are many other communities on this site to find friends for MySpace, Xanga, & so on.

{4} Finally, keep all of your drama out of the community.

We also have a listing of other "add me" communities maintained by scintillated for all of your friending needs. Note that this entry is locked & that you need to be a member to see it.

If there are any issues (highly doubt it, though), contact scintillated.

$, add me, add me communities, added, adding communities, adding new friends, adding new people, addme, adults, aim, alcohol, animals, aol, atheists, baseball, basements, bedrooms, bisexuals, body mods, boys, cell phones, classic rock, clubbing, coffee, college, comment whores, commenting, communities, computers, concerts, conservatives, country, coupledom, culture, curiosity, current events, dating, democrats, different interests, drugs, eating, emo, fathers, feminism, fiction, flirting, football, foreign countries, friend communities, friending communities, friending people, friends, friendships, gamers, gays, geeks, girls, goth, grad school, graduates, hanging out, having a job, heavy metal, high school, hobbies, hockey, hooking up, husbands, independents, intelligence, ipod, jabber, kids, learning, lesbians, liberals, libertarians, literacy, livejournal, living, lj friends, luck, making new friends, meeting new people, men, money, mothers, msn, mtv, new friends, new people, partying, pennsylvania, people, philosophy, poetry, politics, punk, r&b, rap, reading, relationships, religion, republicans, rock, role playing, sex, shopping, shopping centers, similar interests, singledom, soccer, socializing, sports, sxe, talking to people online, tattoos, technology, teenagers, teens, text messaging, the internet, the mall, the media, tivo, transexuals, travel, trillian, unemployment, university, vegans, weirdness, whatever, wives, women, working, world events, writing, yahoo, , , , , , ,

Rating position
