Michael Taylor on John Keegan, Part II: The Mask of Command

This week, Michael Taylor, Associate Professor of History at SUNY Albany, returns to offer a continuation of his look at the work of British military historian John Keegan. Last time, he discussed Keegan's most famous work, The Face of Battle, while this week Michael turns to discuss what he argues is one of Keegan's best … Continue reading Michael Taylor on John Keegan, Part II: The Mask of Command

Collections: Who Were ‘the Celts’ and How Did They (Some of Them) Fight?

This week we're going to take a bit of a detour to talk about how we should imagine the warriors of Gallic/Celtic armies were equipped and fought. I wanted to write about the topic because the YouTube algorithm served me up a video on it, which isn't ever fully wrong but struck me as importantly … Continue reading Collections: Who Were ‘the Celts’ and How Did They (Some of Them) Fight?

Collections: The Great War: Western Front, A Gain of Inches

This week we're looking at The Great War: Western Front, a hybrid turn-based/real-time strategy game about the First World War developed by Petroglyph Games, a renowned maker of real-time strategy titles. Petroglyph generally tend to do games set in science-fiction or fantasy settings, so when this product was announced I was immediately interested to see … Continue reading Collections: The Great War: Western Front, A Gain of Inches