“It’s secure, we transmit it over over SSL to a cluster behind a firewall in a restricted vlan.”

“But my PCI QSA said I had to do it this way to be compliant.”
This study by Gemalto discusses interesting survey results about perceptions of security perimeters such as that 64% of IT decision makers are looking to increase spend on perimeter security within the next 6 months and that 1/3 of those polled believe that unauthorized users have access to their information assets. It also revealed that only 8% of data affected by breaches was protected by encryption.
The perimeter is dead, long live the perimeter! The Jericho Forum started discussing “de-perimeterization” in 2003. If you hung out with pentesters, you already knew the the concept of ‘perimeter’ was built on shaky foundations. The growth of mobile, web API, and Internet of Things have only served to drive the point home. Yet, there is an entire industry of VC-funded product companies and armies of consultants who are still operating from the mental model of there being “a perimeter.”[0]
In discussion about “the perimeter,” it’s not the concept of “perimeter” that is most problematic, it’s the word “the.”
There is not only “a” perimeter, there are many possible logical perimeters, depending on the viewpoint of the actor you are considering. There are an unquantifiable number of theoretical overlaid perimeters based on the perspective of the actors you’re considering and their motivation, time and resources, what they can interact with or observe, what each of those components can interact with, including humans and their processes and automated data processing systems, authentication and authorization systems, all the software, libraries, and hardware dependencies going down to the firmware, the interaction between different systems that might interpret the same data to mean different things, and all execution paths, known and unknown, etc, etc.
The best CSOs know they are working on a problem that has no solution endpoint, and that thinking so isn’t even the right mindset or model. They know they are living in a world of resource scarcity and have a problem of potentially unlimited size and start by asset classification, threat modeling[1] and inventorying. Without that it’s impossible to even have a rough idea of the shape and size of the problem. They know that their actual perimeter isn’t what’s drawn inside an arbitrary theoretical border in a diagram. It’s based on the attackable surface area seen by an potential attacker, the value of the resource to the attacker, and the many possible paths that could be taken to reach it in a way that is useful to the attacker, not some imaginary mental model of logical border control.
You’ve deployed anti-malware and anti-APT products, Network and web app firewalls, endpoint protection and database encryption. Fully PCI compliant! All useful when applied with knowledge of what you’re protecting, how, from whom, and why. But if you don’t consider what you’re protecting and from whom as you design and build systems, not so useful. Imagine the following scenario: All of these perimeter protection technologies allow SSL traffic through port 443 to your webserver’s REST API listeners. The listening application has permission to access the encrypted database to read or modify data. And when the attacker finds a logic vulnerability that lets them access data which their user id should not be able to see, it looks looks like normal application traffic to your IDS/IPS and web app firewall. As requested, the application uses its credentials to retrieve decrypted data and present it to the user.
0. I’m already skeptical about the usefulness of studies that aggregate data in this way. N percent of respondents think that y% is the correct amount to spend on security technology categories A, B, C. Who cares? The increasing yoy numbers of attacks are the result of the distribution of knowledge during the time surveyed and in any event these numbers aggregate a huge variety of industries, business histories, risk tolerance, and other tastes and preferences.
1. Threat modeling doesn’t mean technical decomposition to identify possible attacks, that’s attack modeling, through the two are often confused, even in many books and articles. The “threat” is “customer data exposed to unauthorized individuals.” The business “risk” is “Data exposure would lead to headline risk(bad press) and loss of data worth approx $N dollars.” The technical risk is “Application was built using inline SQL queries and is vulnerable to SQL injection” and “Database is encrypted but the application’s credentials let it retrieve cleartext data” and probably a bunch of other things.