Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022), 2022
Proverbs are one of evidence of human existence framed in culture. It contains many admonitions, ... more Proverbs are one of evidence of human existence framed in culture. It contains many admonitions, exhortations, criticisms, and even implicit prohibitions. This requires cognitive ability to understand and receive messages well. This qualitative descriptive article aims to investigate the meanings of proverbs in Lampung, Indonesia, for learning local wisdom. Using an observation method, this study employed 36 proverbs that can be used as a medium for children to learn language and cultural values. The analysis was carried out by classifying the source domain and target domain with cognitive semantic designs. The findings show that the proverbs contain advice and noble values of the Indonesian culture. The values refer to Piil Pesengiri as a local philosophy of Lampung.
Papers by Tri Wahyuni
an analysis of signboards in public spaces. Kupang, a multicultural and multilingual city,
exhibits its diversity through the language choices on culinary signage, reflecting
cultural identity, heritage, and modern influences. using a qualitative approach, this
research examines the linguistic of culinary signboards, focusing on language selection,
cultural symbols, and visual design. Data were collected from 464 culinary signboards
across various roads in Kupang. the findings reveal that while indonesian dominates
the signage, local and foreign languages also play significant roles in expressing
authenticity and modernity. culinary signboards function as cultural texts that connect
the past and present, highlighting the interplay of tradition and globalization. this
study contributes to the understanding of urban sociolinguistic dynamics and offers
practical implications for preserving cultural diversity amidst modernization.
border with Timor Leste. The aim is to reveal the language display, forms, and
phenomena of changes in the linguistic landscape in the Indonesian border area.
This is a descriptive-qualitative study that is intended to describe and analyze data
in great detail and depth. The methods used in collecting data are observation and
documentation. The results show that there are eight languages in public spaces
namely Indonesian, English, Tetun, Dawan, Kupang Malay, Kemak, Arabic, and
Portuguese. Language displayed in public spaces takes the form of monolingual,
bilingual, and multilingual. The sociolinguistic change will depend greatly on the
influence of social, political, and economic aspects but the chances are very small.
Similar linguistic backgrounds, culture, and kinship relations with those in the border
area of Timor Leste are the main reasons why the Indonesian language dominates
compared to the official language of Timor Leste. Meanwhile, the existence of local
languages needs serious attention. All of this requires government intervention in
terms of language policy to maintain the existence of regional languages as the
identity of local communities.
Disaster mitigation
To Kaili local wisdom
an analysis of signboards in public spaces. Kupang, a multicultural and multilingual city,
exhibits its diversity through the language choices on culinary signage, reflecting
cultural identity, heritage, and modern influences. using a qualitative approach, this
research examines the linguistic of culinary signboards, focusing on language selection,
cultural symbols, and visual design. Data were collected from 464 culinary signboards
across various roads in Kupang. the findings reveal that while indonesian dominates
the signage, local and foreign languages also play significant roles in expressing
authenticity and modernity. culinary signboards function as cultural texts that connect
the past and present, highlighting the interplay of tradition and globalization. this
study contributes to the understanding of urban sociolinguistic dynamics and offers
practical implications for preserving cultural diversity amidst modernization.
border with Timor Leste. The aim is to reveal the language display, forms, and
phenomena of changes in the linguistic landscape in the Indonesian border area.
This is a descriptive-qualitative study that is intended to describe and analyze data
in great detail and depth. The methods used in collecting data are observation and
documentation. The results show that there are eight languages in public spaces
namely Indonesian, English, Tetun, Dawan, Kupang Malay, Kemak, Arabic, and
Portuguese. Language displayed in public spaces takes the form of monolingual,
bilingual, and multilingual. The sociolinguistic change will depend greatly on the
influence of social, political, and economic aspects but the chances are very small.
Similar linguistic backgrounds, culture, and kinship relations with those in the border
area of Timor Leste are the main reasons why the Indonesian language dominates
compared to the official language of Timor Leste. Meanwhile, the existence of local
languages needs serious attention. All of this requires government intervention in
terms of language policy to maintain the existence of regional languages as the
identity of local communities.
