Conference Presentations by Jamilu Salihu

Nigerian governments over the years have devised measures in the form of policies and programmes ... more Nigerian governments over the years have devised measures in the form of policies and programmes aimed at fulfilling their social contracts with the Nigerian populace by providing basic social services and to generally improve their lots. The study surveyed ―Social Studies Teachers' Opinion on Factors inhibiting successful Implementation of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria‖. The study used survey research design and utilized 114 male and female teachers as sample for the study basing the decision on Research Advisors' (2006) sample size table. The study employed purposive sampling technique to select the sample. However, the study used questionnaire titled ―Teachers Opinion on Implementation Factors on Millennium Development Goals (TOIFMDGs). The study was guided by one (1) objective, answered one (1) question and tested one (1) null hypothesis. The data analysis tools were percentage and frequency counts, mean and standard deviation and independent sample t-test respectively. The study rejected the null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha and 95% confidence level. The study discovered significant difference on account of gender of social studies teachers on their opinion about factors inhibiting successful implementation of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria. In the light of the findings made by the study, it is recommended as follows; the need for project and programme continuity, planning implementation of home-grown policies that explains the reality on ground in Nigeria, the need to stamp out corruption and mismanagement in the business of governance among others.

The symbiotic relationship between man and his physical environment is an important area of inter... more The symbiotic relationship between man and his physical environment is an important area of interest to social studies education. This study assesses the opinion of students on the role of Social Studies Education in promoting environmental sustainability for the attainment of Agenda 2063 in Nigeria. The study was descriptive survey in its design. One question was answered using Frequency counts, Mean and Standard Deviation and a null hypothesis was tested using independent sample t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The respondents were NCEII & NCEIII Social Studies students of the two Colleges of Education in Niger state-Nigeria. The instrument for data collection was Social Studies Environmental Sustainability Questionnaire (SSESQ). The study discovered that the students regardless of their study level have positive opinion on the potency of social studies education to promote the development of sustainable environment. In the light of the findings made, the study recommends the teaching of social studies at all levels of education in Nigeria and a need for the government to use social studies as a means to create awareness and enlightenment campaigns on the need to promote environmental sustainability among its citizenry.
Drafts by Jamilu Salihu

Unemployment anywhere is a threat to peace and prosperity everywhere. Unemployment has been a maj... more Unemployment anywhere is a threat to peace and prosperity everywhere. Unemployment has been a major problem in most countries in the world. Nigeria, as a developing country is witnessing high rate of graduate unemployment which has become one of the major threats to its national security. The study examines the effects of graduate unemployment on Nigeria’s national security. Specifically, the study seeks to attain the following objectives: to determine the causes of graduate unemployment in Nigeria and to examine the effects of graduate unemployment on Nigeria’s national security. Two corresponding research questions and null hypotheses are stated. Survey research design is used. The respondents are unemployed graduates purposively selected from Zaria and Kaduna metropolis. A total of 384 respondents are used in the study. The questionnaire titled “Effects of Graduate Unemployment on Nigeria’s National Security (EGUNNS)” is used as an instrument for data collection which is designed through extensive literature review to assist in attaining the objectives raised by the study. The questionnaire is designed based on five point Likert Scale. The questionnaire is pilot tested and Cronbach Alpha formular for determining reliability coefficient is used. Consequently 0.831 reliability coefficient is discovered. The data analysis is done using frequency counts, percentage, mean and standard deviation to answer the questions raised by the study. The t-test independent sample is used to validate the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study discovered no significant difference in the opinions of male and female unemployed graduates on the causes and effects of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. In the light of the findings, the study recommends the need for the curriculum of Tertiary Educational Institutions in Nigeria to reflect the need of the employers of labour locally and internationally, the need for entrepreneurship education taught at Tertiary Educational Institutions to be based on practice through pedagogies that encourage learning: by doing, by experience, by experiment, by risk taking and making mistakes, by creative problem solving, by feedback through social interaction; by role playing, by exploring role models; and by interaction with the adult world among others.
Papers by Jamilu Salihu

The study examines the perception of undergraduate students on the relevance of entrepreneurship ... more The study examines the perception of undergraduate students on the relevance of entrepreneurship education in developing entrepreneurial competencies in Zaria. The design of the study was descriptive survey. The population of the study consists of 400 level undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria numbering 245. The sample size was 150 determined using research advisors table for sample selection. Simple random sampling technique was used in sample selection. The four point modified Likert scale questionnaire title "Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Competencies and Traits Questionnaire" (EEECTQ) is used as instrument for collecting data in the study. The instrument was duly validated by experts. The reliability coefficient index stood at 0.65. The study used arithmetic mean and standard deviation to answer the questions raised. The study discovered that entrepreneurship education develop in the students entrepreneurial competencies such as financial literacy, management skills, ability to take responsibility and make decisions, competitiveness, perseverance, ability to network and make contacts and ability to research effectively. In the light of the findings made, the study's recommendations include the need for teaching entrepreneurship education to centre on developing willingness to take risks among undergraduate students

This study explored the gender perspective of pre-service Social Studies teachers on challenges t... more This study explored the gender perspective of pre-service Social Studies teachers on challenges towards Nigeria’s drive to attain Agenda 2063. The cross-sectional survey design was used and pre-service Social Studies teachers in the study area were used in the study. The population of the study consisted of pre-service Social Studies teachers in Kaduna State. The entire population is 3006 and the sample size stood at 341. The purposive sampling technique was used to select samples for the study. A total of 384 respondents were used in the study basing the decision on Krejcie and Morgan table of sample size selection (1970) and Research Advisors (2006). The structured questionnaire titled “Perceived Social Studies Challenges on Agenda 2063 (PESOSCA-2063) is used as data collection instrument. The questionnaire is designed after extensive literature review. The questionnaire was designed based on modified Likert scale and was validated by experts in Social Studies education and test a...

