Papers by Dr. Beena Patel

World needs a new paradigm to solve deep and perilous problems of climate change, energy access a... more World needs a new paradigm to solve deep and perilous problems of climate change, energy access and food security through radical innovation and business opportunities along with social good and financial inclusion by following Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of sustainability. Processed wood waste is a promising renewable energy source which can reduce India's dependency on fossil fuels by tapping through efficient technology and thereby assuring energy security and employment opportunities along with waste utilization. Such system can further be linked and supported by exploiting marginal arable lands through bamboo plantation that sequesters CO 2 and fix carbon in form of biomass. On this concept, case studies on 120 tons/day capacity wood waste pelleting plant and 120 acres Bamboo plantation in Gujarat, India, have been presented. The pellet plant is the only ENPlus European standards certified facility in India and Southern Asia that utilizes wood wastes like chips and saw dust from wood processing industries. Pelletized wood waste replaces 1.17 times Indian coal along with reduction in GHG emission by 1.78 kg of CO 2-eq/kg of pellets. In order to capitalize on marginal lands, high-biomass bamboo, yielding 20–25 tones/acre, have been developed and planted in 120 acre as captive farming and agroforestry model at Aravali district of North Gujarat, India. The Bamboo, from otherwise unused land, can support handicraft and incense stick industry, opening additional occupational avenues and women empowerment in rural areas. Bamboo waste from handicraft industries can further be utilized for bioenergy projects, sequestering additional 20–25 tons of CO 2 /acre-year.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012
Journal of Phytology, 2015
Archive of Oncology, 2009
Background: Tobacco chewing is attributed to oral cancer. Prediction of cancer development by gen... more Background: Tobacco chewing is attributed to oral cancer. Prediction of cancer development by genotoxicity analysis is a major challenge to identify tobacco users at greater risk. Therefore, present study aimed to analyze tobacco related genotoxic effects in chewers monitoring micronuclei (MN) and chromosome aberrations (CA). The biomarkers were compared with non chewer to (i) predict risk for genotoxicity, (ii) estimate synergistic effect of tobacco exposure with level of biomarkers, and (iii) identify best cellular site of measurements for genotoxicity assessment.
Archive of Oncology, 2009
Background: To evaluate prognostic effect of submicroscopic deletions involving breakage and fusi... more Background: To evaluate prognostic effect of submicroscopic deletions involving breakage and fusion points of the derivative chromosome 9 and 22 in chronic myeloid leukemia in untreated patients and their follow up samples to correlate with disease outcome. Methods: The study included 78 pretreatment (PT) samples from CML patients and 90 follow-up samples, classified as complete responders (CR, n=33), nonresponders (NR, n =54), and partial responder (PR, n=3) depending on the treatment status of the follow-up samples. Karyotype analysis was performed on metaphases obtained through short term cultures of bone marrow and blood. Detection of BCR-ABL fusion gene was performed using dual color dual fusion (D-FISH) translocation probes.
International Journal of Energy For a Clean Environment, 2009

Climate change affects agriculture, food security and farmers. With this perspective, it is neces... more Climate change affects agriculture, food security and farmers. With this perspective, it is necessary to carry out analysis according to the geography of Gujarat, which makes the state more vulnerable to the changes in precipitation and temperature pattern. The present study precisely aims to assess the impact of these patterns on agriculturalsoilfor which the samples were collected from semi-arid region, North Gujarat and high rainfall zone viz. South Gujarat. Soil physico-chemical properties were analyzed using standard methods and the derived data was subjected to statistical analysis using IBM SPSS Ver.20. The soil porosity, water holding capacity and moisture content of North Gujarat exhibited an increasing trend from pre-to post-monsoon whereas decreasing trend was marked during the summer.The major ion chemistry reveals that chloride is the most dominant anion for all the seasons and both the zones. The variation of 54.21% and 52.16% with respect to sand and moisture content of South Gujarat soil of summer can be predicted from that of the post-monsoon. With the change in precipitation and temperature regimes, physical properties and trace element concentration varies significantly. In order to cope up in this avenue, conventional agronomic practices should be revised in accordance to the region.
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2015