Disaster mitigation
To Kaili local wisdom
verba-verba tersebut. Gerakan kaki yang dianalisis merupakan gerakan kaki pada
tarian Jawa klasik, seperti Srimpi, Gambyong, Bondan, dan Merak. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah memaparkan kajian semantik verba gerakan kaki pada tarian
Jawa, mendeskripsikan klasifikasi gerakan kaki pada tarian Jawa ditinjau dari peran
semantisnya, serta menjelaskan makna leksikal dan kultural verba gerakan kaki
pada tarian Jawa. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan metode simak,
libat, cakap. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan
sekunder. Data primer berupa hasil observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan
responden. Data sekunder berupa daftar verba gerakan kaki pada tarian Jawa
sebagai hasil dari observasi awal. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan ada 40 verba
gerakan kaki pada tarian Jawa yang masing-masing memiliki peran semantis yang
ditilik secara leksikal dan kultural. Verba-verba gerakan kaki pada tarian Jawa
tersebut dikelompokkan berdasarkan peran semantisnya menjadi (1) verba gerakan
kaki posisi berdiri dan (2) verba gerakan kaki posisi duduk. Verba gerakan kaki
posisi berdiri diklasifikasikan lagi menjadi verba gerakan kaki dengan tumpuan
telapak kaki, tumpuan ujung kaki, serta tumpuan kombinasi telapak kaki, tumit, dan
ujung kaki. Secara kultural gerakan kaki pada tarian Jawa klasik menunjukkan
aspek simbolis manusia Jawa.
Kata kunci: verba gerakan kaki, peran semantis, makna leksikal, makna kultural,
tarian Jawa klasik.
reasons why people open the dictionaries is that they want to get many information about the meaning.
Kamus Bahasa Jawa Banyumasan—Indonesia is the one of bilingual dictionary as a lexicographic
evidence based on dialect in Central Java that show the local wisdom by its entries. The uniqueness of
culture in Banyumas which has a local wisdom was a part of entries in it. There were several strategies of
the lexicographer to arrange the entries of this dictionary i.e. (1) selective in a collecting the data, (2) put
the proper definition, (3) knowledge about the local culture, (4) identifying the senses, and (5) put a proper
microstructure of the dictionary. The lexicographer’s strategy of dictionary making decide the quality
of dictionary to show all the local wisdom in the particular community, especially in Banyumas dialect.
Therefore, a complete explanation of the meanings of lexical items in this dictionary is the main thing to
make in order to show a natural local wisdom.
Keywords codification, local wisdom, lexicographic evidence, lexicographer’s strategy
Lampung memiliki semboyan Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai, yang dapat dimaknai ‘satu wilayah dua adat’. Pada konteks budaya, dua jurai yang dimaksud adalah adat Saibatin dan adat Pepadun. Artikel ini membahas prosesi seni dalam perilaku budaya masyarakat Lampung beradat Pepadun, khususnya masyarakat marga empat (megou pak) yang ada di Kabupaten Tulangbawang Barat, Lampung. Penelitian berjenis deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan metode observasi, simak, dan studi pustaka dalam pemerolehan datanya. Guna menambah penjelasan, penulis juga menggunakan metode wawancara yang melibatkan beberapa responden dengan kriteria tertentu. Setelah data terkumpul, penulis menggunakan metode pilah unsur tertentu dengan pendekatan etnografi komunikasi. Penulis mengemukakan apa saja seni yang ada dalam adat Pepadun, khususnya Megou Pak Tulangbawang dan bagaimana aplikasinya dalam masyarakat. Berdasarkan telaah etnografi komunikasi pada prosesi-prosesi seni tersebut tergambar bahwa masyrakat Pepadun Megou Pak menggunakan simbol-simbol berupa benda dan warna yang mengandung nilai-nilai sesuai falsafah piil pesengiri. Setiap prosesi seni selalu melibatkan pelaku berjumlah banyak yang berdampak pada biaya yang besar. Selain itu, masyarakat Pepadun Megou Pak Tulangbawang sangat selektif pada penggunaan kata dan sikap agar tidak terkena sanksi atau denda adat
Kata kunci: perilaku budaya, masyarakat Pepadun Megou Pak Tulangbawang, etnografi komunikasi.
Indonesia, caused thousands of casualties and property. This incident reminds us
that we have forgotten the local wisdom of the Kaili Tribe, who have lived for
hundreds of years in disaster-prone areas with Toponym and Kayori. We use qualitative methods with interviews and questionnaires, observation, and literature studies.
One hundred Kaili people in Palu City are respondents in interviews and questionnaires, using purposive sampling taken at random. Apart from that, for supporting
data, the team obtained from journals, books, and laws and regulations. The first
sub-section of the book chapter discusses the existence of the Kaili Tribe in Palu
City, and the second sub-chapter explores community wisdom in the form of Kayori,
Toponym, and traditional houses. Discussion of the third sub-chapter is regarding
recognizing the Kaili Tribe in disaster management legislation and policies. This
study concludes that the Kaili people have cultural values that are adaptive to natural
disasters through Kayori (oral poetry), toponymy (regional naming based on historical records), and earthquake-resistant traditional houses on stilts. In formal recognition, cultural heritage has been regulated in regional regulations related to conventional institutions. Still, it has not been comprehensively adopted as a roadmap for
policy or program-making in disaster mitigation.
Keywords Toponym · Kayori · Disaster mitigation · Recognition · To Kaili local