Collections: The Problem with Sci-Fi Body Armor

This week we're covering the winning topic from the latest ACOUP Senate poll, which is a look at some of the odd designs and mechanics for futuristic science fiction body armor, particularly rigid 'hardsuits.' Naturally, this post isn't going to cover every variety of armor that appears in science fiction, so I want to be … Continue reading Collections: The Problem with Sci-Fi Body Armor

Fireside Friday, November 22, 2024 (Roman Naming Conventions)

Hey, folks. Another Fireside this week! I had hoped to have the science fiction body armor post ready to go this week, but in addition to the continued work on the book project, I was asked to write a review of the now-out-in-the-USA Gladiator II and that consumed a fair bit of my time, pushing … Continue reading Fireside Friday, November 22, 2024 (Roman Naming Conventions)

Referenda ad Senatum: November 1, 2024: Ancient Weapons, Lost Works and Roman Spooky-Stuff!

Welcome back! At last, the hiatus has ended and we are back to regular weekly posts. As we've done a few times before, this week I am breaking the hiatus by taking a chance to answer a few shorter questions posed by my patrons over at Patreon who are the Patres et Matres Conscripti of … Continue reading Referenda ad Senatum: November 1, 2024: Ancient Weapons, Lost Works and Roman Spooky-Stuff!