Papers by Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Trade

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
The present paper intends to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis upon the consumer buying behav... more The present paper intends to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis upon the consumer buying behavior of fresh vegetables directly from local producers as observed 30 days later, after enforcing the state of emergency in Romania within a well-defined area, namely, the quarantined area of Suceava. The study relies on the interpretation of answers received from the quarantined area (N = 257) to a questionnaire applied online nationwide. The starting point of this paper is the analysis of the sociodemographic factors on the purchasing decision of fresh vegetables directly from local producers before declaring the state of emergency in Romania (16 March 2020). Further research has been conducted by interpreting the changes triggered by the COVID-19 crisis on the purchasing intention of such products before and after the end of the respective crisis. The aim of this scientific investigation relies on identifying the methods by which these behavioral changes can influence the digital transformation of short food supply chains.

Sustainability, 2021
In Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply cha... more In Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply chains. Although this distribution system has existed since the communist period, and even though more than three decades have passed since then, the market fails to be mature, subject to taxation, or achieve a high diversity in terms of dairy categories, with a consolidated marketing culture that has significant effects on the regional socioeconomic environment. The aim of this study was to observe whether the Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) crisis has influenced consumer behavior regarding dairy products delivered directly from producers in Suceava County, Romania. The research is based on a survey conducted between April and May, 2020, and the analysis relies on both quantitative and qualitative methods (namely, anthropological and ethno-graphic). From the provided responses, it a change was observed in the future buying behavior on short food supply chains, in a positive sense. One of the key findings was that family represents the main environment for passing on the values that influence the buying behavior. Another key finding was that the behavioral changes on the short food supply chains exert pressure on their digital transformations.

Sustainability, 2019
In the case of the Romanian urban consumer, ecological agroalimentary products do not merely oper... more In the case of the Romanian urban consumer, ecological agroalimentary products do not merely operate on the discursive line mapped by the rules of certification. The ecology of the agroalimentary products is reinterpreted and, thus, an interesting phenomenon occurs. The products perceived as natural, local, or peasant are seen as ecological enough to influence the purchase decision. Hence, according to the Romanian urban consumer, the ecological product stands for a symbolic projection provided by their own experience and trust level as a consumer. In the present paper, we aimed to go beyond the theory claiming that such behavior is determined by confusion in the social action of purchase and, following this line of interpretation, we also intended to identify the symbolic systems and hermeneutical criteria by which the Romanian urban consumer makes a social projection of ecological agroalimentary products through certain ethnocentralizing mechanisms. Our research paper was based on a qualitative and quantitative anthropological analysis that had, as a starting point, a questionnaire applied online (with a total of 1792 respondents, out of which 1342 were urban respondents).

Sustainability, 2019
Should you attend to the relevant published literature on perceptions belonging consumers of ecol... more Should you attend to the relevant published literature on perceptions belonging consumers of ecological products, it can be easily noticed that, as a rule, the interpretation insists heavily on the analysis of an error: the consumer's confusion about the ecological product. The official concept of an ecological product does not overlap with the idea of an ecological product at the mental level of the consumer. Most studies, if not all of them, tax this confusion and analyze it as a deviant phenomenon. The starting point for this study was based on this very confusion: If there is so much confusion, it most likely means we are dealing with a symbolic projection at a social level. We found intriguing the idea of trying to understand what exactly are the mechanisms behind the ideological forming of this symbolic projection and their impact upon the decision of purchasing ecological agroalimentary products. The study was based on a nationwide questionnaire conducted in Romania in 2016. The collected data were employed in an anthropological analysis of phenomenological approach to further understand the concept of ecological agroalimentary products as it appears in the mentality of the contemporary Romanian consumer.
Conferences by Codrin Dinu Vasiliu

A discursive field of the relation between human and animal has been in place since we had a reli... more A discursive field of the relation between human and animal has been in place since we had a religious, artistic, historical, political and even philosophical relation with the reality. The Animal has always been our partner “in crime” when attempting to understand nature and symbolical systems. Nevertheless, it has always been about a peripheral theme in defining the human or humanity since such approaches have mostly developed on the following interpretative corridors: what does it mean the fact that we are animals and which is, in the general context of the anthropic environment, our difference from animals. These are the very two lines of debate opened by anthrozoology: life epistemology and nature biopolitics. They also stand for the common grounds where the anthrozoology runs its constituting course as autonomous science. The present approach aims to establish an epistemological region for producing discourses which other sciences should recognize as typical of an autonomous field of research, namely anthrozoology.
The issue of interpersonal communication speaks for a well-grounded theoretical project from an e... more The issue of interpersonal communication speaks for a well-grounded theoretical project from an epistemological point of view in the field of psychology science (with the related references to the science of sociology). This particular good setting provides the opportunity of thinking the issue of intersubjectivity (a matter still challenging for the speculative practice of philosophy) on the very horizon of interpersonal communication. And, from this point of view, a good solution for passing from the subjectivity issue to that of intersubjectivity (or from the personal issue to that of interpersonal) is given by the rhetorical function of communication. The rhetoric appears as a satisfactory choice for the system of interpersonal communication as well as for the ontology of intersubjectivity.
Marea Adunare Națională de la Alba Iulia reprezintă momentul culminant și, totodată, simbolic al ... more Marea Adunare Națională de la Alba Iulia reprezintă momentul culminant și, totodată, simbolic al întregului eveniment al Unirii din 1918. Cu toate acestea, adunarea a fost documentată fotografic prin doar șase clișee, realizate de Samoilă Mârza, fotograf neoficial al unirii din 1918. Cum se întâmplă nu de puține ori, povestea din spatele fotografiilor s-a estompat și prezintă, astăzi, doar interese documentariste. Reluând această întâmplare a imortalizării fotografice, putem înțelege o serie de elemente care țin de epistema prin care un fotograf al acelor vremuri s-a raportat la istoria sa contemporană.
Papers by Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
Conferences by Codrin Dinu Vasiliu