Papers by Abdulkadir Aliyu

This study investigated the Influence of Search Skills on Web Information Searching and Retrieval... more This study investigated the Influence of Search Skills on Web Information Searching and Retrieval among Academic Staff and Students in Nigerian Universities. The study adopted a survey research design and copies of questionnaire were used as instrument for data collection. The subjects were made up of the academic staff and students in Ahmadu Bello Universities Zaria, University of Nigeria Nsukka, and University of Ibadan. However, 384 academic staff and students were selected for the sample. To achieve the objective of the study, one research question was raised and answered, hypothesis was formulated and tested. Descriptive (Percentages, Means and Standard Deviation) and Inferential statistics (One way Analysis of Variance) was used to analyze the data collected. The study established that there is a strong strategic Internet skill in all the users. Whereas, the null hypothesis formulated was retained, suggesting no significant difference among the academic staff and students in Nigerian Universities studied. The study therefore recommended that for users to succeed in searching and retrieving information and improve their retrieval skills, the information literacy programmes organized in the libraries should lay more emphasis on hypermedia, the art of critical thinking and web-based searching. The study concluded that for academic staff and students to successfully retrieve web information they require certain skills and confidence.

This study investigated the Influence of Push and Pull Factors on Information Seeking and Retriev... more This study investigated the Influence of Push and Pull Factors on Information Seeking and Retrieval by the Academic Staff and Students in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The study adopted a survey research method. The population was made up of the academic staff and students in Ahmadu Bello Universities Zaria. However, 380 academic staff and students were selected for the sample. Descriptive and Inferential statistics were use to analyze the data collected. The study established among others, factors such as uplifting the profile of the University and Department; being ahead of colleagues and friend;, being active in formal and informal social interaction among colleagues and friends; to effectively contribute to the advancement of their profession; wanting to belong; adventure and self-esteem; excitement act as a stimulant; Internal tension drive reduction; wanting to belong and participate in a network and being ahead of colleagues and friends are the push factors that influence Information Seeking and Retrieval. Whereas positive reinforcements; complementary remarks; and goals achievements are the pull factors that influence Information Seeking and Retrieval. The study therefore recommends that there is a need to strengthen and enhance factors like positive reinforcements, complementary remarks and goals achievement by the University authority in order to motivate staff and students to seek and retrieve more information for teaching, learning and research from the Internet, the academic library, colleagues, friends and other sources.
The study attempts to investigate the type of databases available, extent of use and the challeng... more The study attempts to investigate the type of databases available, extent of use and the challenges to the use of databases among the Academic staff and Postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study employed a survey research method and questionnaire as an instrument for data collection. Lack of time and too much information are some of the challenges users face. The study concludes that information professionals needs to create awareness amongst users to effectively use these technologies to meet their information needs. It was recommended that users should make it a habit of first checking the library's webpage before any other site and the University should make all efforts to either increase the University bandwidth or alternatively get a broadband connection. .

Acquisition of electronic resources has been observed to increase patronage to library in most re... more Acquisition of electronic resources has been observed to increase patronage to library in most recent times. This study empirically examines patron's use and effectiveness of available electronic information resources in an agricultural library. The study revealed that patrons' failures to utilize these resources are attributed to lack of knowledge, low library patronage and reliability on the internet. The administered questionnaire on available electronic resources pre-and post-training revealed that patrons call for concerted awareness campaign, capacity buildings and improved service delivery in the library. The study revealed that even though benefits that include gaining access to qualitative information resources, full text, and ease to use are derived, but, constraints of inadequate funding, high subscription cost for online resources and out of date of databases and other media, currency of resources, epileptic power supply and unfriendly environment remains major. The need to provide adequate infrastructure and security was emphasized. Recommendations proffered include sensitization, capacity building for library staff; consistent training for patrons and improvise better competing strategies to keep the library afloat.

