? ?
Journal created:
on 14 December 2003 (#1575957)
on 11 June 2016
helping *you* choose the right career
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This community was created to help answer the question "What do I want to be?"
See below for how to use the information contained within this community.

I highly recommend the book Grindhopping for a wealth of job ideas and the pros and cons of being your own boss. There is also a web site about it.

If you are currently in school...
If you are currently in school, this is a question that you will need to answer for yourself. It is important to pick a profession that is interesting, challenging and provides a living. But there are so many choices (just take a look at the list of job titles posted here), and what does it really mean to become a "this" or a "that"? Hopefully you can find some of your answer here. (And if you like career tests, I've bookmarked some non-professional ones.)
If you are also working, or have worked in the past, the next section applies to you too.

If you are currently working...
If you are currently working, or have worked in the past, you are invited to share your current or previous job description(s), but make a new post for each of your jobs, please. (It does not matter if someone else already posted a description for your job title, please make a new post (not a comment) with your unique experiences.) By sharing a real picture of what you do, you may help a reader decide on their first profession, or on a career change.

If you wish to contribute...
Please take a moment to tell us about your job. Your real job. Tell us the story behind the title. You may share a typical work day, or an event that captures what your job is all about. If you wish, you may answer using the following questions. There's no need to join this community, you can post directly by clicking the pencil icon at the top of this page.

Please be truthful; others may use your feedback in their decision making process. Thank you for making a difference!

As subject, please use your job title.
> What is your job title?
> How long have you been doing this job?
> What does your job title generally mean?
> What are your everyday activities like?
> What challenges does your job bring you?
> Do you have any responsibility?
> Do you manage other people?
> What do you like about your job?
> What don't you like about your job?
> What did you want to be when you grew up?
> What past jobs have you had that lead to your current one?
> What advice can you give people that want to do what you do?

How to use the information contained within this community...
All job titles described in this community are listed in the memories section. This listing is up-to-date if the number of journal entries equals the number of memories. Each job title will have one or more posts linked to it. One post will be linked to one or more job titles. Feel free to browse the job titles or the individual posts. Reply to posts to ask questions or to give your thoughts, just as you would in any other community. But please share your own job descriptions in a new post rather than a comment.

This community is maintained by risingearth. It is an unmoderated community, meaning no post will be deleted. However, posts not containing job related information will be filed under the "_Off_Topic_" memory. Career tests will be filed under the "_Career_Tests_" memory.
9 to 5, balance, becoming rich, becoming the best, being the best, business, calling, career, career counselling, career goal, career goals, career planning, challenge, challenges, challenging, changing careers, changing jobs, changing the world, choices, choosing, choosing a career, choosing a job, choosing a major, choosing a profession, coaching, college, community service, companies, company, consulting, contracting, corporation, corporations, curriculum vitae, cv, destiny, doing good, doing nothing, doing your best, education, employment, enjoying life, excelling, finding a job, finding another job, finding meaning, finding my calling, finding your calling, finding your destiny, freelancing, fulfillment, fun, getting a job, getting another job, getting by, getting paid, giving back, going into business, going to college, going to work, happiness, having fun, helping, helping others, high school, hobbies, hobby, home business, i don't know, interests, inventing, job, job description, jobs, just a job, knowing your calling, leading, learning, life, life after work, life goals, life mission, life purpose, life's purpose, life's work, living, love, loving life, making a difference, making a living, making money, making things count, managing, meaning, meant to be, mentor, mentoring, mission in life, no clue, occupation, paying bills, picking a career, picking a job, picking a major, picking a profession, position, profession, professional life, purpose, purposeful living, real people, real stories, reality, resume, résumé, salary, school, seeking a job, seeking another job, self-employment, service, sharing, skill, skills, start-up, studying, support, supporting, surviving, talent, temping, the office, trade, unemployment, university, vocation, what career to choose, what do i do, what do i want, what i do, what to do, what to study, what's the use, who am i, winning, work, working, working life, working with people, workplace
