Papers by festus ayodimeji akintoye
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 20, 2023

Lora =rk i'pkr Hkkjrh; rFkk ik'pkR; ns 'kks a es a iz oklh Hkkjrh; }kjk f... more Lora =rk i'pkr Hkkjrh; rFkk ik'pkR; ns 'kks a es a iz oklh Hkkjrh; }kjk fgUnh ds fodkl es a ;ks xnku dk ew a Y;kdu श्री राम निवास सहायक प्रोफ े सर बीआरएम कॉले ज ऑफ गविन में ट एजु क े शि घरुं डा करिाल lkj& vus d Hkkjrh; ,s ls gS a tks Hkkjr ls brj ns 'kks a es a fga nh jpuk o fodkl ds dke es a yxs gq , gS a A bues a nw rkokl ds vf/kdkjh vkS j fons 'kh fo'ofo|ky;ks a ds çk/;kid rks gS a gh] vus d lkekU; tu Hkh gS a tks fu;fer ys [ku o v/;kiu ls fons 'k es a fga nh dks yks dfç; cukus ds dke es a yxs gS a A fons 'k es a jgus okys fga nh lkfgR;dkjks a dk egRo blfy, c<+ tkrk gS D;ks a fd mudh jpukvks a es a vyx&vyx ns 'kks a dh fofHkUu ifjfLFkfr;ks a dks fodkl feyrk gS vkS j bl çdkj fga nh lkfgR; dk va rjkZ "Vª h; fodkl gks rk gS vkS j leLr fo'o fga nh Hkk"kk es a foLrkj ikrk gS A chloha 'krh ds e/; ls Hkkjr Nks M+ dj fons 'k tk clus okys yks xks a dh la [;k es a dkQh o` f) gq bZ A bues a ls vus d yks x fga nh ds fo}ku Fks vkS j Hkkjr Nks M+ us ls igys gh ys [ku es a yxs gq , Fks A ,s ls ys [kd vius vius ns 'k es a pq ipki ys [ku es a yxs Fks ij mues a ls dq N Hkkjr es a /keZ ;q x tS lh if=dkvks a es a çdkf'kr gks dj dkQh yks dfç; gq ,] ftudk yks gk Hkkjrh; lkfgR; la lkj es a Hkh ekuk x;kA iz Lrkokuk& fdlh Hkh Hkk"kk lekt o la L—fr dk Kku mlds lkfgR; ls gks rk gS A lkfgR; o lkfgR;dkj Hkk"kk] la L—fr o lekt dks vkxs c<krs gS a A jk"Vª Hkk"kk ds xkS jo dkslè) djrs gS ] igpku fnykrs gS gkyka fd jk"Vª Hkk"kk dks jk"Vª Hkk"kk ?kks f"kr fd;s tkus ds ihNs

Auxiliary verbs in English and French languages are very germane in constructing sentences in bot... more Auxiliary verbs in English and French languages are very germane in constructing sentences in both languages. Therefore, this study examines the way auxiliary verbs are used in English and French Languages; and some features where learners of either language may encounter some difficulties in the course of learning. Our attention is drawn to auxiliary verbs because verb is what that makes any sentence functions the way it is. Verb is one of the most important parts of speech in French grammar and also in English .It is through verb that one knows when an action takes place. When a verb helps another verb to form one of its tenses in a sentence, such verb can be said to be auxiliary. This paper also focuses on auxiliary verbs and how verbs are used in the past and present indications. Auxiliary verbs cannot stand or function alone without relying on the main verb in both English and French languages. Finally, we shall concurrently consider in this paper how semi-auxiliary verbs function as modal auxiliary in French.

