? ?
24 June 2013 @ 01:03 am
So, heya! I don't know if anyone still checks this community, but one day I just decided to make icons again. They aren't much; it's just 8 icons from Monster High since that is my current obsession.

A lot has happened since I last posted here, so it may take me a while again to update, but I do intend on starting to make icons. For now, enjoy :D


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Monsters, monsters, yes we are!Collapse )
♥: nervousnervous
♪: In My Memory - Tiesto
04 October 2011 @ 04:45 pm
Hi! It's been a LONG time since there has been any activity going on in this community! Anyway, I have gone by many names here. I'm sure a few of you remember as fierydiamond and doreenxx. Well, I am back with a brand new username (geekypinky) and I am trying to get my Photoshop groove back!

So here I come with an offering; a wallpaper for those Kingdom Hearts fans out there; specifically fans of Leon and Cloud! Here's a preview of the wallpaper!

Click the cut for the full wallpaper!Collapse )

I hope to revive this community and I'm sorry for the long delay! To those who have been with us, thank you!

EDIT: I didn't realise that Photobucket resized my picture. Hmph. Anyway, full-size one can be seen here.
♥: productiveproductive
♪: Loser Like Me - Glee cast
03 February 2010 @ 09:50 pm
I dunno how many people will read this, but the community is coming back to life! By the way, this is fierydiamond ; I'm using a new journal. As we speak, I'm preparing a batch of icons to post as my comeback to this community.

It has been dead for far too long; it's time to wake up!
♥: determineddetermined
♪: Michelle Branch - Hotel Paper | Powered by
15 June 2009 @ 03:15 am
[01-04] Arsenal
[05-18] A Rocket To The Moon, McFly, The Maine
[19-44] Bradley James, Chris Pine, Sam Worthington, Ewan McGregor
[45-52] True Blood
[53-68] Angels & Demons, Harry Potter and the HBP

More here
03 February 2009 @ 10:59 am
Moulin Rouge

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The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in returnCollapse )
♥: boredbored
♪: Bella's Lullaby by Twilight OST
02 February 2009 @ 06:58 pm
As promised, here's the icon post! Probably my biggest one so far; almost 120 icons.

Demi Lovato || Jared Padalecki || Jensen Ackles || Jonas Brothers || Manips || Plastic!Winchesters || Selena Gomez || Supernatural || Taylor Swift || Vanessa Ferlito

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But the memories we share are there to borrowCollapse )

[x] If you don't know yet, NEW LAYOUT!!!
♥: nervousnervous
♪: Paul Ford - Vaya Con Dios | Powered by
02 February 2009 @ 06:44 pm
Hey guys! Happy belated new year XD I finally set up a new layout and new header; check it out!

5staricons // 5staricons // 5staricons

Also, an icon post is coming up. I'm just taking my sweet time uploading them XD
♥: dorkydorky
30 December 2008 @ 10:51 pm
Not too happy with this batch either, but I figured I'd better post it seeing as 2008 is coming to an end and I would like to post off the remainder of the icons I made.

Jonas Brothers || Demi Lovato || Taylor Swift || Selena Gomez

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I'm just a poor boy nobody loves meCollapse )

PIMPAGE: If you love Kevin Jonas, then come join kevjonasdaily!

Seeing as tomorrow is the last day of 2008, I would like to thank the members of the community for sticking with the community. As of late, we currently have about 80 members, and I find that really awesome! We're working towards 100 members, so keep at it!

Also, I changed the layout for the community :)

So, Merry (belated) Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody! See you in 2009!
♥: listlesslistless
17 December 2008 @ 03:15 pm
Jonas Brothers | Demi Lovato | Selena Gomez | Taylor Swift

This batch is very, very mixed up because I was too lazy to bother to categorize them =p Again, simple colourings because I like the simple, natural look =) I'm not liking this batch much, but owh well!

And sorry for spamming your page =/

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Beautiful but you don't even tryCollapse )

SHAMELESS PLUGGING:Owh, and I would like to take the chance to ask you guys to join joe_taylor if you love Joe Jonas/Taylor Swift! It's not much seeing as I just made it, but if you guys could join and contribute, it would be awesome :D

Also, changed the layout since it's nearly Christmas! :D
♥: sleepysleepy
♪: Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms
24 November 2008 @ 03:23 am
Just a very simple batch, because I am lacking creativity. These icons mainly focus on getting a clear, simple, bright-enough colouring on them. And, yes, all of these are icons of the Jonas Brothers, my current obsession and guilty pleasure.


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If the heart is always searchingCollapse )
♥: nervousnervous
♪: When You Look Me In The Eyes by Jonas Brothers feat. Demi Lovato
16 November 2008 @ 01:02 am
Ehhhhh, I've forgotten. AGAIN. Last year I was a day late and this year, I'm TWO days late.


Happy 2nd anniversary to the community!

I know the community has been dead for a long time, but believe me, I am working on an icon post as we speak. There should be a post before Christmas time because by then I would have already be home for my semester break and I'll be able to have better Internet connection.

So, don't give up on us!

I'm really, really working on it T_T
♥: determineddetermined
♪: Joyful Kings by Jonas Brothers
05 November 2008 @ 08:33 pm
Just so you know, no, I'm not dead. I've been busy with college and stuff but my semester will end by next Friday.

In the mean time, between typing essays, reports and presentations, I've managed to come up with a few icons per day and I am planning a to post a huge batch around Christmas time.

Thanks for having faith in this community! I'm trying, I really am ^^;
♥: determineddetermined
♪: Lovebug by Jonas Brothers
12 October 2008 @ 11:55 am
Layout change!!!

I know it's a little too early, seeing as October has just begun, but I can't help it! Besides, I have a feeling I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks and by the time semester ends, it'll already be December so why not just make one in advance? XDD
♥: cheerfulcheerful
♪: White Christmas by Celine Dion
13 September 2008 @ 01:13 pm
→ Celebrities (Drew Fuller ; Vanessa Ferlito)
→ Final Fantasy (VII ; VIII ; X-2 ; XII ; XIII ; vs XIII)
→ Pirates of the Caribbean
→ Supernatural
→ Misc (The Dark Knight ; Tekken)

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→ No hotlinking


I wear a halo when you look at meCollapse )

xx I didn't know the textures I used had... names... and... words... on them, so let's just ignore that, ey? ^_^;;
♥: hungryhungry
♪: Halo by Bethany Joy Lenz
08 September 2008 @ 02:43 am
[01-16] Arsenal
[17-24] Jeremy Wariner
[25-36] The Dark Knight (text)
[37-44] Lord of the Rings
[45-48] CSI:NY
[49-50] Miranda Otto
[51-52] Ben Barnes

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