Hey everyone! This week is going to be a gap week, as I am attending the annual meeting of the Society for Military History which happened to come at the same time as finals and the end stages of some other projects. Unfortunately since I'm not presenting (I am chairing a session), I don't have … Continue reading Gap Week, April 29, 2022
Month: April 2022
Fireside Friday, April 22, 2022
Fireside this week! We're in the last few weeks of the semester, but semesters tend to 'crescendo' rather than 'wind down' so there has been a lot going on. I'll probably be posting a gap week for next week (Friday, April 29) because I'll be at the annual meeting of the Society for Military History … Continue reading Fireside Friday, April 22, 2022
Collections: Expeditions: Rome and the Perils of Verisimilitude
This week we're going to take a long look at Expeditions: Rome, a turn-based tactics RPG by developer Logic Artists, set in the first century BC Late Roman Republic. In particular, we're going to look at how the game both constructs and uses its historical setting. This is a particularly important topic to discuss because … Continue reading Collections: Expeditions: Rome and the Perils of Verisimilitude
Fireside Friday, April 8, 2022
Fireside this week! It's been a while, eight weeks in a row without a fireside. For what's coming up in future weeks, I'm working on a longer discussion of Expeditions: Rome and how it treats Roman history. After that, we'll have a look at the art of pre-modern generalship as compared to the remarkably 'frictionless' … Continue reading Fireside Friday, April 8, 2022
Collection: Total War’s Missing Infantry-Type
This week, we're going to take a break from the more serious topics to look at infantry tactics and compositions in the Total War series, particularly in the light of the recent Total War: Warhammer III, a real-time strategy game set in a late-medieval/early-modern high fantasy setting (the Warhammer setting) and how well (or poorly) … Continue reading Collection: Total War’s Missing Infantry-Type