The study examined gender Variable as Correlate of Entrepreneurial Drive of Undergraduate Social ... more The study examined gender Variable as Correlate of Entrepreneurial Drive of Undergraduate Social Studies Students of Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria.” The study is specifically aimed at determining the entrepreneurial drive of undergraduate Social Studies students of Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria in relation to their gender. A corresponding research question and null hypothesis are formulated. The population of the study consisted of all 400 level final year students of Social Studies as at 2015/2016 academic session. A total number of 114 students of Social Studies are purposively used. The study adapted Entrepreneurship Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) after extensive literature review and developed a modified one titled “Social Studies Entrepreneurial Drive Questionnaire (SOSEDQ). The instrument is duly validated and 0.896 reliability coefficient is realised using Cronbach alpha formula. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation are used in answering the question raised by the study ...

This study examined the Effects of Gender on Upper Basic Social Studies Students’ Academic Achiev... more This study examined the Effects of Gender on Upper Basic Social Studies Students’ Academic Achievement in Educational Field Trips Learning Environment in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The design of the study was the non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group type of quasi experiment. The population of the study consisted of junior secondary school students in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria numbering 26,322. Also, 60 students consisting of 30 males and 30 females were purposively sampled from JSSII in the following schools which were tagged “experimental group”: Government Junior Secondary School, Aba and Government Junior Secondary School Muchiya, Sabon-Gari. The data collection instrument was Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT). The content and construct validity was ascertained by experts in Social Studies, language and test and measurement. The reliability coefficient index power of the instrument stood at 0.81 determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co...

Education, Sustainability And Society
The study examined the Effects of Educational Field Trips on Social Studies Students’ Academic Ac... more The study examined the Effects of Educational Field Trips on Social Studies Students’ Academic Achievement in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The design of the study was the non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group type of quasi experiment. The population of the study consisted of junior secondary school students in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria numbering 26,322. Also, 120 students were purposively sampled from JSSII in the following schools: Government Junior Secondary School Tudun-Jukun, Zaria, Government Junior Secondary School, Awai, Government Junior Secondary School, Aba and Government Junior Secondary School Muchiya, Sabon-Gari. The data collection instrument was Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT). The content and construct validity was ascertained by experts in Social Studies, language and test and measurement. The reliability coefficient index power of the instrument stood at 0.81 determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlati...

The study is entitled “Influence of Gender on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Undergraduate Social ... more The study is entitled “Influence of Gender on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Undergraduate Social Studies Students of Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria.” The study is specifically aimed at determining the entrepreneurial intentions of undergraduate Social Studies students of Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria in relation to their gender. A corresponding research question and null hypothesis are formulated. The population of the study consisted of all 400 level final year students of Social Studies as at 2015/2016 academic session. A total number of 114 students of Social Studies are purposively used. The study adapted Entrepreneurship Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) after extensive literature review and developed a modified one titled “Social Studies Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (SOSEIQ). The instrument is duly validated and 0.896 reliability coefficient is realised using Cronbach alpha formular. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation are used in answering the question raised by the study and independent samples t-test is used in testing the null hypothesis formulated by the study. The study discovered that there is significant difference in the mean entrepreneurial intentions scores of male and female undergraduate Social Studies students in Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria. The study among other things offers some recommendations for policy makers and educators while formulating policies and pedagogical interventions for undergraduate Social Studies students.

Classroom teachers for a very long time are used to integrating different types of learning activ... more Classroom teachers for a very long time are used to integrating different types of learning activities and resources in classroom, laboratory, practicum, studio contexts among others with the aim of enhancing effective transaction and communication between teacher and learners’. The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has evolved a new version of blended teaching and learning to mean the integration of classroom face-to-face teaching and learning with e-learning. This study examines the Impact of Blended Teaching and Learning Environment (BTLE) on Pupils academic performance in Social Studies. The study is guided by the following specific objectives which are; to determine the academic performance of Middle-Basic Pupils’ taught in a Blended Teaching and Learning Environment and Pupils’ taught in a Traditional Teaching and Learning Environment (TTLE) and to examine the academic performance of Middle-Basic Pupils taught in a Blended Teaching and Learning Environment in relation to gender. The research questions and null hypotheses are postulated based on the objectives raised. The study is a non-equivalent pre and post test comparison group design. The population consists of Middle-Basic Pupils in Staff Schools of Tertiary Educational Institutions located in Zaria and Sabon-gari Local Governments. However, 120 Middle-Basic III Pupils are purposively used from four schools; 30 from each school. The Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT) is the data collection instrument. The instrument is duly validated by experts. The Guttmann split half method is used in determining reliability coefficient and 0.899 is realised. The arithmetic means, standard deviation, independent and paired t-test are used as data analysis tools. The study discovered that Middle-Basic Pupils taught in a Blended Teaching and Learning Environment (BTLE) outperformed Pupils taught in a Traditional Teaching and Learning Environment (TTLE) and gender has no significant impact on Pupils learning outcome in a Blended Teaching and Learning Environment. Based on these, the study recommends the need for blending teaching and learning environment in Middle-Basic with ICT infrastructures and to train and retrain teachers on application of ICT facilities for teaching and learning among others.
Conference Presentations by Jamilu Salihu
Drafts by Jamilu Salihu
Papers by Jamilu Salihu