Romanian Academy - Iasi Subsidiary
Digital Technologies Research
A discursive field of the relation between human and animal has been in place since we had a religious, artistic, historical, political and even philosophical relation with the reality. The Animal has always been our partner “in crime”... more
Marea Adunare Națională de la Alba Iulia reprezintă momentul culminant și, totodată, simbolic al întregului eveniment al Unirii din 1918. Cu toate acestea, adunarea a fost documentată fotografic prin doar șase clișee, realizate de Samoilă... more
The issue of interpersonal communication speaks for a well-grounded theoretical project from an epistemological point of view in the field of psychology science (with the related references to the science of sociology). This particular... more
In Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply chains. Although this distribution system has existed since the communist period, and even though more than three decades have passed since... more
The present paper intends to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis upon the consumer buying behavior of fresh vegetables directly from local producers as observed 30 days later, after enforcing the state of emergency in Romania within a... more