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Portrait Mode

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Fake Portrait mode selfies available on older iPhones in Facebook Messenger update

Portrait mode selfie

Portrait mode was a headline feature for the iPhone 7 Plus, dual cameras allowing the stock Camera app to blur the background. A Portrait mode selfie feature came to the iPhone X, XS and XS Plus, thanks to the TrueDepth camera system.

But you can now take a (fake) Portrait mode selfie on older iPhones thanks to an update to Facebook’s Messenger app …


Hands-on with iPhone XS real-time preview of Depth Control in Portrait mode

iphone xs max depth

iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max include the ability to edit the blur level on Portrait mode photos after they’ve been captured, and Apple has teased that the ability to edit blur in Portrait mode previews is coming in a future software update. The real-time preview in Depth Control feature is actually available now in the iOS 12.1 developer and public beta release for iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Here’s how it works:


iOS 11: How to remove Portrait Mode effect after photo was taken

When Apple launched the iPhone 7 Plus, one of the biggest features was the dual-camera system’s Portrait Mode. The mode gives images a DSLR-like background blur, albeit with some hiccups occassionally. Sometimes the effect looks unnatural or just blurs key areas of the photo.

On iOS 10, if you didn’t have the option to keep the normal photo enabled under Settings, you might’ve lost a perfectly good moment. It may not have been perfect on day one, but Apple has been making improvements to the effect over various iOS updates.

On iOS 11, photographers will now be able to disable the depth effect even after the photo has already been taken without managing the setting. Let’s take a look how.


Apple promoting Portrait Mode Depth Effect in latest iPhone 7 Plus video ads [Update]

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[UPDATE: Brazilian Carnival-themed ad included below the fold.]

Apple has published new iPhone 7 Plus video ads that highlight Portrait Mode with the flagship model’s Camera app.

The first video is called Soul Mate and explains how Portrait Mode makes the subject stand out from the background when Blur Effect is applied. While Portrait Mode was first tuned to work best with people’s faces, this video demonstrates the feature on a dog sitting still (which may be the hardest part).


Apple releases first iOS 10.1 public beta with Portrait mode for iPhone 7 Plus, first macOS 10.12.1 public beta

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Coming just a day after Apple released the iOS 10.1 developer beta 1 with the new depth of field effect, the iOS 10.1 public beta is also now available. Users installing the public beta on the iPhone 7 Plus will see the new beta Portrait mode under their camera settings. Users on the macOS Sierra public beta will also be seeing the first macOS 10.12.1 public beta update rolling out too.
