? ?
[21] Final Fantasy VII (Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Lucrecia, Shelke)
[03] Final Fantasy VIII (Rinoa)
[04] Final Fantasy X (Yuna, Rikku, Lulu)
[15] Final Fantasy X-2 (Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Lenne)
[01] Final Fantasy XII (Ashe)
[06] Final Fantasy XIII (Lightning)

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking. Blanks are not bases. Got it memorized?


The girls too can play as rough as the boys canCollapse )
♥: hungryhungry
♪: Last Night by Diddy feat. Keyshia Cole
19 July 2007 @ 06:24 pm
[50] Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Comment, credit and no hotlinking. Blanks are not bases. Got it memorized?


Are sins... ever forgiven?Collapse )
♥: nervousnervous
♪: Jazz 3 by The Sims: Bustin' Out OST
[06 icons + 02 banners] Kingdom Hearts II [Leon, Cloud, Leon/Cloud]

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking.


What? You're fighting too?Collapse )
♥: creativecreative
♪: Ghostusters Theme Song
09 July 2007 @ 01:26 am
[11] Kingdom Hearts [Sora, Sora/Roxas, Gullwings, Kairi, Auron, Leon/Cloud, Leon]
[08] Final Fantasy VIII [Squall/Rinoa, Squall]
[01] Final Fantasy VII [Sephiroth, Aerith]
[06] Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus [Vincent, Cloud, Cloud/Tifa]
[03] Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core [Zack, Zack/Aerith]
[36] Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children [Cloud/Tifa, Tifa, Reno, Aerith, Sephiroth, Cloud, Vincent, Kadaj, Cloud/Denzel, Denzel, Yuffie/Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Kadaj]
[02] Actresses [Vanessa Ferlito, Vanessa Ferlito/Rosario Dawson]

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking. Blanks are not bases. Got it memorized?


Sleep with one eye open gripping your pillow tightCollapse )
♥: chipperchipper
♪: Enter Sandman by Metallica
06 July 2007 @ 11:40 pm
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children x 28 [Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Reno, Aerith, Vincent, CloTi]
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus x 6 [Vincent, Cloud/Rosso]
Final Fantasy XIII x 2 [Lightning]
Kingdom Hearts II x 5 [Leon, Leon/Sora, Leon/Cloud, CloTi]

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking. Blanks are not bases.


I've got all my sisters and meCollapse )
♥: productiveproductive
♪: We Are Family by Sisters Sledge
15 February 2007 @ 06:02 pm
I had the sudden urge to make icons and banners out of Ashley so... here they are. It's not much, but I love these pictures of her.

Icons -- 7
Banners -- 5



Comment, credit and no hotlinking. DO NOT use the banners as bases for icons because if you do, I will hit you over the head with my broomstick.

♥: hungryhungry
15 February 2007 @ 10:54 am
Various WWE Superstars // Harry Potter // Scenes from random beaches // Vanessa Ferlito // High School Musical // Rent // Ryan Sheckler // Austin Powers // ECW Banner


Comment, credit and no hotlinking. Blanks are not bases.

08 February 2007 @ 12:02 pm
WWE // Harry Potter // School of Rock // Vanessa Ferlito // Kelly Hu // Supernatural


Comment, credit and no hotlinking.

♥: boredbored
♪: Highway To Hell : AC/DC
04 February 2007 @ 10:29 pm
100 Icons of Rob Van Dam

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking; me no likey.


♥: accomplishedaccomplished
31 January 2007 @ 10:19 pm
WWE User Info Banners

John Cena
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Ashley Massaro
Rob Van Dam
Mickie James
Johnny Nitro
Rey Mysterio

Comment, credit and no hotlinking.

Do not use these as bases for icons or whatever graphics. If you do, I will get angry and you will not like me when I'm angry.

♥: busybusy
23 January 2007 @ 11:22 am
Jeff Hardy Icons

Meant to make 250 icons of Jeff for a community but I had to drop my claim for him because I just feel kinda... lost right now.


Comment, credit and no hotlinking
♥: accomplishedaccomplished
22 January 2007 @ 06:21 pm
[7] WWE Love Bars

Amy Dumas // John Cena // Team Xtreme // Matt Hardy/Amy Dumas // Rob Van Dam // Jeff Hardy

Comment, credit and no hotlinking.

Requests are open if you want your own love bar. All you have to do is just provide me with FIVE pictures of whoever you want on your love bar. And by whoever I really mean whoever you want. Actors, actresses, artists, atheletes... anyone. The limit is one person gets to request for THREE love bars.

Oh yeah, you all should know, Photobucket isn't working for me right now and any links from Photobucket won't work for me so I suggest that if you want to request for a love bar, you'd better upload your pictures into
21 January 2007 @ 03:39 pm

Random icons made with PSP X. Thank to Jen for the tutorials over at her community (goodbyetuesday)

Vanessa Hudgens // Ashley Tisdale // Various WWE Superstars // CSI:NY

Comment, credit and no hotlinking.


Subject: Matt Hardy (Batch #2)
Themes: No themes. 100/100 icons (link to Batch #1 is behind the LJ cut).
Warnings/Disclaimers: None.
Credit:,, Google
Notes: -

Comment + Credit + No hotlinking = LOVE


Subject: Matt Hardy (Batch #1)
Themes: No themes. 50/100 icons.
Warnings/Disclaimers: None.
Credit:,, Google
Notes: Meant to put this up earlier but somehow I can't access my Photobucket so I had to use my Flickr account. Oh yeah, random appearances by Jeff Hardy, Lita, Fear Factor's Joe Rogan, Ashley Massaro and random fan(s).

Comment + Credit + No hotlinking = LOVE
