Universitas Diponegoro (Semarang)
Environmental Engineering
Abstrak Penyediaan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) kota yang cukup dilengkapi kolam retensi berguna untuk pengendalian air larian. Air kolam retensi berguna untuk menjaga muka air tanah, tapi kelemahannya memerlukan lahan yang cukup luas dan... more
- by Andin Andin
This research was conducted by means of coprocess of toxic leachate and the unstable and immature compost in evapotranspiration bed with the objectives to determine the composition of the bed and its design criteria. The methods included... more
This paper proposed a simple method and rapid to carry out for organizing city phytostructure. Carbon dioxide sequestration was addressed and referred to population number instead of city area. The unit storage of carbon dioxide, which... more
In this study Mixture of domestic grey water and black water were investigated. This Mixture consists of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), and Nitrate (NO 3). This research... more
Salah satu alternatif pengolahan air limbah kegiatan penambangan batubara adalah dengan menggunakan biji kelor (Moringa oleifera) sebagai biokoagulan. Protein dan logam alkali kuat yang terkandung dalam biji kelor (Moringa oleifera) dapat... more
The use of groundwater as a source of fresh water to the people would become a problem when it contains of Fe and Mn. This happens because in the ground water there is no directly contact with the air outside and the weathering of rocks,... more
This research investigated the influence of flowrate and turbidity and total suspended solids level to detention time in GRF reactor. The difference of flowrate could produce the difference of turbidity and total suspended solids level at... more
The human population growth increased waste productions. The waste reduction and preention need certain treatment. One of newly developed treatment technlogy was microbial fuel cells (MFCs). MFC used organic sibstances which contain in... more
Animal wastewater has high organic matter. The highest of this pollute are liquid blood, residual grease, fecal, rumen and intestinal contents that can contaminate environment if not processed first. In this research, using system of... more
Limbah cair industri elektroplating mengandung logam berat yang berbahaya sehingga pengolahan terhadap limbah hasil elektroplating agar dapat diminimalisir dampaknya terhadap lingkungan.Sebagian besar mengolah air limbah mereka... more
This study used a combination of vertical roughing filter (VRF) and horizontal roughing filter (HRF) to reduce the content of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and Turbidity in domestic wastewater. Variations study was only performed on the... more
Domestic wastewater treatment is necessary given the high levels of pollutants such as BOD and COD content. In Indonesia there have been domestic wastewater treatment technology but the application is not yet efficient enough, India and... more
This research is a wastewater treatment miniature using microbial fuel cells (MFCs) reactor. The purpose of this study to find the optimum flowrate and total electrode to decrease concentration of COD and electricity production in... more
This research is aims to reduce the content of total coliform bacteria in domestic wastewater using a combination of vertical flow roughing filter (VRF) and horizontal flow roughing filter (HRF) for each variation of flow rate, the type... more
Electrocoagulation is selected method to decrease concentration of heavy metal Cr and Zn, because it is easy in operation without using chemical addition that harmful for human. The purpose of this research studied the influence of... more
Environmental pollution that caused by electroplating waste disposal into the environment can cause harmful effects for human life. Before it is discharged into the environment need the method to treatment this waste. Electro coagulation... more
Pengelolaan terhadap sampah harus dilakukan secara menyeluruh agar tidak mencemari lingkungan. Banyaknya pepohonan yang ada di sekitar kita menyebabkan banyaknya sampah daun yang dihasilkan. Sampah daun merupakan salah satu sampah organik... more
Sampah adalah sesuatu bahan atau benda padat yang sudah tidak dipakai lagi oleh manusia, atau benda padat yang sudah digunakan lagi dalam suatu kegiatan manusia dan dibuang. Kegiatan perkuliahan yang memiliki tenaga pengajar, karyawan... more
Penentuan penambahan volume air konstan pada pengomposan sampah daun dilakukan untuk mendapatkan volume air optimum selama 1 siklus. Penambahan secara manual pada proses pengomposan dapat menyebabkan hambatan proses dekomposisi materi,... more