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Journal created:
on 14 September 2009 (#22346385)
on 18 October 2016
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
All 9 Slashers Unite

This community is for individuals who enjoy romantically pairing the males and females of the Shane Acker film, "9", with members of the same sex.

And with every community, there has to be some ground rules.

1. No advertising anything that doesn't have to do with slash, or 9. This is not a place for shameless plugs, or anything of the sort.

2. Fighting, trolls, plain rudeness, etc., will not be tolerated. Please try to get along with your fellow members, and keep hurtful comments to yourself. We are here to join in something we share an interest in.

3. When posting a long entry, please put it behind an lj_cut.

4. When posting adult material, please also put it behind an lj_cut. We don't wanna scare the children away :P

5. No introduction posts, please. Just jump right in.

6. Please rate the content of your fanfics, fanart, etc., when posting, and a brief summary on your fanfic and/or artwork.

7. Post tags on your entries, please.

8. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please contact beachy_sun

9, or slash related communities: 9_movie stitchpunkgirls slash femmeslash