Neoplasma, 2002
Glutathione, an antioxidant plays an important role in phase-II detoxification of carcinogens. Th... more Glutathione, an antioxidant plays an important role in phase-II detoxification of carcinogens. The levels of reduced glutathione are maintained by glutathione-depleting as well as replenishing enzymes such as glutathione-s-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR), respectively. Pre and post treatment changes in GST and GR activities in head and neck cancer patients were analysed. Serum GST and GR were analysed from untreated head and neck cancer patients (PT) (n=146), controls with habit of tobacco (VHT) (n=25) as well as without (no) habit of tobacco (NHT) (n=25) and patients with oral precancerous conditions (OPC) (n=50). The cancer patients were followed-up after initiation of anticancer therapy. Follow-up blood samples were collected. Serum GST and GR activities were estimated by highly sensitive and specific spectrophotometric methods. Untreated cancer patients showed elevated mean serum GST and GR activities as compared to NHT. Patients with OPC had declined mean GST a...

Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, 1997
Cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract is one of the leading sites of human malignancies in Indi... more Cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract is one of the leading sites of human malignancies in India. Various glycoproteins have been claimed to be specifically associated with cancer. Serum glycoprotein electrophoresis was carried out in sera obtained from 23 healthy individuals [10 without habit of tobacco consumption (NHT) 13 with habit of tobacco consumption (WHT)], 46 patients with oral precancerous conditions (OPC) and 110 untreated patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer. Eighty-six samples from the cancer patients were also collected after initiation of anticancer therapy. The albumin, alpha, beta and gamma region glycoproteins were quantitated by densitometric scanning after separation by polyacrylamide disc gel (PADG) electrophoresis. Mean values of albumin and alpha region glycoproteins were significantly lower in WHT and patients with OPC as compared to NHT. The gamma region glycoproteins were significantly elevated in WHT, patients with OPC and untreated cancer pat...

TheScientificWorldJournal, Jan 24, 2005
The present study was to test the hypothesis that, selected bacteria instilled into the gastroint... more The present study was to test the hypothesis that, selected bacteria instilled into the gastrointestinal tract could help in converting nitrogenous wastes accumulated due to renal insufficiency into non-toxic compounds; thereby, ameliorating the biochemical imbalance. Herein we describe a prospective, blinded, placebo controlled pilot-study, using 5/6th nephrectomized Sprague Dawley rat, as a chronic renal failure model. The study group consisted of 36 nephrectomized and 7 non-nephrectomized (control) rats. After two-week nephrectomy stabilization, cohorts of six nephrectomized rats were fed casein-based diet plus one of the following regimens: (A) Control, (B) Placebo (casein-based diet without probiotics), (C) Bacillus pasteurii, (D) Sporolac(R), (E) Kibow cocktail, (F) CHR Hansen Cocktail, and (G) ECONORM. Subsequently, blood (retro-orbital) and urine (collected for measurements of blood urea-nitrogen and creatinine respectively), body weight and bacterial counts (feces) were obt...
Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment, 2012
International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 2009
Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications, 2013
Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi are associated with the majority of terrestrial plan... more Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi are associated with the majority of terrestrial plants. It is well known to use VAM as biofertilizer in phosphorus deficient soil. However, our knowledge about this symbiosis is still limited. The study was done to e valuate optimum growth requirements for VAM spore production using different soil based composition and host plant. The investigation was done to evaluate maize and sorghum as hosts and 4 different soil compositions of sand, soil, vermicompost and cocopeat as substrate for better VAM sporulation. S porulation of VAM was found better in maize as compared to sorghum as host using equal portion of soil, sand and vermicompost mixture.