The Internet has become a worthwhile tool for scholarly work. It is therefore expected to have a ... more The Internet has become a worthwhile tool for scholarly work. It is therefore expected to have a significant impact on academic work of staff and postgraduate students. This paper investigates the purpose and types of Internet resources used by the academic staff and postgraduate students in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The concept of Internet, purpose of using the Internet and types of Internet resources used by staff and postgraduate students were highlighted. Survey method was adopted and academic staff and post graduate students in the twelve faculties of the university were the subject of the study. The study found that e-mail and e-journal were the most used Internet resources by academic staff and the post graduate students. Research and learning, communication and social networking are the major purpose of using the Internet by the respondents. It was equally revealed that there is significant difference in the type of Internet resource and purpose of using the Internet in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study concluded that, the Internet is relevant for the purpose of research and learning.
This paper examines Dspace software and how it is use in preserving and managing scholarly docume... more This paper examines Dspace software and how it is use in preserving and managing scholarly documents in Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The paper highlights what an Institutional repository is, what it is use for, open source software and how Dspace software runs. The paper concludes that librarians should keep abreast of the current developments in ICT and choose appropriate software that is geared toward a digital revolution.

This paper explores the historical development, current practices and the challenges affecting th... more This paper explores the historical development, current practices and the challenges affecting the institutional digital repositories in Nigeria; it identifies the various universities that establish digital repositories. The paper further highlight the prospect of Nigerian University Libraries in the implementing institutional digital repositories as it holds great promise for preservation of materials, sharing of resources, and visibility of Nigerian libraries and institutions across the globe. The increase in Nigerian content on the Web will enable more meaningful and fruitful researches to be conducted through access to relevant data and literature. The study discovers finance, copyright issues, epileptic power supply, difficulty in digitizing some materials, technical support and security; constant change of hardware and software are among the challenges facing the digitization project and institutional repositories respectively. The research concludes that digitization of library resources in the 21st Century can revitalized the libraries as information provider.
The study attempts to explore the concept of information anxiety as it affects the Academic staff... more The study attempts to explore the concept of information anxiety as it affects the Academic staff and Postgraduate students in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Types, causes, implication, coping strategies and information overload as one of the major cause of anxiety were highlighted. It was concluded that information professionals need to reassess user preferences concerning information resources/services consulted on the Internet in other to save their time.It was recommended that users should make it a habit of first checking the library's webpage before any other site and more computer/Internet training to be organise by the university.

user at the institute for Agricultural Research Library Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study... more user at the institute for Agricultural Research Library Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study employed Ex post Facto design and data were collected using the hard drive statistical package. The findings shows that a total of 281 consultations were recorded in 3 years of 83 journals titles out of 160 available titles in the database. Animal scientists consult TEEAL more than other specialists and Animal Feed Science and Technology and Bioresource Technology are the most consulted Journals out of the 83 journal titles consulted during the period under review only 14 recorded from 5 to 19 consultations. The study concludes that more Journals from African countries should be included in TEEAL sets as a way of enhancing its appeal to a wider audience. The paper recommends that the library's media and public relations division should consider ways to help the three libraries so as to strengthen their outreach and training activities to ensure maximum usage.
The paper discussed the concept of open access initiative and its relevance to the development of... more The paper discussed the concept of open access initiative and its relevance to the development of digital repositories. It primarily focused on the institutional digital repository project of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The University library administration setup, policy, equipment and facilities including software for the project were highlighted. The digitisation process, test running, training, system installation and the workflow developed by the institution were discussed. The successes recorded and challenges faced by the project were equally presented. The paper concluded that repositories are very important to universities in helping them showcase, manage and capture their intellectual assets as a part of their information service strategy and contribution to universal access to knowledge and information.
The paper discussed the concept of open access initiative and its relevance to the development of... more The paper discussed the concept of open access initiative and its relevance to the development of digital repositories. It primarily focused on the institutional digital repository project of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The setup of the University library administration, policy, equipment and facilities including software for the project were highlighted. The digitisation process, test running, training, system installation and the workflow developed by the centre were discussed. The successes recorded and challenges faced by the project were equally presented. The paper concluded that repositories are very important to universities in helping them showcase, manage and capture their intellectual assets as part of their information service strategy and contribution to universal access to knowledge and information.
Papers by Abdulkadir Aliyu