Papers by vazir menbari

Due to the lack of resources to investigate the history of the Achaemenids, using of new research... more Due to the lack of resources to investigate the history of the Achaemenids, using of new research approaches that can examine the issues related to this time in other ways is one of the undeniable necessities. Prosopography is one of these new approaches that provides the possibility of a relatively comprehensive and complete study, description and analysis of the characters of the aforementioned dynestyregardless of their gender, position, age, importance, ethnicity, and origin. In this thesis, using the prosopography approach, almost all classical sources were observed and the needed information was extracted; Then the obtained data were classified and included in different chapters. With this, it became possible to provide more objective analyses (and not completely abstract or based on mere speculation) regarding various political, administrative, military and social issues. A detailed examination of matters such as the distribution of power, the share of various families and personalities in power, as well as the types of marriages and the goals and objectives related to it, on the one hand, shows the undisputed power of the royal family and (in a lower degree) the satrapi families, and on the other hand, the low status of the military in the power structure of the Achaemenid dynasty; It also became clear how few mentions of courtiers (except for eunuchs), religious men, and especially the common people in classical sources are, and how much attention is paid to the royal family and satrapi families. Finally, it should be noted that the mentioned cases once again revealed the need to pay more attention to and examine native sources (especially government and private tablets) and compare them with classical sources.

Socio Economic History Studies, 2023
Cyrus the Younger in his unsuccessful attempt to get the royal throne from his brother Artaxerxes... more Cyrus the Younger in his unsuccessful attempt to get the royal throne from his brother Artaxerxes II, enlisted a great body of mercenaries with help of his friend Greek officers. The study of these officers using the prosopography approach shows that the geographical origin of the absolute majority of them was the city-states located in the Peloponnese Peninsula or the Peloponnesian League. The present article, in addition to proposing the hypothesis mentioned above, aims to analyze its reasons using a descriptive-analytical method and based on library sources. A survey of primary sources of that period shows that change in Darius II's diplomacy during the Peloponnesian Wars and in particular practical actions of Cyrus the Younger as ruler of Asia Minor caused quantitative and qualitative superiority of Peloponnesians among friends and mercenaries of Achaemenid prince.

The Kurdish calendar is a new chronology with Median roots and today, along with other common cal... more The Kurdish calendar is a new chronology with Median roots and today, along with other common calendars, it is used by Kurds all over the world. Contrary to what the Kurds themselves typically imagine, the initial idea of creating a calendar with a "Median" epoch was formed by a non-Kurd named Ebrahim Pourdavoud, and it was used in the works of the said person, the Iranology Society and Mohammad Mokri. A few years later, the first steps towards Kurdization of the mentioned chronology were taken during a meeting attended by a group of Kurdish elites in Tehran; Ihsan Nuri Pasha's proposals in the aforementioned meeting and subsequently the efforts of Ubaydullah Ayyubyan and "Kurdistan" newspaper in promoting it among the people are considered important milestones of Kurdish chronology. Of course, some preparations had been made decades ago, so that some western researchers (especially Vladimir Minorsky and James Darmesteter) and following them Iranian writers (including Hassan Pirnia) proposed this claim that "Kurds are the descendants of Medes" and many Kurdish authors also accepted the above claiming in their works and prepared the minds of the readers for any kind of borrowing from the history of the Median period. Finally, a few decades later and as a result of another meeting by the Kurdish elites, a new change was made in the "Median" epoch of Kurdish chronology. The present article tries to discuss the formation, changes and finally stabilization of the Kurdish calendar and to consider a relatively comprehensive picture of the decisive sections related to these issues.
فصلنامه علمي زن در فرهنگ و هنر, 2023
mardomnameh, 2018
Herodotus I, 96-101: Deioces’ conquest of power and the foundation of
sacred royalty (Persian tra... more Herodotus I, 96-101: Deioces’ conquest of power and the foundation of
sacred royalty (Persian translation).

