[06 Oct 2005|10:37am] |
[05 Oct 2005|11:46pm] |
What happened to this band?
[07 Apr 2005|11:48pm] |
To quote Detached |
[04 Oct 2004|01:11pm] |
To quote Detached, that amazing metal/grunge/etc band we are opening for (from their soundclick.com page):
First we started out as Fat Bastard. Then we thought, Shit that Just Isn't going to cut it and after a Long exhausting search ..We came up with Detached ...
We play Live Constantly and Have played Every Major Venue in Cincy and all the Dives too. We have Played through-out Southern ohio and Northern Ky. ..In the Winter of 2003 we plan on opening up the horizon )Literally( So if you haven't seen or heard Detached you will get your oportunity soon..stayed tuned for further details
We don't conform to any style, or one main Genre. One sec we are Hardcore, Next we are thrash and then punk, then Old shcool. Like Baskin Robbins, we got a thousand Flavors
Damn, we're in for a treat.
[04 Oct 2004|10:34am] |
Here's a quick reminder of our three upcoming shows for this month. Hope to see you there! ALSO- Bill- give me posting access to awnews please.
Friday 10/8/04 Never on Sunday 6923 Plainfield Rd Silverton OH 45236 also appearing Dead Broke (Columbus OH) Detached 9pm / 18+ / $5
Friday 10/15/04 Madison Theatre 730 Madison Ave. Covington, KY 41011 also appearing Cloud 9 9pm / 18+ / $5
Saturday 10/16/04 Top Cats 2820 Vine St Cincinnati OH 45219 also appearing Cloud 9 9pm / 18+ / $5
acrylicwarfare.com |
[20 Sep 2004|11:30pm] |
I fixed the problem with the Photo Galleries on the website. They should work.
I also embedded awnews into the News page. I did it as an iframe, the only feasable method using a free lj account, and it's kind of slow (at least on my computer), but let me know. For now, you guys (in the band) can post news updates by joining the community and then posting to it like normal.
Is it worth upgrading to paid lj account for possible quicker upload time on acrylicwarfare.com?
[20 Sep 2004|12:00pm] |
Acrylicwarfare.com Stats for Ron
Data on people who browse our site:
RESOLUTION 68% 1024*768 15% 800*600 9% 1280*1024 5% 1152*864 2% unknown 1% 1600*1200
OPERATING SYSTEM 73% Windows XP 13% Windows 2000 8% Windows 98 5% Windows ME 1% Power PC
BROWSER 80% MSIE 6.0 6% Netscape 7.1 5% Firefox 0.9.1 2% Firefox 0.8 2% MSIE 5.5 2% Mozilla 5.0 2% Firefox 0.9.2 1% MSIE 5.22
acrylicwarfare.com |
[17 Sep 2004|12:42pm] |
anyone with acrylic warfare photos, please email them to [email protected]. I'd like to make more images for the random pic generator.
acrylicwarfare.com |
[15 Sep 2004|07:14pm] |
new acrylicwarfare.com page up & running. I got sick of waiting to collaborate, since we're telling everyone at the shows about the site & there's nothing there. Still rough, but I think it looks decent. Give me feedbacks peoples.
I put a javascript code in that generates a random image everytime you go to the site. Try refreshing your screen once you load the page (F5).
a couple of the pages are still coming soon (as in photos, member bios & music page)
[13 Sep 2004|05:10pm] |
with special guests Impo Renku Corp
TOP CATS 2820 Vine Street Cincy OH 45219 513-281-2005
9pm/$5 cover/18+
[09 Sep 2004|08:15am] |
ATTENTION ACRYLIC WARFARE MEMBERS: We need a flyer for the Sudsy's show on tuesday. SO MAKE ONE. Seriously, just make it like 4x5 and post it here. Can be color or b&w. BUT NO DUOTONES. I HATE DUOTONES. EVEN WITH THE PRIZES IN THE BOX. I'll print out a few dozen copies & distribute them at Harvest Home Fair this weekend. Thankee spankee.
To the owner of acrylicwarfare |
[28 Aug 2004|02:38pm] |
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about to kill acrylic warfare! |
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I heard that Acryllic Warfare had a website now, other than Soundclick, namely acrylicwarfare.com. Also, I heard that their bass player, namely Chrissy Coop, was back in town from that summer vacation mentioned on the info page.
[26 Aug 2004|10:02pm] |
[19 Aug 2004|03:06pm] |
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woodchipper |
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9pm / $5 / 18+ at Sudsy Malone's (across the street from Bogart's)
with somewhat special guests Full Metal Jackass The Konvicts Underdogg
and apparently our name is spelled with 2 "L"'s.
acrylicwarfare.com hosting |
[13 Jul 2004|04:07pm] |
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I purchased a year of web hosting.
It wasn't the company we had tentatively agreed upon.
It wasn't as much space or transfer space.
There are only 25 POP3 accounts (instead of unlimited).
However, I knew that we would never collectively buy a website, because we're such great procrastinators.
But, the coming soon page will be down for two days and then up again on our own server.
We've all talked about doing the website. I'm going to take the initiative to start designing tomorrow.
That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like help (because I would).
I have contracted Andy Wallace to do the JavaScript, so don't worry ronnie boy.
more later.
shlvm (shalom)