Australian Catholic University
Gender & Women's History Research Centre
b/w illustrations, 4 colour plates; R.R.P. U.S.$99.95, £50.00; ISBN 0754654117.
Alfonsina Orsini de' Medici (1472-1520) was one of a very few women to exercise real political power in Renaissance Europe. Attacked by contemporaries for avarice and ambition for her son Lorenzo (1492-1519), she faced opposition not... more
Studies on Florence and the Italian Renaissance in Honour of F.W. Kent edited by Peter Howard and Cecilia Hewlett (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016)
Benedetto Varchi, Duke Cosimo’s I’ de’ Medici’s chief propagandist insisted that when the 17 year old youth unexpectedly acceded to the position of ruler of Florence in January 1537 that he “governed everything on his own”. In Varchi’s... more
Maria Salviati de' Medici, Selected Letters 1514-1543, edited and translated Natalie R Tomas, New York & Toronto: Iter Press, 2022.
Kings o f the Street is a study o f th e festive b rig ad es' potenze (pow ers)know n as kingdom s o r states-o f artisans and lab ourers th at w ere p a rt of F lorence's ritu a l and com m unal fabric from th e late fifteenth until th e... more
population (pp. 202-3). Taken together, this collection reminds us that such literacy is needed in approaching the variety of religious sensibility at work among Europeans generally, even among those belonging to groups that have been... more