Journal of Woman in Culture and Art, 2022
For centuries and millennia, those in power used political marriage as a means to achieve their g... more For centuries and millennia, those in power used political marriage as a means to achieve their goals. The most important functions of political marriage were to end wars and conflicts, seal an agreement or alliance between two political forces, establish succession among dynasties, take advantage of military capabilities of the parties to preserve their interests, etc. The Ardalan Dynasty, in the western regions of Iran, repeatedly used this strategy to pursue its goals, culminating in the thirteenth lunar century. In that century, the rulers of Ardalan entered a marriage contract with the powerful Qajar Dynasty as well as the local Vaziri Dynasty. The present article intends to use a descriptive-analytical method on the effects of political marriages on the development of Ardalan history in the mentioned time period. It seems that the political marriage strategy worked ambiguously for the Ardalan family. Thus, in the short term, it provided the desired interests of this family at various levels, but in the long run became one of the most important factors in the annihilation and eventual collapse of this government in Kurdistan.
طی سدهها و هزارههای متمادی، اصحاب قدرت از ازدواج سیاسی بهعنوان راهکاری برای دستیابی به اهداف موردنظر خود استفاده کردهاند. مهمترین کارکردهای ازدواج سیاسی، پایان دادن به جنگها و منازعات، انعقاد پیمان اتحاد میان دو نیروی سیاسی، تثبیت جانشینی در میان خاندانها، بهره بردن از توانایی نظامی طرفین درجهت حفظ منافع و مواردی از این قبیل بوده است. خاندانِ اردلان، در نواحی غربی ایران، بهکرّات از این راهکار درجهت پیشبرد اهداف خود استفاده نمود، که نقطۀ اوج آن به سدۀ سیزدهم قمری بازمیگردد. در این سده حاکمان اردلان، با خاندان قدرتمندِ قاجار و خاندان محلیِ «وزیری» پیمان ازدواج منعقد کردند. مقالۀ پیش رو برآن است که به تأثیرات ازدواجهای سیاسی بر تحولات تاریخ اردلان در گسترۀ زمانی مذکور بپردازد. سؤال مقالۀ پیش رو عبارت است از اینکه ازدواجهای سیاسی درنهایت چه تأثیری بر تحولات تاریخ سیاسی اردلانها داشته است؟ بهنظر میرسد راهکار ازدواج سیاسی برای خاندان اردلان بهصورت دوپهلو عمل نموده است؛ بهگونهای که در کوتاهمدت، منافع موردنظر این خاندان را در سطوح گوناگون تأمین نمود، اما در درازمدت به یکی از مهمترین عوامل اضمحلال و سقوط نهایی این حکومت در کردستان تبدیل شد.
Kashkul/کشکول, 2019
In this article, a description of the content of the manuscript version is presented in the first... more In this article, a description of the content of the manuscript version is presented in the first hand, and then its contents will be compered with other historical sources related to the Ardalan rulers; at the end, a hypothesis about the author of the version will be presented//در این مقاله، ابتدا در مورد محتوای نسخۀ خطی توضیحاتی ارائه میشود، سپس مفاد آن با دیگر منابع تاریخی مربوط به حُکّام اردلان مقایسه خواهد شد و در پایان فرضیه ای دربارۀ نویسندۀ نسخه ارائه خواهد شد.
this is a translation into Persian from this paper:
Chman Ara, Behrooz and Amiri, Cyrus. "Gurani:... more this is a translation into Persian from this paper:
Chman Ara, Behrooz and Amiri, Cyrus. "Gurani: practical language or Kurdish literary idiom?", British Journal of
Middle Eastern Studies, vol.45/4: pp. 617-643.
review of Hosseinpanahi's The Old Jobs in Sanandaj, vol I: Smithy. Hone 2: 27-32 (In Kurdish).
پژوهش در تاریخ
This is a translation into Persian from this paper:
Frye, R. N. (2003). Cyrus was no Achaemenid, ... more This is a translation into Persian from this paper:
Frye, R. N. (2003). Cyrus was no Achaemenid, Religious themes and texts in preIslamic Iran and Central Asia, Edited by Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi and Elio Provasi, Wiesbaden.
