? ?
Journal created:
on 25 January 2003 (#872082)
on 12 April 2008
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
**'just know'ing things (it may come to you in a dream, or pop up as a seemingly random thought)**

This is how I tend to explain my ESP. I just seem to know some things before they happen. I can't control it; thoughts just come to me- I get 'hunches' about things. I have been unable to find a community looking for people like myself, so I decided to create my own to find others to share my experiences with, and maybe learn to expand on this.

This community is made for people who have/feel they have ESP (extra sensory perception). ESP by most definitions includes all or some of the following types of things:

TELEPATHY: the ability to 'tune in' to the thoughts of others, or to inject your own thoughts into another's mind

CLAIRVOYANCE: the power to see things that aren't available to you by the known senses and which aren't known by anyone else

PRECOGNITION: the skill of looking into the future and seeing events before they take place, often through the subconscious when dreaming.

PSYCHOKINESIS: the ability to use the power of the mind to influence matter- to move objects by thought, for example.

Now, I'm not saying that people with ESP are necessarily 'mind readers' per say. We are not all 'psychic' and things like that. Some of us just know things for no apparent reason, and often cannot control it. Some of the lucky ones are able to actually read peoples' minds and control/aim their ESP to do what they want, when they want. The majority of people I have talked to are *not* in this catagory. The majority are in the former, I believe.

This is a place to have fun, share your thoughts, experiences with others like you! Take advantage of it!

