The following is a somewhat polished (but not very polished!), consolidated version of my response to watching The Last Jedi and the problems I had with it. The core of this was something I wrote on social media back in January, 2018; note that since this was originally intended for a small group of friends … Continue reading Miscellanea: The Latest Jedi
Month: December 2019
Collections: Starships in Silhouette
This week's post will be a bit shorter, as the holidays are now upon us and the year is winding down (but don't worry - I have a humdinger of a series planned for January - no, not that one; one you did not expect). This week is going to serve as a bit of … Continue reading Collections: Starships in Silhouette
Collections: A Trip Through Cicero (Natural Law)
This week, we're taking another trip through an ancient author, in this case looking at a passage from Cicero's De legibus ("On the Laws") and discussing Cicero's vision of the origin of laws and how those ideas have found their way into current thinking. Cicero was a remarkably prolific author, and a tremendous amount of … Continue reading Collections: A Trip Through Cicero (Natural Law)
Collections: A Trip Through Thucydides (Fear, Honor and Interest)
Welcome to the first of a new set of a posts, which I'm calling A Trip Through the Classics. This won't be a series so much as a new format we'll have sometimes (like the kit reviews). For each trip through, I'm going to pull a key passage from a historical author - mostly ancient … Continue reading Collections: A Trip Through Thucydides (Fear, Honor and Interest)