Books by vazir menbari
Amyar Press, 2022
نسخهی حاضر تنها تکنگاری موجود دربارهی خاندان وزارت کردستان است. ملا علی شکیبا، بنا به دلایلی ک... more نسخهی حاضر تنها تکنگاری موجود دربارهی خاندان وزارت کردستان است. ملا علی شکیبا، بنا به دلایلی که در مقدمه ذکر شده است، با این خاندان آشنا بوده و اطلاعات خود را در این رساله به رشتهی تحریر درآورده است. مصحح کوشیده است با تصحیح نسخهی مذکور و اضافهنمودن مقدمه، تعلیقات و پیوستهای موردنیاز، چاپی انتقادی از آن به دست دهد.
University of Kurdistan Press, 2020
کتاب حاضر مجموعه مقالاتی است که مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم با تاریخ ماد پیوند مییابند. بهعبارتدیگر، م... more کتاب حاضر مجموعه مقالاتی است که مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم با تاریخ ماد پیوند مییابند. بهعبارتدیگر، مقالات حاضر، تاریخ ماد را نه تنها از منظر خودِ ماد، بلکه در چشماندازی گستردهتر و در ارتباط با همسایگانش (بهویژه آشور و بابل) بررسی کردهاند. نکتهی دیگر آنکه، مقالات این کتاب صرفاً به تاریخ سیاسی نمیپردازند، بلکه تلاش شده است پژوهشهایی در زمینههای باستانشناسی، جغرافیای تاریخی، ادیان، و زبانشناسی نیز در این مجموعه گنجانده شوند.
Conference Presentations by vazir menbari

Conference talk in Leiden, ECIS 10 (23.08.2023), 2023
The Kurdish calendar is a new chronology with Median roots and today, along with other common cal... more The Kurdish calendar is a new chronology with Median roots and today, along with other common calendars, it is used by Kurds all over the world. Contrary to what the Kurds themselves typically imagine, the initial idea of creating a calendar with a "Median" epoch was formed by a non-Kurd named Ebrahim Pourdavoud, and it was used in the works of the said person, the Iranology Society and Mohammad Mokri. A few years later, the first steps towards Kurdization of the mentioned chronology were taken during a meeting attended by a group of Kurdish elites in Tehran; Ihsan Nuri Pasha's proposals in the aforementioned meeting and subsequently the efforts of Ubaydullah Ayyubyan and "Kurdistan" newspaper in promoting it among the people are considered important milestones of Kurdish chronology. Of course, some preparations had been made decades ago, so that some western researchers (especially Vladimir Minorsky and James Darmesteter) and following them Iranian writers (including Hassan Pirnia) proposed this claim that "Kurds are the descendants of Medes" and many Kurdish authors also accepted the above claiming in their works and prepared the minds of the readers for any kind of borrowing from the history of the Median period. Finally, a few decades later and as a result of another meeting by the Kurdish elites, a new change was made in the "Median" epoch of Kurdish chronology. The present article tries to discuss the formation, changes and finally stabilization of the Kurdish calendar and to consider a relatively comprehensive picture of the decisive sections related to these issues.
Thesis Chapters by vazir menbari
The abstract of my thesis that I will defend on Tuesday at Tehran University.
Papers by vazir menbari
sacred royalty (Persian translation).
