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Change in Shetland fisheries is not necessarily incompatible with continuity.
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Drawing on fieldwork experience with anti-racist activists in the UK over the past year, this paper engages with their intervention efforts against racism and wider forms of structural and cultural violence. These intervention strategies... more
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      ViolencePolitical AnthropologyAnthropology of KnowledgeAffect/Emotion
Storytelling, in the form of performed personal narratives, permeates through various forms of political communication, and has the capacity for mass affective resonance with listeners, moving them to action and organization. While... more
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      AnthropologyPolitical AnthropologyStorytellingMediation
Wicca is a contemporary syncretic religion that encompasses both masculine and feminine aspects of deities. This duality emphasizes the importance of balance within everyday life. Based on a year of participant observation and interviews,... more
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      LandscapeEnvironmental SciencesArticle
This article investigates the concept of black food among the Lake Yessei Yakut in Siberia. With reference to two sources, archival records from the Russian Polar North Census of 1926-27 and contemporary fieldwork material, I investigate... more
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This article investigates the concept of black food among the Lake Yessei Yakut in Siberia. With reference to two sources, archival records from the Russian Polar North Census of 1926-1927 and contemporary fi eldwork material, I... more
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    • Ethnohistory
"This article relates to the studies of roads and engages with the experience of driving in Sakha (Yakutia), Siberia. The article intends to contribute to the broad corpus of literature on mobility and argues that an alternative... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyMultisited Ethnography
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      Anthropology of PerformanceDesign Anthropology
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    • Environmental Anthropology
Recent anthropological literature on NGOs has focused on the agency and creativity of activists. The focus on the subjects of NGOs and agency in this work is an explicit response to scholarship in which actors are eclipsed by formal and... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyPolitical ecology, NGOs, sustainable development, biodiversity, agroecology, amazonia, brazil, global change, environmental actors, protect areas, nature conservation.
Anthropological accounts struggle to incorporate both subjectivity and supra-personal structures. Focus on the shape and type of relations neglects giving attention to the transformations that emerge as a result of relationships. This... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyAnthropology of Power
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      Environmental AnthropologyEnvironmentalism
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      Environmental AnthropologyEnvironmental Law and Human Rights
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      Anthropology of PerformancePerformance Ethnography
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of PerformanceOntological Turn
The book The Voices of the Pages, edited by Caroline Gatt, is a collection of experimental pieces incorporating writing, handwriting, drawing, photography, photocopying, marbling and other print technologies. This book is dedicated to... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyLiteracyEpistemology (Anthropology)