Kaare Eriksen
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Papers by Kaare Eriksen
The authors conclude that Pecha Kucha is suitable for this type of presentations, although the flow of such presentations should be considered if used in connection with formal examination.
There are several problems to handle when setting up collaborative projects between University
Design Programs and external partners like companies. Research in this area would therefore be of
educational relevance, and the paper lines up significant problems followed by suggestions to create a
smoother collaboration between such parts. According to a global survey10 in this area university
teachers and design program managers in many parts of the world highly value collaborative projects
with external partners like industrial companies. It is often problematic, though, to agree upon
conditions that satisfy the company and the university when it comes to matters like confidentiality
and intellectual rights property. The involved students and staff from the university and the companies
find themselves in a grey zone with only a few if any standard solutions. The author therefore suggest
a scale that balances the involvement, investment and benefits from the involved parts and gives 3
examples on types of collaboration that could be used as a reference to qualify the discussion among
the involved parts in collaborative projects.
Dette paper oplister betydende problemstillinger i samarbejdsprojekter mellem designuddannelser og eksterne parter såsom virksomheder. Der opstilles tillige en række samarbejdsmodeller, der foreslås anvendt for mere smidigt samarbejde. Ifølge en global screening om virksomhedssamarbejde med 10 universiteters designuddannelser, sættes der stor pris på sådanne samarbejder. Men det er ofte svært at enes om betingelser, der tilfredsstiller alle parter, når det drejer sig om forhold såsom tavshedspligt, ophavsrettigheder og lignende.
I den sammenhæng arvejder studerende og ansatte på både universitet og i samarbejdsvirksomhederne i en gråzone med få eller ingen standardløsninger.
Forfatterne foreslår derfor en skala, der afbalancerer involvering, investering og gevinster ved sådanne samarbejder og giver 3 eksempler på samarbejdstyper, der kan bruges som reference til at kvalificere diskussionen mellem parterne i denne type samarbejdsforhold.
The authors conclude that Pecha Kucha is suitable for this type of presentations, although the flow of such presentations should be considered if used in connection with formal examination.
There are several problems to handle when setting up collaborative projects between University
Design Programs and external partners like companies. Research in this area would therefore be of
educational relevance, and the paper lines up significant problems followed by suggestions to create a
smoother collaboration between such parts. According to a global survey10 in this area university
teachers and design program managers in many parts of the world highly value collaborative projects
with external partners like industrial companies. It is often problematic, though, to agree upon
conditions that satisfy the company and the university when it comes to matters like confidentiality
and intellectual rights property. The involved students and staff from the university and the companies
find themselves in a grey zone with only a few if any standard solutions. The author therefore suggest
a scale that balances the involvement, investment and benefits from the involved parts and gives 3
examples on types of collaboration that could be used as a reference to qualify the discussion among
the involved parts in collaborative projects.
Dette paper oplister betydende problemstillinger i samarbejdsprojekter mellem designuddannelser og eksterne parter såsom virksomheder. Der opstilles tillige en række samarbejdsmodeller, der foreslås anvendt for mere smidigt samarbejde. Ifølge en global screening om virksomhedssamarbejde med 10 universiteters designuddannelser, sættes der stor pris på sådanne samarbejder. Men det er ofte svært at enes om betingelser, der tilfredsstiller alle parter, når det drejer sig om forhold såsom tavshedspligt, ophavsrettigheder og lignende.
I den sammenhæng arvejder studerende og ansatte på både universitet og i samarbejdsvirksomhederne i en gråzone med få eller ingen standardløsninger.
Forfatterne foreslår derfor en skala, der afbalancerer involvering, investering og gevinster ved sådanne samarbejder og giver 3 eksempler på samarbejdstyper, der kan bruges som reference til at kvalificere diskussionen mellem parterne i denne type samarbejdsforhold.