IJOHMN, 2018
Auxiliary verbs in English and French languages are very germane in constructing sentences in bot... more Auxiliary verbs in English and French languages are very germane in constructing sentences in both languages. Therefore, this study examines the way auxiliary verbs are used in English and French Languages; and some features where learners of either language may encounter some difficulties in the course of learning. Our attention is drawn to auxiliary verbs because verb is what that makes any sentence functions the way it is. Verb is one of the most important parts of speech in French grammar and also in English .It is through verb that one knows when an action takes place. When a verb helps another verb to form one of its tenses in a sentence, such verb can be said to be auxiliary. This paper also focuses on auxiliary verbs and how verbs are used in the past and present indications. Auxiliary verbs cannot stand or function alone without relying on the main verb in both English and French languages. Finally, we shall concurrently consider in this paper how semi-auxiliary verbs function as modal auxiliary in French.
Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors ... more Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors sustaining the pronatalist lifestyle of the people despite the antinatalist nature of Nigerian population policy to control fertility. Social change theory was employed as a guide. Data analysed were collected from 282 elderly respondents aged 65 and above. The mean age of the respondents was 76.1±7.8 years. The study revealed high fertility records amongst the elderly, which is sustained by the government neglects of elderly care, and the social support largely received by parents from their offspring when children become adults and parents become elders. Despite modernity and weakening of extended family ties, the bond between parents and children, and fertility remain high, in as much as the government keeps overlooking the perplexed well-being of the elderly.
Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors ... more Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors sustaining the pronatalist lifestyle of the people despite the antinatalist nature of Nigerian population policy to control fertility. Social change theory was employed as a guide. Data analysed were collected from 282 elderly respondents aged 65 and above. The mean age of the respondents was 76.1±7.8 years. The study revealed high fertility records amongst the elderly, which is sustained by the government neglects of elderly care, and the social support largely received by parents from their offspring when children become adults and parents become elders. Despite modernity and weakening of extended family ties, the bond between parents and children, and fertility remain high, in as much as the government keeps overlooking the perplexed well-being of the elderly.
Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors ... more Social support and well-being of the elderly in Ekiti State were surveyed to investigate factors sustaining the pronatalist lifestyle of the people despite the antinatalist nature of Nigerian population policy to control fertility. Social change theory was employed as a guide. Data analysed were collected from 282 elderly respondents aged 65 and above. The mean age of the respondents was 76.1±7.8 years. The study revealed high fertility records amongst the elderly, which is sustained by the government neglects of elderly care, and the social support largely received by parents from their offspring when children become adults and parents become elders. Despite modernity and weakening of extended family ties, the bond between parents and children, and fertility remain high, in as much as the government keeps overlooking the perplexed well-being of the elderly.
Drafts by festus ayodimeji akintoye

No man is worthy of being treated with disdain, except he or she is found wanting of any societal... more No man is worthy of being treated with disdain, except he or she is found wanting of any societal degradation. Aminata Sowfall portrays how beggars are humiliated in their original homeland. In every society, both the physically able and disable men are important. So, within the purview of this, we shall treat and exploit the socio-cultural and socioeconomic relevance of beggars in the life of able people in the society, such as: the bigwigs or the crème de la crème of the society. In this article, we are going to examine how beggars are being maltreated and relegated to the background in the society. They are mischievously swept away from the beautiful zones where they get their livelihood daily and are thrown to the remotest area where they find solace in the house of one of their counterparts. However, event suddenly turns around for the politicians who think that chasing away the beggars would add color to their feathers. So, it is true that what goes around turns around! The rejected beggars suddenly become so important that Mour Ndiaye (protagonist) has to exhaust all his energy, strength, wisdom in searching for these nonentities whom they consider valueless in the society. His search to woo the beggars proves abortive as a result of nefarious attitude towards the latter. Now that he wants to become the vice president he finds the acceptance of his sacrifice by the beggars' essential in order for him to climb the ladder of leadership to the echelon. The drive of this article is to notice the importance of worthless set of individuals suddenly becoming sine-qua-non or indispensable in the contemporary African society. Aminata Sowfall brilliantly looked into the future as at the time she wrote the novel," The beggars' strike" It was written in 20th century and the scenario in the book fits in with 21st century. This is why we are considering the socio-cultural and economic vitality of the work. 1 Résumé L'action s'est passée en ville, qui pourrait être Dakar ou n'importe quelles autres agglomérations de l'Afrique noire. Les hommes au pouvoir considèrent les mendiants comme des déchets humains qui défigurent la ville et qui entravent le développement du tourisme. Mour N'diaye, un haut bureaucrate plein d'ambitions décide donc de se débarrasser une bonne fois pour toute de ces indésirables. Plus exactement, il en chargera son adjoint zélé, Keba Dabo et ne veut plus entendre parler de ces mendiants. Il y a donc deux camps qui s'affrontent. Les puissants ne lésinent par sur la violence et expédient les mendiants à deux cents kilomètres de la ville. Mais ces derniers sont solidaires entre eux. Ils refusent d'être frappés et humilies surtout, ils sont conscient de la place qu'ils occupent dans la société. Leur grève a des conséquences déroutantes pour les puissants. Très rapidement, Mour lui-même eut besoin d'eux pour la réalisation d'un sacrifice qui allait lui attribuer le poste de vice président, mais ces derniers lui refusèrent leur aide. Mour voit alors son rêve s'écrouler avec la nomination du ministre de l'intérieur TOUMANE TOURE au poste de vice président.
Papers by festus ayodimeji akintoye
Drafts by festus ayodimeji akintoye