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4/16 in South Korea

I'm Anjelica, 27, and I live in South Korea. This is my Thursday, April 16. There are no warnings.

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Friday, April 25

A day in Daejeon and Ulsan, South Korea.  In this day I go to work and then finally meet Dani/koyaaniisqatsi, a friend and also a longtime ADIMLer.  We spend the night nursing our breakups.

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March 16, 2014

Anjelica, 26, Daejeon, South Korea (originally from Detroit).  In this day my boyfriend, Shane, has come for the weekend, and we spend the day wandering the city and enjoying each other's company.

March 16, 2014Collapse )

Saturday, september 28. Israel.

Hi! I'm Sonia from Israel, Ashdod, and this is the last day of my two weeks off. Saturday, september 28. I've been learning English for a year but obviously it's not enouhg. So please forgive me my bad English.

100 pics under the cutCollapse )

September 19

Anjelica, 25, South Korea.  This is my Thursday, September 19th.  It's also Chuseok, a national holiday in Korea, so I'm off of work and on day 2 of a 5 day weekend.  In this day Shane and I bum around the city and see a million cute animals.

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August 3, 2013: Samcheok, Korea

Anjelica, 25, living in South Korea.  On Saturday, August 3rd, my boyfriend says goodbye to his best friend, and then he and I attempt to travel to Samcheok for the second time to see Haesindang Park...aka Penis Park.  Unfortunately, things don't go as planned, so there are no penises in this entry, just a lot of Korean countryside and some silly faces.

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June 29th, 2013.

Anjelica, 25, living in South Korea.  I used to post here as ladieaj, and I usually posted days where I made cannoli or tamales.  In this day my boyfriend and I travel from Jeonju to Daejeon to deliver our foster puppy to her new home.
Hi! Again it is Nina Margaretha, 23, from Finland. But in this entry I am in Riga, Latvia! (Where I went after the very fancy Positivus festival which I featured in my last entry.) My holiday was memorable and nice throughout my whole trip and I picked up a lot of Latvian! On this day I explored some suburbs, went to a museum, walked around, hung out with my friends, and spotted sudden and random details.


70 pics total.

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Sveiki draugi! (='Hello friends' in Latvian!) This is Nina, 23, from Finland. Been absent here for many months. I am currently moving to Helsinki, as I got admitted to business studies there (I decided to drop linguistics at university) and my bf will move to Finland to join me! So SUPER excited about everything! My summer's not been that special, loads of work, BUT: I managed to make one big dream of mine come true - go to the Positivus festival in Salacgriva, Latvia, just a bit South from the Estonian border! (Useful info: I am obsessed with the Baltics, and dig a lot of music from there.) This entry pictures going there via Estonia and the first festival night, almost fainting about my fave bands!


70 pics total.

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  • adayinmylife
    9 Mar 2021, 05:46
    i remember you from long ago... you have such wonderful, positive posts. I love how detailed you are and your photography is amazing.
  • 31 Oct 2016, 09:55
    I do not speak English. only 1 question. you do not clean the potatoes? from the skin, like carrots.???
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