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Lyft can now pull destinations from your calendar, as #DeleteUber campaign sees it shoot up app charts

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Ordering a Lyft ride just got easier – in theory, at least – as it can now pull destinations from your calendar. Provided you give the app permission to access your iPhone calendar, you can select the ‘Add from calendar’ option under Destinations, and then tap on the event. This follows Uber introducing the same functionality earlier this month.

There is, though, a catch which is likely to limit the functionality for most people …


Apple reportedly among companies that held potential acquisition talks with Lyft

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While Apple made a $1 billion investment in Chinese ride-hailing service Didi Chuxing earlier this year, it apparently also held talks with Lyft, another popular car request service, regarding an acquisition. According to a report from the New York Times, Lyft has recently held discussions with handful of companies to discuss a possible acquisition, with Apple being one of them.


Designers mock up Apple Watch versions of popular iOS applications

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Facebook Messenger

Thinkapps’ Build Blog has published a few designer mockups showing what popular third-party applications might look like on Apple’s new smartwatch with some interesting results. The apps were created by several different designers, and you can see that each app maintains some of the branding and design you’d expect while conforming to the smaller wearable UI and its new input devices like the Digital Crown.

Above you’ll find the design for Facebook Messenger, which features a contact view made up of circular contact photos with online indicators that closely resembles the watch’s home screen. The message view sports a single reply button that presumably uses the device’s built-in dictation capability to compose a response.

Below you’ll find designs for apps like Beats Music, Skype, Uber, YouTube, and more. Keep in mind that these designs are hardly official, but represent the types of user interfaces you might see when the folks in Cupertino release the Apple Watch early next year.


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Video: Conan, Ice Cube, & Kevin Hart take a ride with the Lyft for iPhone app (Possibly NSFW)

If you’ve never been in a Lyft car, Conan has teamed up with rapper Ice Cube and comedian Kevin Hart to offer some insight on what the experience is like. Your move, Uber.