طی سدهها و هزارههای متمادی، اصحاب قدرت از ازدواج سیاسی بهعنوان راهکاری برای دستیابی به اهداف موردنظر خود استفاده کردهاند. مهمترین کارکردهای ازدواج سیاسی، پایان دادن به جنگها و منازعات، انعقاد پیمان اتحاد میان دو نیروی سیاسی، تثبیت جانشینی در میان خاندانها، بهره بردن از توانایی نظامی طرفین درجهت حفظ منافع و مواردی از این قبیل بوده است. خاندانِ اردلان، در نواحی غربی ایران، بهکرّات از این راهکار درجهت پیشبرد اهداف خود استفاده نمود، که نقطۀ اوج آن به سدۀ سیزدهم قمری بازمیگردد. در این سده حاکمان اردلان، با خاندان قدرتمندِ قاجار و خاندان محلیِ «وزیری» پیمان ازدواج منعقد کردند. مقالۀ پیش رو برآن است که به تأثیرات ازدواجهای سیاسی بر تحولات تاریخ اردلان در گسترۀ زمانی مذکور بپردازد. سؤال مقالۀ پیش رو عبارت است از اینکه ازدواجهای سیاسی درنهایت چه تأثیری بر تحولات تاریخ سیاسی اردلانها داشته است؟ بهنظر میرسد راهکار ازدواج سیاسی برای خاندان اردلان بهصورت دوپهلو عمل نموده است؛ بهگونهای که در کوتاهمدت، منافع موردنظر این خاندان را در سطوح گوناگون تأمین نمود، اما در درازمدت به یکی از مهمترین عوامل اضمحلال و سقوط نهایی این حکومت در کردستان تبدیل شد.
Chman Ara, Behrooz and Amiri, Cyrus. "Gurani: practical language or Kurdish literary idiom?", British Journal of
Middle Eastern Studies, vol.45/4: pp. 617-643.
Frye, R. N. (2003). Cyrus was no Achaemenid, Religious themes and texts in preIslamic Iran and Central Asia, Edited by Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi and Elio Provasi, Wiesbaden.
Bruno Jacobs, "Torture in The Achaemenid Period”, Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition, 2017, available at (accessed on 16 March 2017).
Books by vazir menbari
Conference Presentations by vazir menbari
Thesis Chapters by vazir menbari
sacred royalty (Persian translation).
طی سدهها و هزارههای متمادی، اصحاب قدرت از ازدواج سیاسی بهعنوان راهکاری برای دستیابی به اهداف موردنظر خود استفاده کردهاند. مهمترین کارکردهای ازدواج سیاسی، پایان دادن به جنگها و منازعات، انعقاد پیمان اتحاد میان دو نیروی سیاسی، تثبیت جانشینی در میان خاندانها، بهره بردن از توانایی نظامی طرفین درجهت حفظ منافع و مواردی از این قبیل بوده است. خاندانِ اردلان، در نواحی غربی ایران، بهکرّات از این راهکار درجهت پیشبرد اهداف خود استفاده نمود، که نقطۀ اوج آن به سدۀ سیزدهم قمری بازمیگردد. در این سده حاکمان اردلان، با خاندان قدرتمندِ قاجار و خاندان محلیِ «وزیری» پیمان ازدواج منعقد کردند. مقالۀ پیش رو برآن است که به تأثیرات ازدواجهای سیاسی بر تحولات تاریخ اردلان در گسترۀ زمانی مذکور بپردازد. سؤال مقالۀ پیش رو عبارت است از اینکه ازدواجهای سیاسی درنهایت چه تأثیری بر تحولات تاریخ سیاسی اردلانها داشته است؟ بهنظر میرسد راهکار ازدواج سیاسی برای خاندان اردلان بهصورت دوپهلو عمل نموده است؛ بهگونهای که در کوتاهمدت، منافع موردنظر این خاندان را در سطوح گوناگون تأمین نمود، اما در درازمدت به یکی از مهمترین عوامل اضمحلال و سقوط نهایی این حکومت در کردستان تبدیل شد.
Chman Ara, Behrooz and Amiri, Cyrus. "Gurani: practical language or Kurdish literary idiom?", British Journal of
Middle Eastern Studies, vol.45/4: pp. 617-643.
Frye, R. N. (2003). Cyrus was no Achaemenid, Religious themes and texts in preIslamic Iran and Central Asia, Edited by Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi and Elio Provasi, Wiesbaden.
Bruno Jacobs, "Torture in The Achaemenid Period”, Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition, 2017, available at (accessed on 16 March 2017).