Papers by Zdravka Petrova

Background: Bulgaria is a country with a wide range of medicinal plants, with uses in traditional... more Background: Bulgaria is a country with a wide range of medicinal plants, with uses in traditional medicine dating back for centuries. Methods: Disc diffusion assay was used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the plant extracts. A cytopathic effect inhibition test was used for the assessment of the antiviral activity of the extracts. The virucidal activity of the extracts, their influence on the stage of viral adsorption, and their protective effect on uninfected cells were reported using the end-point dilution method, and Δlgs was determined as compared to the untreated controls. Results: The results of the study reveal that the antibacterial potential of G. glabra and H. perforatum extracts in Gram-positive bacteria is more effective than in Gram-negative bacteria. When applied during the replication of HSV-1 and HCov-OC-43, only some of the extracts showed weak activity, with SI between 2 to 8.5. Almost all tested extracts inhibited the extracellular virions of the studied ...
Макар, че пирдопския край е затворен и е далеч от големи пътища, макар, че историческите събития ... more Макар, че пирдопския край е затворен и е далеч от големи пътища, макар, че историческите събития са били далеч от него, той е пълен с културни останки от най-древни времена. Старините в този край могат да бъдат разделни на: праисторически, тракийки, ранновизантийски, средновековни и такива, които са след падането на България под османско владичество. Ще разгледам три средновековни паметника в района, като бъде обърнато внимание на техните архитектурни белези.
Papers by Zdravka Petrova