Tumor Biology, 2000
Our previously published data on breast cancer suggest that serum alkaline DNase, a known circula... more Our previously published data on breast cancer suggest that serum alkaline DNase, a known circulating tumour marker, can be used for treatment monitoring of cancer patients. Serum alkaline DNase activities were analyzed in 215 untreated head and neck cancer patients. The enzyme activity ranged from 0.17 to 97.97 IKU/l in untreated cancer patients. Responders (n = 314) showed significantly elevated activity of alkaline DNase as compared to untreated cancer patients (p < 0.001). While non-responders (n = 168) showed comparable activity with untreated cancer patients. Serum alkaline DNase activities were significantly elevated in responders as compared to non-responders (p < 0.001). Our clinical studies during follow-up of patients indicated that the variations in serum alkaline DNase activities in individual patients correlate closely with response to therapy. Serum alkaline DNase also appeared to be useful in predicting treatment response in the long-term follow-up of patients. Serum alkaline DNase was systematically examined as a possible indicator for recurrence in patients under complete remission. In conclusion, serum alkaline DNase may be useful as a treatment monitoring in patients with head and neck malignancies.

Oral Oncology, 1999
During replication of the linear chromosomes, telomeres, i.e. the ends of the chromosomes, are no... more During replication of the linear chromosomes, telomeres, i.e. the ends of the chromosomes, are not replicated completely by the conventional DNA polymerases. Therefore, normal somatic cells senesce after certain number of cell divisions. Telomerase is a special reverse transcriptase used by most eukaryotes to achieve immortalization. Telomerase activity has been determined in a variety of cancers. However, there are few reports on telomerase activity in head and neck cancer. The etiology of the disease in India is completely dierent from Western countries. Tobacco consumption is more prevalent in India and the mode of tobacco consumption (e.g. chewing, snung, bidi smoking, reverse smoking) is also dierent. The present study determined telomerase activity in 32 malignant tumour samples of head and neck cancer patients, 11 samples from patients with precancerous/benign lesions and 30 samples of adjacent normal tissues. Telomerase was found to be activated in 80% of the patients with head and neck cancer, 100% of the patients with precancerous/benign lesions and 74% of the adjacent normal tissues. According to the theory of ®eld cancerization, carcinogenic insults (e.g. tobacco) may result into multiple malignant foci. This fact may explain the reason for high telomerase positivity in adjacent normal as well as precancerous/benign tissues. Telomerase activation and the clinical or histopathological characteristics of the head and neck cancer patients were observed to be independent features. This is a preliminary report which has generated a greater interest for in-depth elucidation of the role of telomerase and telomeres in head and neck carcinogenesis in India. #

Oncology, 2005
Tobacco is a major etiological factor for oral cancer development, accounting 30-40% of all cance... more Tobacco is a major etiological factor for oral cancer development, accounting 30-40% of all cancer cases in India. Tobacco consumption generates free radicals and causes oxidative damages. In order to counteract these lethal effects, normal living cells have multiple antioxidant defense systems in a cascade manner. Thus, it seems that studying biological parameters, like antioxidant enzyme system, may be helpful in risk assessment and early diagnosis of oral cancer. Therefore, we analyzed erythrocytic and tissue antioxidant enzyme activities in terms of glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and plasma thiol levels. Study included healthy controls with no habit of tobacco (NHT, n = 25), controls with habit of tobacco (WHT, n = 31) and oral cancer patients (n = 52). All the parameters were analyzed with highly sensitive and specific spectrophotometric methods. Erythrocytic SOD and plasma thiol levels were significantly lower (p = 0.03), while GPx and CAT levels were higher (p = 0.017) in WHT as compared to NHT. No significant changes in GST and GR levels were observed between NHT and WHT. GST, GR, SOD and CAT activities were significantly higher (p = 0.05, p < 0.001, p = 0.003 and p < 0.001, respectively) while GPx and thiol levels were lower (p = 0.035 and p < 0.001, respectively) in oral cancer as compared to WHT. Odds ratio for erythrocytic GR, SOD, CAT and plasma thiol showed significantly higher risk of oral cancer development in WHT. Mean levels of SOD and CAT were increased, while GPx and thiol were decreased with the increase in habit duration in oral cancer. GST, GR and SOD activities were significantly higher (p = 0.0001, p = 0.005 and p = 0.005, respectively), while, CAT and thiol levels were lower (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.015, respectively) in malignant tissues as compared to adjacent normal tissues. The data revealed that evaluation of antioxidant enzyme activities and thiol levels in WHT can be helpful to identify individuals at a higher risk of oral cancer development

Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2005
Oral cancer accounts for one third of all malignancies in India where habit of tobacco consumptio... more Oral cancer accounts for one third of all malignancies in India where habit of tobacco consumption is the major etiologic factor, which causes field cancerization in oral mucosa. Multiple molecular events in oral mucosa due to field cancerization may be the cause of local and regional lymph node involvement in oral cancer resulting into low overall survival, high recurrence rate, and poor prognosis. Several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been shown to play an important role in the invasion and metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). MMP-2 and MMP-9 are capable of degrading type-IV collagen, which is a major component of basement membrane. Therefore, we studied MMP-2 and MMP-9 activation by gelatin zymography, which is cost effective alternate to ELISA method, in patients with oral SCCs to predict their role in metastatic potentials. Thirty-nine patients of oral SCCs were classified as non-metastatic (n = 28), and metastatic (n = 11) according to regional lymph node involvement. Malignant and adjacent normal tissues of the patients were collected at the time of surgery. Gelatin zymography was carried out using 7.5% polyacrylamide gel under non-denaturing and non-reducing conditions. Zymograms were analyzed densitometrically. Latent and active forms of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were expressed as ng/50 microg of protein. Latent and active forms of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were significantly elevated in malignant tissues as compared to their adjacent normal tissues (P < 0.05). Total MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities were also significantly elevated in malignant tissues as compared to adjacent normal tissues (P = 0.005 and P = 0.028, respectively). Activation ratio of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were significantly elevated in malignant tissues as compared to adjacent normal tissues. Activation of MMP-2 was prominent (11%) than MMP-9 (5%) in malignant tissues. Activation ratio of MMP-2 was significantly elevated in patients with lymph node metastasis than patients without lymph node metastasis (P = 0.005). Receiver's operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis revealed that activation ratio of MMP-2 discriminate better than and activation ratio of MMP-9 between patients with and without lymph node metastasis. Activation ratio of MMP-2 could predict risk of lymph node metastasis development in patients without lymph node involvement. The study concluded that activation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 was significantly higher in malignant tissues as compared to adjacent normal tissues. Further, activation ratio of MMP-2 was significantly elevated in patients with lymph node metastasis as compared to patients without lymph node metastasis, which could predict risk of lymph node metastasis development in node negative patients.

International Journal of Cancer, 1999
Serum and tumor cytosolic levels of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione-reductase (GR... more Serum and tumor cytosolic levels of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione-reductase (GR) activity were determined spectrophotometrically. The levels were correlated with clinicopathological criteria and a tobacco-associated protein band (T band) found in serum. The results showed significantly decreased mean serum GST levels (p < 0.02) in cancer patients as compared with controls. However, mean serum GR levels were significantly higher in patients than in controls (p < 0.01). T-band-positive patients showed low GST and low GR activity as compared with T-band-negative patients. Tumor cytosolic-enzyme levels of GST and GR activity were significantly higher (p < 0.0003 and p < 0.0001, respectively) than in corresponding adjacent noncancerous mucosa. Tumour cytosolic GST and GR activity showed significant association with clinicopathologic criteria, e.g., stage, histologic grade and nodal involvement. T-band-negative patients showed significantly higher levels of GST (p < 0.0001) than did T-band-positive patients. Low levels of cytosolic GST may be associated with increased susceptibility towards carcinogen-induced damage. The results suggest that the presence of T band in the sera may be associated with a high-risk phenotype due to decreased detoxification ability.
Papers by Dr. Beena Patel