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Journal created:
on 30 January 2005 (#5961744)
on 10 September 2012
The Riot Grrrl Add Me Community
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Riot Grrrl Add Me
This is another one of those add me communities where you can make friends. This is for riot grrrls and boys to join & make friends. Feel free to join if you are into riot grrrl & just want to talk about riot grrrl or feminism.

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Banner Made By: wicked_queen

Communities I Own

Maintainer: grrrlesque

7 year bitch, abortion rights, activism, add me, add me communities, addme, alice fulton, anarchafeminism, angelina jolie, ani difranco, animal rights, anne sexton, anti-ana, anti-homophobic, anti-racism, anti-rape, anti-sexism, awareness, babes in toyland, bettie page, bikini kill, bisexuals, bitch magazine, black feminism, body image, bratmobile, bust magazine, charlotte mew, chrissy hynde, clea duvall, cold cold hearts, communities, courtney love, daisy chainsaw, distros, diy, dykes, emily dickinson, emma goldman, equal rights, equality, female poets, female vocalists, feminism, feminist, feminist boys, feminist theory, feminist thought, feminists, free kitten, frida kahlo, friends, frumpies, gertrude stein, glbt, gloria steinem, grrl, grrls, grrrl, grrrls, heavens to betsy, hole, huggy bear, human rights, issues, jack off jill, jessicka fodera, joan jett, julie ruin, kat bjelland, kathleen hanna, kidney thieves, kill rock stars, kim gordon, l7, le tigre, lesbianism, lesbians, lita ford, livejournal, livejournal friends, lj, lj communities, lj friends, lunachicks, making new friends, marianne moore, marilyn hacker, maxine kumin, maya angelou, ms magazine, my ruin, naked aggression, open minds, openmindedness, petitions, philosophy, pj harvey, poetry, politics, power, pro-choice, prochoice, prostitution, protests, psychology, punk rock, queen adreena, queers, radical feminism, rainn, ranting, resistance, revolution, riot boy, riot boys, riot grrl, riot grrls, riot grrrl, riot grrrls, riot not diet, riotboys, riotgrrl, riotgrrls, riotgrrrl, riotgrrrls, rosie the riveter, scarling, self defense, sleater-kinney, snake river conspiracy, society, sociology, sonic youth, sylvia plath, tairrie b, team dresch, third wave feminism, tobi vail, tori amos, tura satana, women in the workplace, women's health, women's history, women's issues, women's rights, women's studies, womyn, writing, zines
